super_gsx Posted March 5, 2014 Posted March 5, 2014 I know, I know. I'm a heretic. But I just came to a revelation: death crates suck! Every time I play Walls Flying, there are several random nuke and ion blasts up on the top of the plateau thing. Yeah, it was kind of funny at first. You're just wanking around and then BOOM... But it quickly got old. I thought nukes and ions were supposed to be these epic superweapons which only happen when you successfully plant a beacon. Not random and "funny" little quirks to the game. They really detract from the seriousness quality... Not to mention, with any small chance of opening a death crate, people are going to generally avoid it at all costs. That's not how it happened in the RTS CnC games. In those games, people literally raced to the crates every single time. There wasn't a risk. Now, I'm not saying we should remove all risk from the crates. But it seems like right now opening one is like playing Russian roulette. That's not how it should be. Crates should provide an almost tactical intervention into the game; anyone at all can gain an advantage. But the way things are going, no one ever goes for the crates. When they do, it's usually not even worth it. There should be a little bit of risk (like gaining a random character that might be cheaper), but they shouldn't kill you. Ever. Other than being funny and/or frustrating, what do death crates really add to the game? Nothing good, in my opinion. Quote
TomatoSlayer Posted March 5, 2014 Posted March 5, 2014 This is a server option. Ask the owner of your regular server to remove it. Quote
XD_ERROR_XD Posted March 5, 2014 Posted March 5, 2014 Sorry, but this is exactly the point of a crate. If there is no risk factor then why the hell even add them to the game, if the only thing they could do is inbalance the game by giving the enemy an advantage. This has been in most C&C games. The chance you get a death crate should be made smaller though. Quote
cirex Posted March 5, 2014 Posted March 5, 2014 They are in crates so you should be really desperate to get a crate. They are not another money-income, but are there to help players to keep the game playable if they have no credits or when you have lost a structure. Quote
super_gsx Posted March 5, 2014 Author Posted March 5, 2014 Risk is good, but death crates suck. Quote
Valor Posted March 6, 2014 Posted March 6, 2014 I don't mind death crates, I just hate that they create an ion blast or nuke along with it. Simple death crates are better. Quote
super_gsx Posted March 6, 2014 Author Posted March 6, 2014 I don't mind death crates, I just hate that they create an ion blast or nuke along with it. Simple death crates are better. I definitely agree with that. Superweapon crates suck ass. I just think there shouldn't be such a great risk in opening crates. It seems like 1/4 of all crates are death crates. At least we could lower that to a more sensible number, like 2% or something. Quote
Valor Posted March 6, 2014 Posted March 6, 2014 ; ================================================================== ; ==== CRATE PROBABILITIES ==== ; ==== have to be 1.0 (100%) total summed up! ==== ; ==== 0.0 means it is disabled, some crates will never ==== ; ==== spawn vehicles, this is set by map (like in tunnel) ==== ; ================================================================== ; CrateProbabilities[0] - Death Crate ==== ; CrateProbabilities[1] - Money Crate ==== ; CrateProbabilities[2] - Character Crate ==== ; CrateProbabilities[3] - Vehicle Crate ==== ; CrateProbabilities[4] - Spy Crate ==== ; CrateProbabilities[5] - Refill Crate ==== ; ================================================================== [RenX_Game.Rx_CratePickup] CrateProbabilities[0]=0.100000 CrateProbabilities[1]=0.300000 CrateProbabilities[2]=0.200000 CrateProbabilities[3]=0.100000 CrateProbabilities[4]=0.050000 CrateProbabilities[5]=0.250000 MoneyCrateProbabilityWhenPPorRefDestroyed=0.400000 RandomCharCrateProbabilityWhenRacksDestoyed=0.300000 RandomVehicleCrateProbabiliyWhenWFDestroyed=0.250000 SpyCrateProbabilityGainPerSec=0.0001 MaxSpyCrateProbability=0.200000 From the DefaultRenegadeX.ini Quote
DoctorB0NG Posted March 6, 2014 Posted March 6, 2014 Very interesting find, Valor. I didn't realize the chance for credits increased if your tib was dead. It's also interesting how the chance for spy increased up to 20% over time. Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk Quote
super_gsx Posted March 6, 2014 Author Posted March 6, 2014 That IS very interesting... Death crates are 10%. Like I said, I think that's too much. I'd go for 5, maybe. Quote
