Totem Arts Staff [NE]Fobby[GEN] Posted October 1, 2009 Totem Arts Staff Posted October 1, 2009 So Renegade X beta version 0.35 has been released. Instead of posting a bunch of new, individual topics, lets keep all first impression feedback on this thread. To those who have played the mod, what do you all think of the beta? Did you like it? Hate it? Did you get what you expected? What surprised you about the build? What do you feel it needs (other than the content we have announced that we will be adding)? Quote
spectre01 Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 Still couldn't find a Ren X server... Anyway, 1 game change feature that is missing is the ion/nuke becon beeping sound. It doesn't beep no matter how close you are. This may leads to some imbalance on island... So yeah, that's pretty much it, since I can't find a server. Forgot to mention, there's no nuke animation? It's just a huge missile hitting the ground. Not even an explosion. Quote
producepr Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 Overall, its not bad for only being 35% done. I must congratulate the Dev team on a job well done so far. I can see myself playing this a lot once more of it is completed. Quote
Totem Arts Staff [NE]Fobby[GEN] Posted October 1, 2009 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted October 1, 2009 QUOTE (spectre01 @ Sep 30 2009, 10:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Still couldn't find a Ren X server...Anyway, 1 game change feature that is missing is the ion/nuke becon beeping sound. It doesn't beep no matter how close you are. This may leads to some imbalance on island...So yeah, that's pretty much it, since I can't find a server.Forgot to mention, there's no nuke animation? It's just a huge missile hitting the ground. Not even an explosion.[/b] There's about 7 or 8 servers online. Check out Renegade X's UK server #1, there's a lot of people playing there.Also, there is beacon beeping sounds Maybe it only works online? Quote
S31Apoc Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 im very happy so far.. im uploading files to my server & going to try & figure that out, so we can play around & work things out.. Quote
BLaZor Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 I'm pretty impressed so far with what you have done! When I entered the server, it almost brought a tear to my eye. As cliched as this sounds, Renegade was a big part of my life. I think most of the guys here who are uber fans would agree. You've managed to capture that unique Renegade multiplayer that we all love (and hate <_< ) and took it to the next level! Graphics are pretty impressive all around aswell as the audio elements! I feel I got what I expected and a little more tbh. I knew it was a beta so I didn't expect the final product. Consequently, I would have preferred one more map! Maybe you guys can hurry up with hourglass for a quick update? As far as surprises though, you guys finally releasing it gave me a heart attack! (I kid I kid! ) There is still alot of work to be done but hopefully the beta will encourage more people to help out finish it off! As I've reported some myself, there are many glitches, bugs and whatnot that needs fixing for the next update. It's playable at the moment but it still needs some elbow grease at certain areas. I applaud Totem Arts and whoever pitched in to make this mod possible. The overall quality and effort put in to this so far has been outstanding. For the teams first project, it's definitely paved your way onto the modding scene Definitely the best mod made (almost! ) That's what I think anyway. Quote
R315r4z0r Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 The difference between this build and the last private build is amazing. It's been about a week and excellent progress has been made. It's amazing how quickly you guys move while still retaining quality. Quote
Treeky Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 Artillery still piss me off... ...damn, you guys captured the essence of Renegade quite so @.@ Quote
Techno Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 It still had that native UT3 feel to it, but overall it was very accurate to Renegade. Well done and I can't wait to see what the other 65% looks like. Quote
brian9107-={SF}=- Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 I love it. especially when I'm pwning my clan mates. Quote
Ziggy Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 It's great! Lots of bugs though. It was to be expected but still I hope they are fixed soon! I'll try and report some that I find which may be unknown. Quote
HeroKerr Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 The whole release was very user unfriendly. But I guess it's beta, I spent a while finally getting into a server. The server viewer just reports an error getting the server list. I have no firewall on my computer. The only way I could get in is by (because I know the UT3 menus) switching it to windowed mode because of this and then doing the join game, F10, open "IP" trick. The gameplay itself was pretty impressive. I liked it. But yeah, the way of getting in annoyed me. Quote
