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Everything posted by ex_member
Suggestion: Commanders approve team switching
ex_member replied to ex_member's topic in Feedback & Bug Reports
How about focus on the positive side and the benefits instead of sticking to this example ? Even in that case there are stats about that player telling how many points he has, vehicles destroyed, kills, veterancy. I see benefit for commander where player names are familiar and are telling the commander who is about to leave or join . -
Suggestion: Commanders approve team switching
ex_member replied to ex_member's topic in Feedback & Bug Reports
True, nevertheless they are in charge and should decide about who can leave or join their team. -
We had the topics about team switching and different approaches have been tried so far. How about the team switch has to be approved by commander / commanders ? If there is no commander in the game, then the team switching could be allowed without approval or disabled until commanders are elected ?
I don‘t troll nor bully people. You must be talking about yourself. I changed my name in the forum a while ago, and it should stay as it is. I am not afraid, especially not of characters like you!
Look who is talking ! I doubt that the meaning of the word respect is familiar to you.
Self-healing and veterancy in general should be a separate topic as it has a high impact on the game, but that does not change what I said about SBH self-healing from the start. I hope you are not that frustrated and outrageous in real life and to real people when you try to run a discussion! PS: if everyone around you is stupid, you are either a genius or arrogant.
self-healing caused by veterancy affects all units that have reached a certain veterancy level, but you need to get there first. You are asking to give a stealth unit self healing from the start of the game. This for sure can have a decent impact on the game. I think SBH is powerful enough as it is.
@Mystic~ from my point of view is like somebody would ask to make a mammoth tank invisible, because it is big and slow and cannot properly ambush other units ! SBH is already strong enough and if Nod would use them properly, GDI would have a very hard time ! A squad of SBH can do a lot in this game and is already very powerful ! No need to make it even more powerful only bcs players are using these units less effectively than they could !
Short answer: No! Long answer: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !
I hope your own moderators and admins are going to respect the same rules and not abuse them as they did in the past when playing on other servers !
Do you sometimes feel guilty about killing newbies?
ex_member replied to Quinc3y's topic in Renegade X
I sometimes write a private message to them and tell them not to stand still and dodge more. But only very few react to that advice and it might be that they do not even noticed or understood the message, idk. Anyway nasty situation to be in. -
It is sad to see good people leave and some questionable stay and become moderators or server owners. Pickles ! I‘m gonna miss you.
Need candidates to test RenX performance
ex_member replied to ex_member's topic in Feedback & Bug Reports
Nice rig ! Please contact me on discord and I will send you the instructions what has to be changed. -
Actually it is, because it breaks certain map designs. It should not be able to hit certain areas, simple as that. Comparing Arty and MRLS is simply wrong, as they cannot be compared like this. These are 2 different units. Looking at this in an isolated way, e.g. considering only the ability to shoot repairs and ignoring anything else is misleading. So bottom line, curving is an interesting feature and made MRLS more effective. Nevertheless, it requires some tweak to respect certain design rules.
I think also that curving is a nice feature, but it requires a tweak. Perhaps shorten the range when the missiles are curved ? That way it would not be able to reach certain points in the base, e.g. hitting refinery on Field, but still be able to curve behind the corners.
Are there any plans to change the MRLS curving ? It is a nice feature, but at the same time, it is questionable as it eliminates completely some rules defined either by map design or game balance. On Under, MRLS are able to shoot Obelisk by standing at the tib field exactly where the inf path leads into the central cave and the crate appears. So, this MRLS is completely hidden and curve directly into the base. Today, on Field, MRLS has been curving missiles into OB, the turret near tunnel entry, and even into REF door ??? ***Unfortuantely, taking screenshots on Field did not work, so I have only the one from Under. I am sure there are plenty of examples like these.
@all_UK_nurses one of my favorite bands is visiting UK. If you like this kind of music, buy tickets. They are really cool and sing about what is wrong in this world and who we actually are. Politicians in Bosnia and other Balkan countries do not like them, which proves they are doing something right ! site: https://dubioza.org/ Tour dates: https://dubioza.org/tour-dates/ And, you can also download their music for FREE: https://dubioza.org/music/ Some of the songs: (free the www) (this was on MTV 2011)
It is the same with GDI getting an SBH spy. It is a game changer that ignores many mechanics put in place to provide balance. But, at the same time it is a factor that provides new strategies and more teamwork.