SFJake Posted March 6, 2014 Posted March 6, 2014 There were no MASSIVE EXPLOSION OF DEATH in the old Renegade, was there? Death crates are fine. Dumb, ridiculous nuclear explosions out of nowhere that also kills all your allies around (even vehicles) is just ridiculous, in every way. Gameplay wise its ridiculous, and it looks utterly ridiculous, and is just out of place. Yes, its funny the first time it happened in the entire game, but thats it. So death crates should just kill you. Bam, thats it. Quote
XD_ERROR_XD Posted March 6, 2014 Posted March 6, 2014 There were no MASSIVE EXPLOSION OF DEATH in the old Renegade, was there?Death crates are fine. Dumb, ridiculous nuclear explosions out of nowhere that also kills all your allies around (even vehicles) is just ridiculous, in every way. Gameplay wise its ridiculous, and it looks utterly ridiculous, and is just out of place. Yes, its funny the first time it happened in the entire game, but thats it. So death crates should just kill you. Bam, thats it. Well, they did in the original. That's why i've learnt the hard way to keep a distance from someone who's about to pick up a crate... Kaboom! Quote
Robby609 Posted March 6, 2014 Posted March 6, 2014 I don't mind the death crate. I do mind dying because someone else got a death crate. Quote
NodCommander Posted March 6, 2014 Posted March 6, 2014 I discussed this with a friend yesterfay and we both agree'd that the superweapon crates are too much. We both would have preferred them to be C4-explosion crates that just blows yourself up and nobody else. Quote
lauri455 Posted March 6, 2014 Posted March 6, 2014 Totally agree on getting rid of Ion/Nuke death crates. Not only it can sometimes drop your fps for no reason (other than some dude who walker over a crate), but it also can kill teammates/enemies around the guy, which is flat-out dumb. Quote
Lavama Posted March 6, 2014 Posted March 6, 2014 Looooool I got more spy crates than death crates. Interesting. EDIT: For a bit of clarification, I feel indifferent on the crates because I'm not really affected by them. I've been hit once with one. I've gotten two different spy crates same match. Perhaps the Death crates need to be in between spy crates and it's normal cost right now? Quote
iran Posted March 6, 2014 Posted March 6, 2014 I enjoy watching people get the superweapon death crates. Like _ERROR_ said, it's part of the original game and everyone always gets a good laugh from 4-5 people and/or vehicles dying at the same time lol. If you guys dislike Renegade why don't you guys play a game like Call of Duty, BattleField 3 or another dumbed down game designed for 13-year-olds where everyone is about equal in skill? Quote
omega79 Posted March 6, 2014 Posted March 6, 2014 Well in original it was not included there were only money crates I would say reduce the amount of superweapon deathcrates ... maybe normal explosions would do the job aswell ... or replace some superweapon crates with a tiberium dust cloud that just damages everyone in a small area for like 3 seconds and maybe more money crates with amounts between 1 and 150 credits i am not against deathcrates, i just feel very very bored of superweapon deathcrates ... they should be rare ... it is like you be overfeed of something you really enjoy eating superweaponeffects are very nice and i know why the devs want to show them ... but it is far far far too much! Quote
R315r4z0r Posted March 6, 2014 Posted March 6, 2014 I said this in another thread but I really do not like the superweapon death crates for three reasons. 1. They look absolutely ridiculous. 2. The are obnoxiously loud and make it hard to hear important announcements such as a beacon being placed or a building being attacked. 3. They harm people who just happen to be nearby. All crates should only effect the person to picked them up. Someone elses' death crate should not hit me even if I'm standing right next to them. Quote
TheGroundsKeeper Posted March 7, 2014 Posted March 7, 2014 I said this in another thread but I really do not like the superweapon death crates for three reasons.1. They look absolutely ridiculous. 2. The are obnoxiously loud and make it hard to hear important announcements such as a beacon being placed or a building being attacked. 3. They harm people who just happen to be nearby. All crates should only effect the person to picked them up. Someone elses' death crate should not hit me even if I'm standing right next to them. Agree, especially 3 is extreemly lame especially places like near the bunkers on Field. I lost up to 3 ramjet units from this position at the bunker because people picked up the crate next to me. Not funny! Quote
