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Everything posted by sterps

  1. Nevermind, the launcher downloads it faster
  2. Hi guys, Is there another way i can download maps such as LakesideNF? The speed at which it downloads at is pathetic, 0.2KB a minute. Is there anyway you could maybe improve the speeds, i know another people in Australia have the same issue.
  3. I've noticed while playing over the last few weeks, that when engaging in tank battles, while using a Mammoth tank, often my shells do NO damage to enemy vehicles, even if i hit them a several times in a row. I land direct hits... and no damage is inflicted.
  4. This definitely needs to be fixed. Flame tanks shooting through that part of the barracks absolutely decimates engineers and hotwires repairing.
  5. My intention is not to bring stealth into this, I'm merely using it as a counter to your argument, applying the same logic as you are. When it comes down to it, the bread and butter of your post is, you're saying because of the ramps on the HoN, you need more mines to protect it from infiltration. I still don't see the problem with this given they can cover all entrances within the mine limit. GDI have a hard enough time infiltrating as it is, which shouldn't be made more difficult because Nod players don't want to defend properly.
  6. I feel like this is one of those distinct traits of the faction. You're saying that because you have to use more Mines on the HoN on flying maps, it is not balanced. This is similar to saying Nod having stealth units is an unfair advantage considering the amount of things you're able to do with them, and GDI cannot. What solution would you propose? If you were to make the windows solid this would prevent this situation, however the windows would no longer be useable as an entrance/exit for the Nod team, you would no longer be able to defend from inside the HoN and have access to quick refills (eg GDI tanks assaulting the base and a handful of raveshaws and LCGs could no longer shoot at them from inside), ions placed on top of the HoN would become harder to defend against, as the Nod team would no longer be able to access the ramps via the windows, and in effect, you would have a similar situation as GDI have when defending the weapons factory, damaged Sam sites on top of the HoN would again take more time to attend to for repairs. **Edit** Just thought of another one, friendly units would not be able to fire inside the HoN if it has been infiltrated (eg hottie is inside, Apache or artillery could no longer attempt to kill the player). Are you saying you would be ok with this? Doesn't actually sound too bad, but it would probably hinder Nod more than assist
  7. So going by your logic, GDI should have more wins on maps where buildings have ramps, than Nod? I'd be curious to see the win/loss ratio of GDI and Nod for each map... My hunch you would see more wins to Nod
  8. I'll give the officer a go to counter them, however will this be an effective solution in the situation where flames/chems are inside the tight confines of a building and in your face firing? I do use minigunners/ shotguns against them, i'm dead in 2 seconds flat Another thing i noticed, i spawned and almost instantly i was dead from a chem firing at me. Not sure if there was a delay from when i spawned on the server vs when i spawned on my PC.
  9. As the title suggest, I'd like to discuss the balance of Flamer throwers and Chem warriors. For a while, I've felt like they're OP, they're almost unstoppable when they rush buildings, especially once they're inside a building. They seem to be preferred to take down a building rather than an engineer. On Sunday, almost every game i played ended in minutes because Nod kept using Flame troopers and chem warriors off the bat, and made the games NOT fun at all, players were leaving and commenting on the balance. I agree they should be strong versus infantry (Renegade they were UP), but at the moment they feel too powerful versus infantry and buildings.
  10. Personally I'd rather see the original Tiberium Dawn SSM launcher, rather than the Renegade one implemented. It looks much cooler and wouldn't be as bulky as the Renegade one. Also the Nod Recon bike. Considering they've made the TS Nod recon bike, that old argument that it's too hard to get a 'bike like vehicle' in the game, is no longer valid. There's no reason why a new model could be made and use the same vehicle physics as the TS one. http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/cnc/images/7/7e/TD_Recon_Bike_DOS_Manual.gif/revision/latest?cb=20150716102056
