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And if its way out of reach or not doable than just ignore me but...

I thought of a cool idea where you could have a game mode that has a commander that allows you to build the base and maintain it in a 3rd person 3D overview and then you have everyone else play it the way it is.

I think this would actually make it feel more like command and conquer.

what do you guys think? I know it might not be doable but I think it'd be an interesting concept.


NS2 isn't that at all. Nuclear Dawn is meh, and Savage 2 is quite different.

Just taking Renegade and applying more C&C-like concepts is something I always dreamed of, but its an entirely different project than Renegade that would require a lot more resources. So not going to happen here.

(this makes me think I just wish the horrible Planetside 2 was inspired by Renegade instead of.. well, everything else. A large scall MMO with base building and mixing Renegade into is actually something I'd find interesting)


Taking map size into account, commander would be able to 3-5 buildings.

If you want gameplay of this type, Natural Selection 2 and Nuclear dawn is your choice.

While NS2 is pure awesomeness, Nuclear Dawn is 'ok'. I'd even say, it's polished more than RenX, tho it has lots of balance problems. I didn't like it at first, but I found ways to enjoy it later.


Its a good idea and would be worth implementing in the future or if Totem Arts take RenX away from UDK to a Standalone build with their own engine, with own coop and mmo large scale Rts/Fps campaign and the current game mode.

Anyway back to here and now, Yes it would be a good idea but we'll need to wait and see what happens :-)


What would be easier and/or better to do:

Include base building into Renegade X or modify savage 2 into C&C themed game?

I am looking for C&C themed game with Savage 2 gameplay for long time now.

There is one thing that I have yet to see in any game at all, and that is democratic base building.

So that whole team would be deciding how to build base, not just one person.

Not like in Savage 2 where you have to hope that your commander knows what he is doing.


I think that is an excellent concept. It is something that I've always looked for in a game like Renegade. And yes I have played rts/fps games such as Savage 2, Nuclear Dawn, Empires mod, etc. and they simply just don't make the cut. Command and Conquer Renegade with build able bases would kick a$$ and I'm hoping the devs can make this become true down the road!


Do devs know about this idea?

it could be one of the modes game modes.

I would really like developers to consider implementing this idea.

Also, were can I bribe donate money to Totem Arts?


You could just have an added building give a few added functions, and have one of those functions be to give players the ability to purchase/build base defenses (different turrets, guard towers, etc) in designated possible locations.

It wouldn't be the full functional ability the op is requesting, but it would be a small portion of it that can easily be added into Renegade's gameplay.


Having at least SOME commander capabilities for players built into the game would be pretty nice and enrich the depth of the game. Many Renegade servers like Black-Cell had this feature and it was really popular.

Having at least SOME commander capabilities for players built into the game would be pretty nice and enrich the depth of the game. Many Renegade servers like Black-Cell had this feature and it was really popular.



the sad thing is there are plenty of people that are like "Yea! that would be amazing! totally should do that!" to all of his obvious troll responses.

because there are so many people on here, that just dont get it. and by 'it' i mean renegade and how it should be played


That differs per player too, though. Which is why so many mods and server edits exist in renegade. I personally like stock renegade over any mods, but many other players feel different. They're entitled to that entirely. I get what you're saying though - I too hope that the devs aren't taking some of these suggestions seriously, but it is server side mod creators that are looking to add different gameplay elements.

It seems that functionality like this for base defenses is already being worked on.

Look at 2:32

In "item" screen in Renegade X you can currently buy Nuke/Ion and airstrike.

In video there are more options that are grayed out.

Bottom two are two defense turrets.

I imagine that those turrets would, when purchased, go on their appropriate places

(like those empty metal things in middle and in front of base on map Walls)

Could probably be re-purchased when destroyed.

That is in some aspect, building base defenses, but main buildings remain as they are, destroyable-only.


Because of immersion.

I can get much more immersed in Renegade X than in RTS game where I am just some camera in the sky.

Well, I support this idea of commander-base-building or democratic-base-building. It could be just one of game modes that are to come, not replacement for current Command&Conquer mode. (Why is it even called like that, there is no "command" in current mode)

Well, back to Savage 2 I guess.

  • 2 weeks later...
Do devs know about this idea?

it could be one of the modes game modes.

I would really like developers to consider implementing this idea.

Also, were can I bribe donate money to Totem Arts?

A dev just posted in the thread..so yes.

You can't donate money to Totem Arts because EA would pitch a fit.


I think this is a fantastic idea as a server option. There are many things to do as a commander role such as

- Suggest types of units to get

- Suggest routes to take

- Mini-game to allow base repairs or base construction? (Imagine a simple tech tree where you only start with an MCV and the commander earns credits to build structures to unlock tech and can call in air strikes and other powers)

- Place flares/pings to direct troops

  • 2 weeks later...

As It is probably obvious, I am very interested in this idea.

However, if there is one commander, who has power and responsibility to build whole base, we come to the same problem that I encountered in Savage and Savage 2:

Whole team's success is based mostly on how good commander is.

Even if team is full of elite players with max level skill, if commander does not build properly and focus on the right problems at the time (say builds defense when he should provide tech tree or vice-versa), whole team does not enjoy gameplay experience.

This is why I think there should be some kind of democracy. That every player could suggest what building should be placed where, and then with enough votes, counstruction would start. Or having multiple commanders, so that every player can go into main base building (deployed MCV) and become one of commanders. And then they have democracy among them so that players on the battlefield do not have to care about building the base.

Either way, if any kind of this base-building things, even if just basic Savege 2 gameplay, would get implemented in Renegade X, i would be very happy to see it.

You can't donate money to Totem Arts

Too bad. I hope that someone finds a loophole that could bypass this EA restriction.

  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...

How about new game type where the team builds the base?

At the start of the match, there is only one building.

Either one of currently existing ones or something new, like undestroyable "command center".

In selection menu, Nuke/ION and airstrike get moved under Weapons.

Items gets renamed to Buildings, and when clicked brings up layout of possible building places.

Buildings already have pre-set location. 1 location <-> 1 building

Similar functionality is already in RenX with defense turrents on Whiteout.

Only that buildings would have to be bought again after destruction instead of just respawning.

Players would be able to do two things in this layout:

1. Donate their credits towards the building they would like to build.

2. Vote on importance of building, so that team sees towards which building to donate.

It is rough concept, but I think it would make for a good game type.

What do you think?

  • 3 months later...

I completely agree.

I am very big fan of Savage and Savage 2 games (too bad Savage 2 is basically dead), and base building there was awesome. Only problem there was that only one person (commander) was in charge of building it.

Most perfect game type for me would be where whole team would be in charge of building base.

But from what I see, community is not very enthusiastic about this idea.

  • Totem Arts Staff

It's not just that.. it's too much to ask. With how the building is composed of different meshes instead of a big single one, it's quite hard to do. Not to mention UDK doesn't support dynamic light so much (though this could be doable...)

I mean, it's an awesome idea, yes... but I don't think it should be Dev's priority... as of yet

  • 2 months later...

Sorry for thread necro

yes, I agree that it should not be dev's priority

SDK and Ren X assets are avaliable to us, they made tutorials for us to make mutators...

I think it should be *our* priority.

First thing should be to get all interested people together and then look into how to make this game mode happen.

What is the best way to bring together people who would want to see this kind of gameplay?

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