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Posted (edited)

Since this is a Beta, this is the time to bring up issues.

-Crosshairs for advanced high cost weapons (ramjet, PIC, railgun) does not have a dot in the center, yet the weapon has 100% accuracy. Unfortunately, this is incredibly easy to bypass with something as simple as sticking something to the screen or using an overlay, which means people easily get an artificial advantage with these classes. I'm personally -for- an overall nerf of the Ramjet for instance, unfortunately all it achieves is annoying people that don't use external, undetectable features to help themselves.

The theory is probably that nobody can aim very well without the scope, thus nerfing the weapons. In practice, this is not at all the result. As it is now, those weapons should have a dot in the center. It doesn't help that some of those ironsights are just weird and don't aim precisely enough. (mostly talking about railgun and maybe PIC here)

-I don't enjoy night maps in this game as it stands. Its incredibly difficult even in the middle of a firefight to aim at people. C&C Renegade's night maps weren't so dark and didn't just hide every character from sight. I was fighting Nod and I basically couldn't see much of them, except for their floating names. Not fun. The game has basically no way to counter the darkness, and darkness without a way to beat it is never fun, so its my opinion that either that the map should be brighter. This was mostly tested in Field.

-There are various crash issues, but their cause I'm not certain. I'm pretty sure that Steam authentication or some such has something to do with crashing when joining a game or switching map (which happened a LOT to me).

-Tied with those probable authentication issue, when I get back in a server I'm treated as a new player (credits are lost, might not be on the same team, etc).

-Vehicle explosions still don't always appear.

Damn, I had a break between now and my time with the game and I'm sure I forgot a few things. Feel free to add to this.


-I should mention this one anyway, even if its obvious. The server browsers are quite messed up. The launcher browser works fine, but doesn't sort properly (especially by player count, its all over the place). Pings in both is not shown. Worst of all however is the in-game one, it seems to not even bring you to the right server at times.

Edited by Guest

Regarding night maps, I don't have any issues with them. Is your brightness low? I see enemies just fine. Mesa is more difficult, but I think that's because of the storm (and intentional). But Field is perfectly visible for me.


There was nothing about balance in there, just how it is to use certain things and experience the maps, etc. If I wanted to go there, I believe balance is very, very, very messed up and a lot of things are completely out of place. But its early.


My point was that if they wanted to nerf it (the ramjet), it didn't actually work -> I mean as far as the crosshair is concerned. Its something bothersome instead. Its not about the balance. I don't know how else to say it.


Flamethrower is a bit pants compared to GDIs grenade launcher. In fact it's just a bit pants in general =P A lot of flame but not a lot of hits. Either needs bigger damage radius or a lot faster... flame... projectile... thingy.

And being fair, I've thought this since the beginning of the phase 3 test =P


I notice "suicide" is spelled wrong in the lower left corner. Says "sucide" or something like that.

Some resolutions seem to be missing. I know there;s a topic saying 1920x1080 is missing, and I can tell you 1600x900 is missing too.

I think the game could use some optimization. I have it running on medium on a phenom II X4 965, 8 GB RAM, GTX 580 and it still dips to the 40s on occasion. Game runs sorta bad on high or ultra (some maps I'm averaging like 30-40 FPS). I mean, I'd expect this out of a game like BF4 or something (which I largely get 40+ on a mix of high and ultra), but the visuals just aren't justified here for the performance costs.

I agree night maps are dark, but that may just be my monitor, which always makes games dark.

Could also use an options menu in game so I dont have to leave the server in order to change settings.


Ramjet doesn't need a nerf. They wouldn't have tried to nerf with the reticle anyways. It's honestly a benefit so you don't cover up far away targets with the dot. Just put the guy in the center. I didn't notice maps too dark. Maybe it's just my monitor.

I did experience random crashing after and while joining games though. Very frequently. Also, I kept trying to join the same server with my friend, and it was putting us in different servers every single time. Is there a way to tell what server you're in after you're ingame?


I noticed that my weapon would disappear, my FoV would be stuck in the zoom position, and the reload animations wouldn't work properly all on larger 64 player servers. This was highly annoying. I could fix everything by changing weapons but sometimes on weapon change the gun model would fail to load.