Robby609 Posted March 7, 2014 Posted March 7, 2014 The c4 crate sounds good. It could be so that if your teammate picks it up and you are right next to him you also die and that would be your own fault of going in too close. The fps drops from the nuke/ion crates are kinda overkill and we could easily do without the whole animation and random deaths Quote
Christopher Posted March 8, 2014 Posted March 8, 2014 id rather die than lose my havoc by changing me into a cheap infantry. Quote
Robby609 Posted March 8, 2014 Posted March 8, 2014 id rather die than lose my havoc by changing me into a cheap infantry. But the result is the same terminal is closer though Quote
super_gsx Posted March 9, 2014 Author Posted March 9, 2014 I enjoy watching people get the superweapon death crates. Like _ERROR_ said, it's part of the original game and everyone always gets a good laugh from 4-5 people and/or vehicles dying at the same time lol. If you guys dislike Renegade why don't you guys play a game like Call of Duty, BattleField 3 or another dumbed down game designed for 13-year-olds where everyone is about equal in skill? Death crates were part of the original game, yes. I love Renegade. In fact it's like one of the only FPS games I play. The other being TF2. I've evolved my opinion since posting this. I do think there should be death crates, but: 1 - They should be less common than they are now. 2 - Superweapon death crates are fucking stupid and everyone knows it. You shouldn't die because your friend was unlucky enough to get one. That's messed up. Also, they really don't make sense as far as the whole semi-realism of Renegade goes. They don't even make sense graphically. Quote
Trev-MUN Posted March 9, 2014 Posted March 9, 2014 Whoever it was that said the nuke/ion cannon death crate needs to be replaced with a C4 death crate, I think that's a good idea. The superweapon death crates really do take away from the impact the actual superweapon beacons have. Quote
ABJECT_SELF Posted March 10, 2014 Posted March 10, 2014 Another issues is the fact that the crates are so huge and placed in such central areas that avoiding them is a significant challenge at times. Like the crate that spawns by the waterfall in Field. That's smack-dab in the middle of a lot of infantry traffic, and I've actually fallen off the cliff a few times trying to avoid running into the crate. Crates really should be more off to the side or in areas where you need a sharp eye to catch them. Quote
SeriousPan Posted March 11, 2014 Posted March 11, 2014 The chance doesn't seem that slow. I got killed 10 out of 10 times on Walls Flying from those crates. I never get anything good. Quote
iovandrake Posted March 14, 2014 Posted March 14, 2014 I agree with changing nuke/ion crates into C4 crates. I also personally think that 40% of all crates should be mere refill crates all the time. Refill crates are pretty much useless right now. A crate being a refill crate isn't reliable enough to justify the potential (and likely) suicide that you will get for picking up a crate. So most of the time people get a refill crate with a fresh and disposable character who doesn't need a refill. Quote
omega79 Posted March 14, 2014 Posted March 14, 2014 Should be like this: Refill = 40% 1-150 Credits = 15% 151-500 Credits = 5% New Character (Free) = 15% New Character (under 1000 credits) = 5% New Character (1000 credits) = 1% Light vehicle = 3% Heavy vehicle = 0.5% Death (C4)= 10% Death (Superweapon)= 0.5% Spy = 5% (the Spy in its current state as non SBH) this means a: 25.5% chance to have a dissadavntage if you count the free character as such 55% chance for a light advantage 15% medium advantage 4.5% higher advantage 25.5% is a significant risk for higher characters but a risk that could be taken in certain situations Quote
kugelfaenger Posted March 14, 2014 Posted March 14, 2014 Even I was not affected by superweapon crates, i support the idea to reduce the chance to get some. I just want to mention that in Tiberian Sun the crates had this "special ability" and I lost a lot of units through this. Praise omega79 for his maths. Just an idea: Instead of the big BOOM, a little cloud of tiberian gas which floats e.g. for 10 to 20 secs. around would be an evil and interesting effect :> Quote
omega79 Posted March 14, 2014 Posted March 14, 2014 yes I like this gas idea aswell ... wrote it somewehere aswell Quote
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