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im finding already theres hackers and exploiters. this one guy named something like [TSM]OpTics or something along those lines was rapid firing the sakura/havoc gun and killing the whole team from base thru the base walls. she got over 300 kills in like 5 mins.


Yeah these people suck. We're doing our best to minimise situations like these in the future, but we will never be able to completely block cheaters from Renegade X.

We strongly encourage you to report this to the server owner so that they can ban this person from their server.

Yeah these people suck. We're doing our best to minimise situations like these in the future, but we will never be able to completely block cheaters from Renegade X.

We strongly encourage you to report this to the server owner so that they can ban this person from their server.

What is the possibility of having the game add a feature that creates a randomized serial hash per player upon downloading the game? It would certainly help keep evaders out, since proxies are pretty easy to come by now-a-days.


HWID is much easier to change than IP.

As far as I know, they must call up their service provider and ask them to change IP addresses unless they have dynamic and most people don't have dynamic IP anymore because that was usually for DSL.


Having to reinstall every time they got banned would at least push a few cheating evaders away from the game. A hard drive volume serial number would definitely work better if that were indeed possible and legal though.


Met at least two hackers today in the same match, both had some kind of Aimbot and/or wallhack and used Havocs and Sydneys all the time. The worst thing is that they took on the same names as other normal players of the match to mask their identity.

If you call out any hackers, make sure that you check if that name is not used by someone else, too.


some hackers change their name every second to an other name of a player on the server


^^watch the player on position 1 on the nod side ;)

he also bought GDI units on GDI terminals and killed the GDI REF with an ion

the Havoc that appears on the left side (walked from WF to PP) is the cheater


ppl talk tho as if there are no aimbots for renegade x, but it being an unreal engine game then all the aimbots that work on unreal should still work on here.

ive seen all the "their just good players" thing all the way back to ut99 when playing clanbase wars, even went as far as the old method of modifying your anticheat so the cheats didnt work due to your modified UTPure/AShoHo/Etc package, hell you could even play back an aimbotters demo with a spare copy of UT runnign an aimbot and see them tracking heads/flag carriers etc thru walls etc. (i believe back then we as server admins could stop all aimbots except newer versions of elfbot that ran externally and couldnt be stopped)

good players are idd good and fair play, but it goes beyond "good" when their being good amazingly fast, far 2 fast to be good by normal means and you see them doing things that shouldnt be possible.

there are several sites and has been for ages that offer cheats for unreal engine games and loads of other games, some even come at a price instead of free, so their out there, they always have been, just because renegade x is "newish" doesnt mean its not already got a ton of rdy to go aimbots by unreal inheritance.

it just dont know if its fixable, i do remember the talks we had back on ut99 onwards about anticheats basically being at the mercy of unrealscript which just cant do whats needed to defeat cheats that patch in externally, hopefully tho this has improved since ut99/2k3's days.


it is not stopable ...

but there are ways to limit the numbers of cheaters to those who really want to cheat ...

those people who put an efford in cheating, those who pay for cheats, those who are willing to pay

for vpn and willing and able to use tools that massively change their systems to hide identity (stupid idiots) ...

and probably those who are able to actually code a hack them self ...

if it could be limited to those cheaters it would be far more easy to moderate!

at the moment every single free hack that came out for UT3 seems to somehow work ... and there tons of free cheats

so every 8 year old is able to cheat

and could you please remove the name of the cheat site?

everyone can easy think what is the name of the site ... even if it is popular, we should not promote it here!


Wow, this is really bothersome. And it's causing me to call into question just how much of my poor performance in recent playthroughs is due to my own lack of skill, or if it's due to running into hackers and cheaters.

When playing Ren X I'd run into a sort of "Useless Useful Spell" scenario, to borrow a TVTropes term. You know, where something is amazingly effective when the enemy uses it on you, but if you get your hands on it, it does jack squat for you. I've run into this problem the most when on foot; trying to fight other infantry is often a nightmare as I can never seem to actually outdamage whoever's shooting me before they kill me, no matter the matchup.