rrutk2 Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 Graphics are great, the maps are beautiful. Also vehicles feel good. But no, i didnt get what i expected. But from my point of view, infantry feeling isnt the same, its weired. Aiming is too difficult. The green/red outlining of the chars/vehicles drives me nuts. Should be optional!! Monochrome HUD is a pain in the ass, i dont need a HUD which gives me no easily vissible information. Should be coulorized like in Ren: Health must be red/yellow/green. Money must be white. Weapons must have colors. Infantry action feels to fast, to hectic. And by the way, where is the key configuration menu? I'm to stupid to see it.... And a lot of bugs. E.g. my sakura has a railgun without a scope... Quote
Dream Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 First impression is fucking GREAT!! Bugs i don`t like... Remote c4 don`t go off when you placed it and then select tiemd c4. After you done that you can`t select your remote c4 anymore to get them explode. Difficult to buy character and vehviles with double click.. I miss the crtl+alt keys. Shotgun is the best weapon there is. It takes allot of time to repair buildings and harvey with tech or hottie. Mammy is not strong @ character missles when hitting character. Firsts few things i don`t like, but its still a beta and for the work that`s done its fucking wicked Quote
TCUSniper Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 My first impression: The negatives: - The lack of radio commands has a negative impact on gameplay. There is no way to warn your team, except for team chat. - The lack of hotkey usage. (Tab to change score display, hotkeys in PT). - No music at all. - There is no EVA shouting things like: Unit ready. - The character animations look way too much like the unreal tournament characters. I'd like it way more if they moved in the same way as they did in the original renegade. - Weapon damage is not right. Snipers do hardly any damage on MRLS and Mobile Artilleries. - There is no waiting time as in renegade after getting killed. I think you should be able to see your dead character for at least 2 seconds. - Hud is ugly. I prefer the renegade styled one. (See image) The positives: - Really good graphics. - Good gameplay. - Beautiful maps - Nice effects. - A lot of players. Congratulations on that! - Anything else not listed here. The ones between positive and negative: - Bugs are a little annoying, like invisible weapons and stuff, but they're not too much for me to bother about. Quote
Jointn00b Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 the sniper dmg versus tanks has been adjusted anyways, i can't get it to work right now, will try again tonight when i'm home from school rly can't wait! Quote
TigerXtrm Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 First impression is really good. Graphics look great, buildings look great, gameplay is pretty awesome! Of course there are bugs, that's to be expected and while they do annoy me I can live with them until the first critical patch. Few important issues you might want to address ASAP: - GDI having a Nod refinery glitch. Sometimes the entire Nod base can be destroyed and the game wil continue. - Weapon damage does indeed need to be tweaked by quite a bit. Whenever I'm in an infantry fight it doesn't feel like the gun's accuracy is true to the reticule, like it was in the original. It's still kinda going everywhere. - Repairing units or structures seems to go slower as well (not sure of this since I haven't played Ren in a long long time). - It also seems to me like I can't disarm C4 or beacons. Either the health bar doesn't go down or it really doesn't have any effect. - And a few more small things like PT purchase being a bit wacky (double clicking fast doesn't buy and it's kinda unclear if you actually bought a vehicle aside from looking at your money), character animation and the fact that GDI has red nametags and Nod has yellow (which is extremely confusing). All in all for a first public beta it's a very awesome mod and I hope you guys will keep working on it for years to come! Quote
WNxTilly Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 I've very much enjoyed it It's only a beta but is still very very good I've seen other people state about staying dead for about 2 secs or so. I'd like that a lot, it's just so quick after dying you don't always know what is going on! I don't like the health bars though, they aren't clear enough, they kind of fade into the backgroud (Same with the HUD, I just can't see it half the time. Mostly on Islands) The engineers take to long to heal things, this seems to take much longer than it does in normal ren. I think the mouse scroll to change weapons is the other way round than it is in renegade? Or is it just me? Tilly Quote
Cryptx1 Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 Love the Beta so far, game play/graphics wise, it's nice to see so many players back on renegade x and some old faces again, really missing the damage indicator that used to flash on your screen and show your health like in old renegade, and the fact I can't track my K/D is a bummer but hopefully those will get fixed soon, so far... so good thumbs up! Quote