I experienced crazy shaking in apache as well. Orca seemed fine.

Not only is Suicide spelled wrong on the Esc screen, but when you commit suicide in game it says "Raker57 comitted suicide" (Committed spelled wrong).

On Gold Rush, while playing GDI I got stuck in between green rock looking stuff where it touches the power plant. Had to suicide. I've seen this happen to someone on Mesa as well. Maybe we should organize a list of dead zones to be fixed in future updates.

Kinda confused on how the pistol loadout works. I bought a heavy pistol, then died. I respawned with normal pistol, went to terminal, didn't change anything, and all of a sudden I had heavy pistol again. It's not consistent, as there are other times when I respawn and still have Heavy Pistol and Carbine, without having to go to the terminal.

Saw the harvester mess up in two separate games. This cripples the team even if everyone is playing really well. I hope this is up there on the priorities list. In one game on Field while playing as Nod, the harvester decided it just wanted to drive into the light pole next to the obelisk the whole game. On Gold Rush (GDI), Someone bumped into the harvester with their mammoth and dragged it for a little ways. Once they got it off, the harvester just sat there, doing nothing for a good portion of the game. This is ONE of the reasons I think player controlled harvesters are such a good idea. I don't think they would make the match imbalanced, it's a trade-off. If I'm harvesting resources, I'm not out on the field shooting at you with a mammoth tank. Just make them cost $3,000. That's how much they cost in the RTS anyway.

In one game on Field, my Mammoth Tank's missiles wouldn't reload. Not sure what caused this.

Despite these issues...This game freakin' rocks. I'm a big fan of the special crates that either turn you into a spy or nuke the crap out of you. I lol'd.

I'll add more issues here as I come across them.


Its possible for a player to screw the harvester on purpose when the opposite team got field but mostly its done for griefing. Not that it couldn't be a pathing issue.

I have noticed however, in Lakeside, the Nod harvester just sitting there at the refinery, not moving. Nothing blocking him, he just stopped there.


Another bug I've noticed, I'm not 100% sure on how to replicate it:

Was using the Pistol, and switching between( I think not sure) iron sights and third person, a second pair of hands appeared on screen behind my character, looking like they were holding the pistol.

Another bug I've noticed, I'm not 100% sure on how to replicate it:

Was using the Pistol, and switching between( I think not sure) iron sights and third person, a second pair of hands appeared on screen behind my character, looking like they were holding the pistol.

Had that happen to me too. Switching the first person and back fixed it. Very weird and sort of creepy.


Was playing Field on Jelly, purchased a Tiberium Auto-Rifle. When the map switched over to Walls Flying, I still had my Auto-Rifle. Perfectly usable and all that. No idea how to replicate, but I was having some extreme lag issues when the map change occurred.

Posted (edited)

In Fields, I bought an MRLS and it somehow rammed into some guy's brand new mammoth tank (that he hadn't had a chance to get in yet) and blew it up.

Our harvester also seemed to be the victim of this too, as I would hear the announcement of our harvester being destroyed, then hearing it again a few seconds later.

The server was also exceptionally laggy, to the point where vehicles were pretty much immobile, so that was probably the cause of it.

Just realized there's a bug reporting forum now, that's convenient.

Edited by Guest

Only noticed this once, but i bought an airstrike and then switched my class. The airstrike dissappeared so i had to buy a new one. Dont know if its a bug or intended

Vehicles on field are pretty much unplayable for me. They studder like crazy and are hard to naviagte.

This... My vehicles were shuddering like crazy last night.

Also after every match, my game crashes and doesn't load the next map.


Haven't played yet (downloading now) but I would like to remind everyone the original Renegade was, in and of itself, a glitch and that's what gave it so much character and caused it to be one of my favorite games to this day. Seems like mostly constructive criticism here so obviously that's a good thing for a beta, I just hate to see anyone not enjoying the game by being overly critical.


Only bugs I've encountered really are just crashing issues and on occasion some collision detection issues with tanks getting stuck on walls (Islands is the only example I have for that so it might just be exclusive to that map)

Balance could be had but the game has barely been out for a day so im not going to judge, this is probably the most polished fan mod I've ever played and its damn good.

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