Up until now, I had assumed it's because I'm just that bad of a player. I really try not to be That Guy who thinks any time he's beaten it's because the other guy is hacking or using "overpowered" crap. However, on other FPS/TPS games I'm usually not this bad, so ...


Trev-MUN, or any other that feels like being useless, I propose you try to join on teamspeak in one of the more popular servers. There will surely be people there that can give you feedback to become better.

I'm mostly on ts3.thekoss2.org myself on European evenings, and mostly on ts.rencorner.com as well. Always willing to help.

it is not stopable ...

but there are ways to limit the numbers of cheaters to those who really want to cheat ...

those people who put an efford in cheating, those who pay for cheats, those who are willing to pay

for vpn and willing and able to use tools that massively change their systems to hide identity (stupid idiots) ...

and probably those who are able to actually code a hack them self ...

if it could be limited to those cheaters it would be far more easy to moderate!

at the moment every single free hack that came out for UT3 seems to somehow work ... and there tons of free cheats

so every 8 year old is able to cheat

and could you please remove the name of the cheat site?

everyone can easy think what is the name of the site ... even if it is popular, we should not promote it here!

tru but they took all of 2 seconds to find via google, those who wanna know will do so regardless, those of us who dont care wont.

Wow, this is really bothersome. And it's causing me to call into question just how much of my poor performance in recent playthroughs is due to my own lack of skill, or if it's due to running into hackers and cheaters.

When playing Ren X I'd run into a sort of "Useless Useful Spell" scenario, to borrow a TVTropes term. You know, where something is amazingly effective when the enemy uses it on you, but if you get your hands on it, it does jack squat for you. I've run into this problem the most when on foot; trying to fight other infantry is often a nightmare as I can never seem to actually outdamage whoever's shooting me before they kill me, no matter the matchup.

Up until now, I had assumed it's because I'm just that bad of a player. I really try not to be That Guy who thinks any time he's beaten it's because the other guy is hacking or using "overpowered" crap. However, on other FPS/TPS games I'm usually not this bad, so ...

there are ppl who are good, the biggest indicator of something being quite wrong is noticing the kills racking up in succession far too fast far too regularly, and if your on the same team you end up noticing them doing things you think arent possible, then later once u check your findings just to make sure, and find out its not all peachy.


tru but they took all of 2 seconds to find via google, those who wanna know will do so regardless, those of us who dont care wont.

ofcourse, anyways we do not need to nudge people in those ;)


Welp, it's pretty much every server I join now... Not fun, not playable anymore. And this is only with the ones blatantly doing it in order to advertise the cheat site and get more suckers to pay them for it (sad lol). But now think of the other "smarter" ones not being blatant but still cheating with stealth detection and aimbot... Way to kill an already niche community. I know I'm taking a break until they get bored. Was fun while it lasted.

Titanfall will hold me over.


Ran into the hacker with a website for his name in Rencorner just recently. He got killed a few times and his team was losing so he left. Good thing there's no invincibility hack, and no hack to make yourself not a total suckass at the game.

Ran into the hacker with a website for his name in Rencorner just recently. He got killed a few times and his team was losing so he left. Good thing there's no invincibility hack, and no hack to make yourself not a total suckass at the game.

I have a good idea who you're referring to, but I'm not sure if the forums allow you to name them. But I am dead positive it has something to do with anarchy.


Yeah the game seems to already need patching. Some of the most common speedhacks I see running today. But since you can change your name in the game this may be of no help. There was also some griefing us at the base. One aimbot from the hill. But the player at base appeared to be under the map surface. They saw you even if you were in stealth blackhand. Death almost immediately coming out of any door in any building.


Saw an aimbotter today, was one shotting everyone instantly. Here's the player, just check the stats.. http://renegade-x.com/leaderboard.php?search=MrEpicGoat

If an admin is not on the server what can we do, what options are there for us right now? Also maybe useful for server operators/owners to give some voting access or something to report..