AlienXServers Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 Pros: Great graphics and models Gameplay feels just like it is in renegade The level designs are just stunning Attention to detail is great (backfire from MRLS etc etc) Cons: Small bugs such as a invisible pistol makes a first impression of the mod look alittle bad Renegade-Islands GDI Ref should have been found and fixed before the release, using this map is just pointless most the time Engineers feel too weak - it seems to take forever to repair anything Not enough audio/text queues about in-game action, such as beacon planted and purchasing vehicles I really hope that the Islands GDI Ref gets fixed soon in a patch Quote
omega79 Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 this is a beta and for that it is very good! looks and feels fuc... ...very impressive there is still much work to do, hope you get the help you need ... from us and maybe some more dev members THANK YOU :wub: Quote
tflst5 Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 Looks fantastic. After a few hours i felt like i was playing Renegade again. Very great job! My only suggestion - as some have mentioned - add some kind of hit indication or make the health bar more prominent. When your low on health it turns red or make it a distinct bar like it was in Renegade. Quote
xoham Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 - The run speed of infantry was too fast. - The fire rates of vehicles (art and small tank) was too fast - Damage didn't seem right - Red HUD was unreadable. - The UT highlighting of enemies I think should be turned off. - Harvester had no trouble getting around me. I'd prefer a server side option where all speeds, damage, and clip size are as the original game. Quote
Dorest0rm Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 Anyone else had issues selecting weapons when scrolling? It seemded to skip some weapons. Cons: Arti seemed way to powerful. Weapon skipping No skope on sakura Same team on map switch...or was this just a coincidence Release took waay to long Pro: Great graphics. Great explosions. Great everything Quote
EVA-251 Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 First impressions...yes. Graphics- Amazing, I don't think this needs to be said, but rather assumed. Sounds- Excellent selection and dramatic improvement over the original, especially with the cannon sounds. Its too common for modders and even professional game developers to neglect the sound design of their products. Gameplay- Wasn't able to play much but my experience on Field was exactly like it was in stock Renegade. Except I didn't recall Nod steamrolling GDI like they did. But then again, I didn't play nearly enough Renegade when I could play it. What I didn't like was the hud. You shouldn't need to look at the specific # of Hit-points you have remaining to determine your status, but rather a quick glance at the color of each meter. Besides the expected beta release balance issues (like the uber shotty) and bugs, this is an amazing piece of work. Quote
Amdrial Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 My first impression: D'aw, it isn't working :'( Quote
AlienXServers Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 QUOTE (Dorest0rm @ Oct 1 2009, 03:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Cons:No skope on sakura[/b] I'm quite sure i read somewhere that Sakura wont come equiped with the ramjet rifle, but it will have the anti-tank rifle instead...If this is to be correct, this would explain why the sakura didnt have a scope Quote
k1NG Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 I've really enjoyed the BETA, i'm pretty sure i'll stuck to this mod when more improvements are coming! Quote
rrutk2 Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 beside the mentioned things, its fucking great. if u found the key configuration! ) how to remove keys??????????? Quote
DethMadx9 Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 The game already looks amazing The work done is extremely good! Sadly imo i do not reckon it was ready for a beta release, looking at all the updates and the videos i thought development was slightly more advanced than it is. Hope you guys can pull off the bug fixes and bring this game out fully! Quote
ReFlex Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 I want the classic hud back, the new one sucks. QUOTE (TCUSniper @ Oct 1 2009, 10:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> [/b] Quote
toolkiks Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 QUOTE (ReFlex @ Oct 1 2009, 01:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I want the classic hud back, the new one sucks.[/b] It "sucks"? Not exactly constructive now is that? Quote
ReFlex Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 Its unreadable and ugly. Edit: Why not this HUD? Quote