  11. I was referring to the Tiberian Dawn SSM launcher, not the Renegade one...
  12. When saying piss poor gameplay causing people to leave, that happened on virtually every map... The op as hell arty whoring that occurred every. Single. Time
  13. First of all... rename it to something else such as Communications Array or Communications outpost. It seems silly calling it a centre, it's barely a structure due to its small size, let alone it doesn't pay homage to the c&c Communications Centre. While i would agree with a full size Communication Centre to do a similar function, maybe not as powerful, this thing is tiny, and should not be capable of a function so powerful. Realistically, something it's size should provide a minor enhancement. I do agree with what havoc said and think it fits something this size well. Make it reveal the map every two minutes for a finite period of time (10 seconds or so). My two cents.
  14. I really am getting the feeling that over time, GDI players have really learnt how to work as a team and defend against stealth intrusions. On there other hand, it feels like Nod players have done the opposite, and seem to work as a team less. For GDI to defend successfully against stealth, it needs player resources to do so, which means more players are NOT on the offense, which can then mean Nod can gain the advantage in the battlefield. This is especially true with respects to defending. How can you say it's easier to infiltrate as GDI? Stealth vs no stealth... nuff said. That statement is reflective of the team, not the game's balance. Going back to the original topic, I honestly think there is nothing wrong with the strip. Sure it's big, but it's open, and vehicles should be able easily assist against any beacons placed, as well as snipers pick off any GDI infantry. The Tower isn't hard to jump into ( easier than in original renegade). The wf on the other hand has a lot more places to hide a beacon, and is in my opinion the easiest building to place a successful beacon, A favourite place for me is to place on the ledge. If a beacon is placed on top for instance. You as a GDI hotwire may have to run from the other side of the base to disarm. You then have a choice to make, go up or look on the ground, a choice that may cost you the wf. Do I think it should change, no. Each team has its differences, which make this game unique.
  15. 6 gig is nothing... After you've downloaded 55 gig for Doom
  16. Quick question: Do/Did you run the launcher from within Program files? (As I might now the problem) No, mine runs from a non windows drive
  17. Up to you Cudaker, I just overwrote every file in there with the files in the zip. Worked fine
  18. This is exactly what happened to me last night.. I got around it my manually downloading the new launcher and extracting the contents of the zip to the 'Launcher' directory in the Renegade x folder. link to launcher zip: http://www.renegade-x.com/launcher_data ... r-3879.zip
  19. Looking good so far. Is 'improving agt/obi ability to target infantry' a fix for the base defenses being useless at killing infantry on base defense maps, or just making them slightly better? Right now, base defense maps are just not fun to play because how easy it is to run to enemy buildings. Also is this patch to include a fix or mitigation of some sort for the server attacks?
  20. Damn... do you have control of the router connected the server? If the ISP does, enquire if they can configure: 'ip verify unicast reverse-path'
  21. I'd be up for that, let me know when you're free (we'll have to translate the time difference). If they're using UDP (which UDP port(s)), are you able to have these/ask your ISP to drop data on UDP ports? Unless renx use some UDP ports..
  22. @itweek with the cisco asa, have you turned logging on and had a look at the logs when an attack occurs? It will tell you what type of packet it is, as well the source ip address(es). Depending on your config, it sounds like you're accepting INBOUND traffic from DDoS'er, you need to analyse the logs and see where it is coming, then create a DENY rule accordingly. If you want some help analysing this, i'm happy to help. @Bong, I'd be happy to help analyse any wireshark captures and translate these to new ACL deny rules on a router or a firewall. I'm a network engineer by trade, so i'm very well rehearsed when it comes to layers 1- 4
  23. Ouch 4am Aest... guess I'll at least wait till daylight savings returns
  24. What time do these pug matches generally happen? I always get up on a Sunday morning and i think they've finished already. I'd love to participate some time.
  25. It's no use comparing the Renegade X artillery to the Renegade one, considering how OP it was in vanilla renegade
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