This game can easily be killed by cheaters.. This needs to be addressed fast before it becomes a problem that is a lot worse than it is now.

I think a reporting system is best where players can report cheaters. If there's a lot of reports for someone then once 100% confirmed they can be globally banned. You would need a global ban list and something to identify players so servers can pretty much ban a cheater and prevent him from rejoining again under a different identity or just joining another server. The key to this is all servers should work together and not be individuals.

Also a bit of risk factor helps prevent more hackers by giving life-time bans to cheaters/hackers who try to hide it by being very subtle and say 5 years to those hackers that are not hiding it at all and doing it because their naive. For a free game, if you don't have a way to punish and prevent people wanting to hack, then it will only get worse.

If an admin is not on the server what can we do, what options are there for us right now?

There is not much right now that you can do. But the first patch (wich is looking to be released very soon) will change that. The first patch will feature a way to record and to report cheaters and will feature a global ban list. We will give out details on this soon together with the release of the patch. We dont tolerate cheating and everyone using cheats should know that they will risk a global ban.


That is awesome, I edited my post to include a suggestion rather than just pointing out the obvious and you've pretty much got my suggestions covered.

Please also take a look at that guy I linked. I did not take screenshots or anything, because I really didn't think right now there would be anything to stop him, but once the global ban list comes out, there's no harm in adding confirmed cheaters, in my opinion. As for that guy, his Steam account even has a VAC ban on it.

Also again, it's preventing cheaters that's going to stop further spread, not getting rid of them as they will always come. Having maybe a monthly announcement of hackers being banned permanently should show to future cheaters to not be tempted to try it or take that path.


I'd say a vote kick that requires less people to initiate would help a lot and that would set on some type of temp ban? I'd bet half the people don't even see the light colored text at the top during a vote


This is already starting to kill the game. Every time I've tried to play the past few days there's been one full US server, one half full, and the rest ghost towns.

Everyone I convinced to download it with me when beta started has quit playing due to the proliferation of hackers the past week.


Just a question, guys: I've run into situations where my character suddenly dies and the death message says I committed suicide; the kill icon is just a skull and crossbones. Most recently this happened while a group of Engineers (including myself) were trying to disarm a beacon. It happened to me and several other engies.

What's going on here? Is this a bug, someone hacking?


I believe that is a bug that occurs when information differs from client to server. So someone probably had a timed c4 that was near the beacon, but it got bugged so that it existed server side, but not client sided for some reason. This is mostly theory in logic based on how splash damage is calculated and how the server to client and client to server connections can differ. It may be wrong, but I believe that that may be the case for what you just explained (you are not the first to report such an instance).

It could be a different bug all together as well, but I do not think any cheat exists that can cause a player to have the server execute faulty kill logs.


Yes it could have been a c4. If the planter of the c4 dies the deathmessages will tell that you suicided. So the engineers probably killed the planter but then died by his c4.


thing is nothing can be done about as people keep saying post there name here pointless when you can just rename yourself ect the only way i can see this slowing down is in game admins + a anit cheat system what forces you to install to play on the servers and a patch for the game am not sure whats the people who made the game are as not heard nothing about sorting something out ?


I really believe in the strengths of in-game checks/algorithms/whatever that detect unusual behaviour server side and ban according to this.

I really see this is a near-perfect way to rid anything that alters damage, rate of fire, speed...

Even aimbots can be detected that way.

I think that is really something they will have to work on building up. Its the most realistic approach, in terms of workload and efficiency, for this game.

  • 1 year later...
some hackers change their name every second to an other name of a player on the server


^^watch the player on position 1 on the nod side ;)

he also bought GDI units on GDI terminals and killed the GDI REF with an ion

the Havoc that appears on the left side (walked from WF to PP) is the cheater

here is the video


That has been fixed in B3 already as far as i know. You cant change your nick like that anymore. This thread is a year old.

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