PermaGrin Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 I think it is a very good start for you guys. You all seem to have the vision and the goal in mind, the time part is all you guys are missing. Over time that 35% can only increase. There many bugs that I cam across (I am wanting to write up a big list for you guys real soon), but that is to be expected at this interation. I would comment more on it but that would start to get into my bug list. I did notice right of the bat that the mix of Unreal graphics and Renegade gameplay was there. Watching Artys take the point on the cliff to hammer the WF in field just as an example. And just as in Ren, I was able to jump into first fairly fast and easy. nirgamrep (permagrin backwards is my name on there) got you a few time last night fobby Quote
menace Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 This is probably one of the most impressive alpha releases ive seen in awhile. I honestly think you guys topped the original! my only criticism is the method of joining servers. Its inconvenient and can cause instability. Why can't the in game browser be utilized? there has to be a better way! Until you guys get the browser functioning I recommend a built in IRC with fronted - this will strengthen community and give direct feedback! Quote
Chi Futbol Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 I'm not a fan of the hud either, its to much information. I'd like the color schemes back, and like others said, that original hud is beautiful Also, it would be cool if you could get those red transparent bars around your character when you took damage like in ren, that would be sweet. Most people already said everything I think is good and bad about it Great job with this! Quote
TCUSniper Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 So far everyone agrees with the hud part. Quote
Realpra Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 Mod is great. Its amazing how much it plays like renegade. Models are great and I like the more realistic approach. The sound of the flame trooper and flame tank needs to be more fierce in my oppinion though because right now they dont even compare to the sound of a lit spray can. My main gripes right now are the ref bug, lack of team mixing and the renegade gameplay of CNC mode, as I favour "a path beyond"s more open and free alternative to CNC mode - of course that has nothing to do with the mod itself really since anyone can do a different map. Infantry combat has improved in my oppinion and I hope you dont change that or revert to the sniper>all veh thing just because some renegade noobs dont know how things work in other fpss and in real life. Target box is really cool unfortunately it just clutters up the screen to much and lets face it; it doesnt do anything. Really looking forward to flying an orca with proper physics - I cant believe I have had to wait so long for that! Quote
omega79 Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 now i played the first time a real match with enough players it feels so much like renegade even tho it is not exactly the same ... but for me, who hasnt played in many month, it really feels like a 95% copy of renegade ... and somehow it is funy to see some of the bugs of w3d are ported too i think thats a general thing how 3d engeneering worx ... like the repairgun is missing its beam when you to close to the struckture you are repairing ... or floating mines but the point is ... EA is not forcing you to rellease it unfinished it brought back some memories ... thank you ... very good very good !!!! keep up! //edit btw i would like the old hud aswell ... sorry for the dev who made the current one ... it really is not that good ... Quote
Elit3sn1p Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 First of all, I had alot of fun playing and great job on the mod thus far dev team. These are just my list of suggestions, I'm not trying to flame the mod just my thoughts. I think it's great so far being that its in early beta. There where a few things that bugged me though, so I will list them below in order of importance. 1. The character rigging/animations: I think this needs to be a priority for future builds mostly because it is not only a cosmetic issue. The wide gestured animations of the UT3 characters applied to more realistically proportioned renegade characters makes them buggy (prone to vibrating violently on sloped surfaces) and makes the model bob around excessively making infantry fights very annoying with he random jerking directions of enemy players and especially their heads. 2. The frontend server browser doesn't work, it doesn't list server population correctly and sometimes when it launches the game it never initiates a connection to the server just sits in the main menu. As far as features, it would be really nice to have a ping category. 3. HUD is too hard to read, and the texture for health and armor doesn't actually reduce in length when you lose health/armor it just compacts the texture. A HUD with more color variation and less transparency would also be appreciated. 