that is normal, bcs people get used to repeat themselves. Please consider this: how many topics and discussions it took to get you and your "friends" decide to rethink is it a time to stack or not, and you did not listen at the first one mentioning this. It took a while before you agreed not to stack. Expecting people to get aware of this immediately, is not gonna work. So poi, same for you as for anyone else, it takes time until people notice things and changes. And of course, when you get stamped once with anything, it is much harder to change it. As said, it is quite a normal reaction and something to expect. Nevertheless, thank you for trying. Regarding this, I think the methodology used here is very often questionable. Some get punished for minor things where others are allowed to do what they want. Unfair and annoying. Again, I think this depends to who is the target and who is in charge. Unfortuantely, we do not measure everybody and everything with the same scale. No, you should not be a target nor responsible of caryying each game. About stacking in general: for everyone complaining about it, please consider that friends should play together, it is again a normal thing. Regarding friends, some tend to be "friend" with poi because it is an easy ride on her skill - easy play. You could say, a mediocre player who stack with poi can easily be more effective in the game, thanks to her skill. About responsibility, devs should not stack teams over and over, not even under the excuse of "playing with friends". Why? Because you are responsible for this game and community, whereas jpj and other players are not.
Need candidates to test RenX performance
ex_member replied to ex_member's topic in Feedback & Bug Reports
These settings were more about eliminating the stutter at higher refresh rates >100 FPS, get the game run smoother. Sorry for not mentioning that first. The whole idea is about finding workarounds to get the game run smooth at higher refresh rates as there are some challenges caused by ue3 engine and certain limitations bound to CPU, server tickrate. Think of looking at 2 different worlds playing <75 FPS and playing >100 FPS. Just a short example, when playing at 144 FPS and experiencing a drop to 100 FPS has a completely different impact compared to when playing on 60 FPS, as it might be that you lose only few frames or none on the lower FPS rate. So this situation ends up as being almost not noticable on lower FPS or does not have that high impact. Whereas, when you lose >40 frames on higher refresh rate, you end up losing 1/3 of the frames which has a great impact and will cause stutter, frames hitching or similar. According to some testers, who play on higher rerfresh rate, with the proposed changes the game feels smoother. If so, the next part of my "testing the settings" will focus on increasing the FPS without losing too much on quality. Buit let us finish this one first. -
@All_Nurses Need candidates to test RenX performance on New-Age hardware (e.g. i5-i7/AMD Ryzen CPU and NVidia GTX 10x or RTX 20X gen GPU) based on customized xxxx.ini settings. Please PM me on Discord and I will share the customized file and settings with you.
I don't think gunner needs this. He can be quite deadly for almost any unit, including Doza in a short range combat. So many players are just jumping and spamming the ground with missles. You will have this discrepancy in almost every game. They all deal with it in a different or similar ways, e.g. fill up games based on player skill/level, add abilities and classes that don't require much aim skill and similar. But I am not sure what would be the best way to implement it in RenX. regarding Havoc/Sakura, they are nerf to a level where playing them requires a decent skill and game awareness. In other terms, they are already nerfed enough and imao easy to kill if you get close enough. Regarding POI, imao fighting against her feels like fighting a human, not like fighting somebody using aimbot/triggerbot or any other shit !
Hi, if you have changed some settings in the /UDKGame/Config/engine.ini to improve the performance, e.g. PoolSize and MemoryMargin and then set the file to "read only", this can lead to game crash on certain maps, e.g. Hexmountain. In my case it was caused by having bUseTextureStreaming set to false, it has to be : bUseTextureStreaming=True ************************ This was captured in the Launch.log ****************************** [2999.91] Log: Missing cached shader map for material M_ASC_Supports_SM_Shinto, quality 0, compiling. [2999.91] Warning: Warning, Failed to compile Material ASC_Supports.SM.Materials.M_ASC_Supports_SM_Shinto for platform PC-D3D-SM3, Default Material will be used in game. [3002.38] Log: === Critical error: === Fatal error!
We have the CQC Mod for a while and it seem to work for the majority. Nevertheless, wanted to ask if there are any considerations that should be done per unit or even per veterancy level, e.g. are there any units or veterancy levels that should be tweaked a bit. I notice some players complaining about Patch being OP now. Patch was always a very good unit, especially for 450 creds, perhaps with CQC it gets even better. Imao somehow the SBH and their damage per shot are amazing now. Considering that they can ambush you any time, perhaps reducing the overall damage caused to infantry would balance the fact that they are stealth. idk, what do you think ? But this is exaclty what I wanted to ask, is there anything else that needs to be examined and tweaked to get the most out of the CQC Mod and not ruin the balance elsewhere ? Any ideas or suggestions ?
At this moment, I would not call this "throwned away". For me, it is more thinking out of the box. And honestly, we should encourage our small team of pationate devs to do such things more often. Of course, some experiments might end up in a dead end, but some other might open a completely new perspective. After a while, we will see, was this a good or less good decision.