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Okay, that might have been a slightly over the top way of saying it but seriously: What the fuck is up with gaming tactics!? Four mammoths on Field, camping around Nod base entry, airstrip is gone and all the vehicles destroyed and they just bomb the shit out of the Hand of Nod wherein, oh, I don't know, a BAZILLION engineers sit and repair that shit and it stays at full health and that's about all that happens. FOR THIRTY FUCKING MINUTES.

Okay, so maybe we rush that obelisk. No? More firing at HoN? Go ahead then. Well.. how 'bout now? Still not. Anyone in for APC rush? Maybe if I buy a medium and lead the pack? Guess not. So we all just wait till that timer hits 0.

Every. Fucking. Time.

People, PLEASE listen to hat one guy going apeshit in teamchat and rambling about tactics and rush and whatnot. It just MIGHT be that he's played Renegade from 2001 and remembers the basic game mechanics or otherwise has some tactical ideas that might work.

Well here's what won't work: Tanks without engineers, APCs/transport helis without crew, AND FUCKING APACHES/ORCAS WHEN THERE ARE HIGH CLASS SNIPERS AROUND AND NO COUNTERPARTS ON YOUR TEAM. Also walking around on your own and trying to blow stuff up. That only works when you're a stealth black hand and have a nuke beacon. Or if the other team is bloody incompetent. So right now: most of the time.

You know what I haven't seen in a long time? Flame tank rush. Hotwire rush. A nice APC rush to base defenses.

The team here apparently made every effort to retain the old game mechanics so stuff from back then still works. If you were still in diapers when the original Renegade came out: well, that's none of your fault, but PLEASE listen to the people who weren't.


I wholeheartedly agree with you. Then again, this being pub servers we are talking about, it doesn't seem to me that a lot of people atually want to win by all means, but rather to just derp around and maybe shoot at some things here and there, and be content with that. I guess you can't force people to play the way you want. I have stopped playing alone on public servers and now exclusively play with at least one other person I can communicate with via TS.


They are also too lazy to vote off all the bots ingame haha. Really sucky. But well, it is Beta times. Let's hope that those newbies learn a lot until THE "official release". However, I agree with you Neon. It seems that none is reading the chat except the Veterans.


If the chat didn't disappear so quickly,more players would be able to read messages proposing rushes and all that.The chat-fade is gamekilling. You can't have organization if hardly anyone can read what you type.


Use the "~`" button. It shows chathistory. Also people can how start a vote for whatever you want, for example:

"Let's flame rush, who likes to help?" F1: Yes F2:No

Then you even can know or others will join your ideas or that everyone prefer to be a retard.

If the chat didn't disappear so quickly,more players would be able to read messages proposing rushes and all that.The chat-fade is gamekilling. You can't have organization if hardly anyone can read what you type.

This should be fixed in the uocoming patch I believe.


lol, anger rant.

Field is just as stalematey as it was in the original. Its kinda the signature of that map. The only other map Ive seen totally-uninteresting-point-whore-camping on is Whiteout, but thats just because Mammys are always dead if they rush, so GDI's best tactic is to sit at a distance and bash the HoN or Strip.

I understand the frustration, but you cant force people in public servers to do your bidding. Thats just the nature of the playstyle. If you want more cooperation, join a clan and do some clanwars.


People, PLEASE listen to hat one guy going apeshit in teamchat and rambling about tactics and rush and whatnot. It just MIGHT be that he's played Renegade from 2001 and remembers the basic game mechanics or otherwise has some tactical ideas that might work.

Well here's what won't work: Tanks without engineers, APCs/transport helis without crew, AND FUCKING APACHES/ORCAS WHEN THERE ARE HIGH CLASS SNIPERS AROUND AND NO COUNTERPARTS ON YOUR TEAM. Also walking around on your own and trying to blow stuff up. That only works when you're a stealth black hand and have a nuke beacon. Or if the other team is bloody incompetent. So right now: most of the time.

You know what I haven't seen in a long time? Flame tank rush. Hotwire rush. A nice APC rush to base defenses.

The team here apparently made every effort to retain the old game mechanics so stuff from back then still works. If you were still in diapers when the original Renegade came out: well, that's none of your fault, but PLEASE listen to the people who weren't.

I have had quite some luck and been in random teams that had some idea about tactics. I was never a multiplayer of the old Renegade but I was aware of basic tactics from playing Tiberian Sun. The other day while playing as Nod, one of the team members asked everyone to fall back to base and to order a Flame Tank rush against the GDI barracks. There must have been about 10 flame tanks and we took down the barracks along with lots of other enemies.

I have been in teams where about 5 SBH including myself were all armed with nukes rushed the base. Yesterday I was involved in a very early rush on the GDI barracks with engineers and infantry. I was one of the engineers and placed C4 on the MCP. I don't think the team was used to the game yet because some time later, I was able to steal their aircraft.

I have of course been on teams where no one had laid any mines by the time I had arrived and no repairs were being done. When I first started playing this one, I would go out alone as SBH and create havoc but then I quickly realised nothing was more fun and effective than team work. The only multiplayer games Ive ever played apart from Renegade X is Tiberian Sun Reborn and even that was only a few months ago.

Yeah, it's really lame how players are deathly afraid of the obelisk. They have 5 mammoth tanks but they just don't want to press into the base...

"Tall, ominous towers of doom. Does wonders for morale."

What would be good is if Renegade X had a "Boot Camp" mode where new players could learn the basics hands-on and a lot of the tactics/counters that were developed in the original.


The original had nothing but an extremely brief and general text describing the purpose of each building (not even mentioning what building death meant). Advanced tactics are trial and error, as they should be. I personally think the tutorial video Fobby made is pretty good, but theyve already promised to expand on that.

  • 3 weeks later...

A bit late, but whatever.

If people on your server want bots and you don't, perhaps pick a new server. I see teamwork every day on the server I play in; hell, we had a 9-apc rush to kill a bar/ref-only GDI team on Field last night (admittedly not necessary, but so much fun...and when's the last time you saw 9 apcs rolling in? :P).

The thing is, that teamwork you're talking about doesn't happen overnight (usually). While you're playing, keep a lookout for smart players that you could work with, and seek them out to plan stuff with. As you play on the same server, you'll meet more and more people like that, so you know who to look for when you wanna plan your crazy strats. Once you get a core of 2-4 people on a team doing shit together, it's pretty easy to get the rest to join in, and makes it a lot of fun.

I play on TheMatrixRen && St0rm AOW servers pretty much exclusively (a lot of times some of the same players in both), so just in 3 weeks or so, I've met enough dudes that it doesn't matter what time of day I come on, there's someone to plan stuff with - and enjoy the game a lot more because of it. Plus you meet some cool peeps.

Hope that ^^ helps. :)

P.S. Joining a clan can always help too.

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