4. Objects like mines and explosives seem to be in animations when thrown? They don't actually apply to surfaces like in other games and classic Renegade? 5. Guns are for the most part too large, they aren't in proportion with the character models. 6. The exit/purchase buttons in the purchase terminals are too small, and they badly need mouseover textures. oh and one small thing, when the obelisk charges up after its acquired a target and it doesn't fire due to losing its target it keeps the charge so it fires instantly when it acquires a new target or the same unlucky bastard. Just some suggestions from me, I thought the graphic work and implementation of the classic renegade mechanics was awesome, good work and keep on going devs. On the good side. Awesome graphic work on the 3d and texture side. Good job with the C&C game mode and implementation of the classic renegade weapons/vehicles. The sounds are great. Main menu looks good. Mod is alot of fun Quote
Eroc Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 so excited to see everyones hard work paying off! i love it! the bugs... lol who cares its RENEGADE on steroids! and im sure you guys are working to fix them, all this dedication so far why stop now?! keep it coming!! only thing i cant seem to get used to is the running animation WAY to much bouncing, i perfer to play in 3rd person and seeing my charecter bouncing up and down like hes got thumb tacks in his shoes is distracting. i find my self switching to first person when covering long distances on foot, its my easy fix :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: unfortunately my video card is overheating. not only on the UT3 engine but all my games. i can play on full setting for ~5 minutes, and i absolutly love the gfx! but i need to keep all my setting on low untill i find the right BOIS update (only thing i havnt tried). *Running Q6600 O.C.@2.8ghz with 4gbs ddr2 ram, and GTS 285* Quote
Demigan Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 I've got to go to sleep so I'll keep it short: First a little help for the people who were asking for it: go to option, input, and down at the bottom right corner you can select 'keys', here you can change your keyboard settings. As for the 'I'm not hitting things properly'. You are probably used to the Renegade 3rd person view, which gives you an INCREDIBLE large area where you aim behind a person, meaning your weapon will still hit. Thus increasing your area where you can aim and hit someone. UT3 has a lot smaller area for that, meaning it's more equal with 1rst person view, but still marginally better. Which how I prefer it. On top of that, the aimpoint in the middle of your crosshair doesn't jump towards any objects in front of the thing you are actually aiming at, giving you a lot vaguer idea of where you will hit in 3rd person mode. My first impression, after I figured out you had to place a space between the target line, was that I couln't log in, more about the problems about that and connecting to multiplayer in the technical problems forum, which I'll do tomorrow So I played a multiplayer practice. One of the first things I noted was the beautifull look of it all (who wouldn't), the sounds are super b, when you are firing a weapon, you get a sound that just tells you that, YES, you just fired a weapon, and when that weapon hits, it's going to HURT, no matter how weak the weapon actually is. What I noticed then, and I hope it will be fixed in later releases, are the following: Infantry weapons are as they are supposed too, except for the C4. As someone said, you cannot reselect weapons that are empty, so if you are out of C4, you cannot reselect it to blow up some previously set remote C4. On top of that, in multiplayer practice at least, remote C4 has no 'reload time'. Meanig you throw away all of them as fast as you can. I've thrown remotes twice in one game, as a technician the first time around, I threw 3 remote C4rs, later on it didn't but I haven't tested it out. It's a bit weird around those remotes. Then I bought a tank, tanks seem to need a lot of tweeking yet. Some fire too fast, some seem too weak. The flame tank could barely kill a harvester before it returned to the refinery! This is in field and whilst keeping out of the AGT vision. Then I got myself a mobile artillery, it looks great, But I was shocked about the d*mn astronomy dome build on top of the thing! I would like to see that one worked on once the mod is finished, get that turret back to the more flat design of for instance the Turret's dome. And it fires faster then it should. Then the AGT kept on fireing even when i was against the thing with my flamer. which was rather annoying as the machine guns underneath seem to deal a tiny bit too much damage each shot vs tanks. Both harvesters got a designation as 'player', along with the possibility of gaining points. I didn't try this out by being crushed. Fun though to see how many points a harvester can scrounge And last but not least: if your vehicle get's destroyed, there's a radius of where you get out. But is there a ejection chair in vehicles? The radius seems WAY to large. When my flamer was destroyed against the AGT, I got spawned outside it just about halfway to the WF! Yours sincerely, Demigan Quote
dommo Posted October 1, 2009 Posted October 1, 2009 I was able to play it for a few games yesterday. I can tell that the game should be real good when done. The graphics are well done, I am just fustrated about the lack of a good front end for it. I know its hard with all the systems and steam, but I will have to wait for a patch. But as a beta goes, it looks good, cant wait for more of it to be done. Quote
ragenrok Posted October 2, 2009 Posted October 2, 2009 QUOTE (dominic @ Oct 1 2009, 04:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I was able to play it for a few games yesterday.I can tell that the game should be real good when done.The graphics are well done, I am just fustrated about the lack of a good front end for it.I know its hard with all the systems and steam, but I will have to wait for a patch.But as a beta goes, it looks good, cant wait for more of it to be done.[/b] Pretty good so far, game looks great in 3D as well! Quote
Treeky Posted October 2, 2009 Posted October 2, 2009 Oh god, I was just on GDI on field, and about 90% of our team went into a "fake death taunt" frenzy, all over each other, in the middle of the base. I (we?!) were so busy laughing our asses off we let the weapons factory die, and were probably laughing to hard to care, gawd that was hilarious... Quote
MicDRAGON Posted October 2, 2009 Posted October 2, 2009 I'm an old school Renegade fan. I haven't touched the game in years admittedly but when I saw that this was posted on moddb I immediately grabbed it right then and there. But then started the problems. I got two other mates to get it with me aswell knowing that theres only international servers for it (I'm from Australia) so that I could atleast try the game without worrying about delays. I had a lot of problems but I sure as hell reminded myself it was still beta and problems were to be expected. We tried a lan game which seemed forever to take to get them to join but eventually they did only to find the doors wouldn't open! This has been pointed out as a bug (it seems to do more with local games then it being a lan game as I get the same problem as creating an internet game) but we found out soon enough that we could escape via the Hand of Nod. We blasted the windows and began our journey of discovery and just seeing how much potential this mod has but I still wasn't ready to judge it till I had played a net game. The Server Frontend wasn't working what so ever for me despite re-installs and patches, I was about ready to give it up soon after my mates did. Persistence seemed to have payed off as I was able to join the UK 1 server. As expected, delays and the such but I still managed to give the game a good whirl. There were several issues with which team won the game and/or how but the vehicles and infantry units were working as expected. I was still a little peeved that I never got the chance to put down a super weapon but that was my fault for getting killed by a ridiculous defense The game has its issues but I just want to remind everyone its still in beta! If the videos aren't enough to get you to keep trying and to keep playing then take my word for it because this game is.... AWESOME Quote
Jointn00b Posted October 2, 2009 Posted October 2, 2009 my first impression? in one word: GREAT! you guys are simply GODS There were a few issues like Remotes that just kept hanging in mid air and invisible pistols on tech or engi and ofc the repairgun which is too weak in my eyes but you're still in the beta stages so those are things which are acceptable. If I look at the overall look and gameplay of the game i'd say you guys did a hell of a job congratz on this first release! Quote
neagu Posted October 2, 2009 Posted October 2, 2009 I guess i've yet to write down my impression. At the first glance, it looks great. The new effects, detailed vehicles, units, buildings and maps, the physics really make it special. However, it has left me with a bitter taste. The first thing that comes to my mind is the poor vehicle handling and cornering. The acceleration is very awkward, at first doesn't respond, and then all of a sudden the vehicle just accelarates, and because it does that, it's very hard to just move back and forth in order to avoid incoming projectiles. The second bad thing about vehicles is the cornering. These new physics allow a humvee going at more than 30 mph/50kmh to make such sharp turns ? On the same subject, even by just tapping a directionnal button, you still get your vehicle to turn at least 25°, which is huge. The cornering accelaration needs tweaking. The third bad thing is the vehicle camera. It's not very obvious but the way the camera folows the vehicle makes it very hard to see where you're going or where you want it to aim. In renegade the camera never moved closer or further from the turret and it was always centered on it. Always. In UT3 and Renegade X, the camera doesn't at all folow the turret's movement. It seems to stay centered but not on the turret. Because of that, most of the times, vehicles nearly get out of view, making it very hard to drive and aim since you need to pay attention to 2 things at once. For the next update I recommed the team to go study vehicle camera behavior in Renegade. Well that pretty much does for the vehicles. Maybe you didn't understand what i tried to explain about the vehicles. If you didn't then go do a direct comparison. The infantry looks great, and even though the animation needs to be changed, i still have nothing bad to say about them. The hud. I know i've written my opinion on many ocasions, but i see it's been for nothing. I don't need to write my opinion, but instead i'll paste this link: The Purchase Terminal. Wow, just wow. It's in every way better than anything i've ever imagined. I like the simple yet, elegant outlines, and the warm colors. Conclusion: The mod is great, but it's overrated. To me, it doesn't in any way feel like renegade. PS: I hope the team won't get all pissed off about this, but it's my honest opinion so far. Quote
Treeky Posted October 2, 2009 Posted October 2, 2009 QUOTE (dirtycopgangsta @ Oct 2 2009, 06:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I guess i've yet to write down my impression. At the first glance, it looks great. The new effects, detailed vehicles, units, buildings and maps, the physics really make it special. However, it has left me with a bitter taste. The first thing that comes to my mind is the poor vehicle handling and cornering. The acceleration is very awkward, at first doesn't respond, and then all of a sudden the vehicle just accelarates, and because it does that, it's very hard to just move back and forth in order to avoid incoming projectiles. The second bad thing about vehicles is the cornering. These new physics allow a humvee going at more than 30 mph/50kmh to make such sharp turns ? On the same subject, even by just tapping a directionnal button, you still get your vehicle to turn at least 25°, which is huge. The cornering accelaration needs tweaking. The third bad thing is the vehicle camera. It's not very obvious but the way the camera folows the vehicle makes it very hard to it going where you want it or aim. In renegade the camera way always at the never moved closer or further from the turret and it ws always centered on it. Always. In UT3 and Renegade X, the camera doesn't at all folow the turret's movement. It seems to stay centered at all times but not on the turret. Because of that, most of the times, vehicles nearly get out of view, making it very hard to drive and aim since you need to pay attention to 2 things at once. For the next update I recommed the team to go study vehicle camera behavior in Renegade. Well that pretty much does for the vehicles. Maybe you didn't understand what i tried to explain about the vehicles. If you didn't then go do a direct comparison. The infantry looks great, and even though the animation needs to be changed, i still have nothing bad to say about them. The hud. I know i've written my opinion on many ocasions, but i see it's been for nothing. I don't need to write my opinion, but instead i'll paste this link: The Purchase Terminal. Wow, just wow. It's in every way better than anything i've ever imagined. I like the simple yet, elegant outlines, and the warm colors. Conclusion: The mod is great, but it's overrated. To me, it doesn't in any way feel like renegade. PS: I hope the team won't get all pissed off about this, but it's my honest opinion so far.[/b] I absolutely disagree with this fine young man, at least on vehicle handling. I've found that I'm very pleasantly surprised with both the acceleration and turning of the vehicles. Acceleration seems more responsive than in Renegade, you get to your top speed faster, say... in a Medium tank, and can break to a halt faster as well. And since I believe tank bullets travel faster now, the increased acceleration seems almost necessary if we still want to be able to have tank battles where we can at least attempt to dodge each other's projectiles.Turning while moving, in Renegade, slowed your vehicle down, I believe both in motion and rotation, and in general just felt icky. Turning while moving in X doesn't seem to produce this behavior, and in general felt SMOOTH AND SLEEK LIKE A SHINY POLISHED OSTRICH EGG.As for the humvee turning thing... that sounds AWESOME I'm gonna go try it out... if I can this thing to properly join a server again...Now this post has me all interested in trying to make a more unbiased opinion, so I'm gonna try and test some of this stuff out again :cEDIT: Okay, I just drove a buggy for the first time, now I can see what this guy is talking about, the handling is kind of funky, I had only been driving tracked vehicles up until now It seems the center of mass for the buggy is too far near the rear, even if that is realistic due to that being where the heavy engine is located, for a game, it feels awkward to more or less have the buggy pivoting around it's REAR... hmm... Quote
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