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Everything posted by sterps

  1. I had that, by changing it from msaa x 8 to fxaa x 5 solved it for me
  2. You can play c&c 3 & kanes wrath online using revora. Takes a bit of tinkering but it works. @super kh, tiberian dawn, red alert, tiberian sun, ra2 and their respective expansions can all be played on cncnet. It's an awesome tool that's been designed well. You can play 8 player games for all except tiberian dawn (6 players). You should give it a go
  3. Problem solved. Decent layer of dust covered the top of the CPU heat sink, causing overheat. Cleaned it, everything is good now
  4. Hi guys, I've noticed since i've started playing the new patch, that my computer spontaneously shuts off, then restarts. I rolled back my video cards drivers, thinking it was the new driver that was released, but it still occurred afterwards. I've since tried playing other resource intense games without it occurring. Now this has never happened before, and this doesn't happen playing any other game, not even UT 3 vanilla, and only seems to happen playing Renegade X. My system specs: Windows 7 Pro x64 intel i5-4670k @ 3.4GHz 10GB DDR3 Nvidia GeForce GTX 770 4GB edition I usually run the game at maxed out gfx settings, with MSAA x 8 Has something changed from the last patch?
  5. The ssm launcher is M270 MLRS chassis, with two honest John missiles on the back instead of the mission missile pod. This doesn't exist in real life. Though mobile honest John missile launchers exist As for the Mammoth, as cool as it would be. No counterpart exists in real life. There were some german designs of double barrelled tanks like the Landkreuzer P. 1000 Ratte Also the Panzer maus viii was another double barrelled tank prototype from ww2
  6. Nod Apache, based on the AH-64D Apache Longbow GDI APC, based off the M113 APC GDI Humvee, based off... the Humvee Chinook based off the CH-47 Chinook
  7. Nod buggy, based off the M34 lpv
  8. The real life counterpart to the GDI A-10 Warthog ground support aircraft, the A-10 Thunderbolt
  9. The real life counterpart of the original Nod light tank, the M2 Bradley
  10. Real life MLRS:
  11. This is the real life counter part of the original Nod Artillery
  12. Hey Yosh, how is progress going on resolving on the misfire bug with units like the Mammoth tank... So many times i've been one shot away from destroying a building, and bam tank doesn't fire...
  13. I honestly don't know why most people are arguing amongst one another, it's counter productive and is not helping anything. It really feels like the Renegade forums mentality has transitioned over here, and this community needs to be thinking about what it can do for this game as greater whole. Whoever is DDoSing, you'll never know unless you get their IP address, and trace it through the relevant ISP. Now they can't be that good, otherwise they'd be putting those skills to a more useful purpose for themselves. So this person is merely trying to undermine this community for revenge, competition purposes, whatever reason, and they probably like reading all this commotion. Now if you really want to put this DDoSing behind yourselves, it's simple. Either configure your routers attached to the server with the relevant ACL's and unicast reverse-path config OR Bite the bullet and pay the extra cash to have your ISP configure this protection on the router connected to your server. There's no point paying for a server and to have it unpopulated most of the time. When the attacker sees that his attacks are not making any impact he'll stop. Moving forward, Instead of bickering about who gets all the players on THEIR server, you should be thinking about ways to extend this game to a broader audience and get more people interested. Once you have more players, you won't need to worry about whose servers are populating. This game has so much potential, more than the original renegade had. I know people have been discussing ways to increase interest in RenX, but maybe more should be done from the developers. I notice a lack of activity from the developers. I know motivation is down, or they may be busy with real life. If this mod is to survive, something has to be done about it. If the senior members are hard pressed, then it may be time to open up opportunities to have new developers join the team, whether it be map makers, texture artists, coders etc. Put it out there, and try to get some fresh talent aboard. Marketing. A good reason to why Beta 1 and 2 had so many more players, was because the RenX team put a lot of effort to advertise this at many communities, spreading the word. Dispite Beta 1 & 2's shortcomings, and the much improved Beta 5 release, most of the players that left, probably don't know about the better releases that came after. We need to implement features that will encourage players to return for their investment of time into the game. More ideas to come.
  14. Yeah maybe, but as long as you know what time the DDOS occurred, you can filter that time using a packet sniffing application, or logs on your router. If the person is spoofing IP addresses as you've mentioned, then enabling unicast reverse-path will help mitigate that one. I'm just putting it out there, because there are networking technologies that can help mitigate DDOS attacks, have any of the server owners had a chat to their ISP's?
  15. You guys should be able to determine the IP address(es) that your servers are being ddos'd from, then create an ACL to deny traffic from that address/ those addresses. If you're not in control of your routers, then request this from your ISP, it's not hard to do.
  16. No, it's not silly, Renegade X is based on c&c Renegade, which is based on c&c tiberian dawn. And I'll say again, the only reason why the obelisk shoots at air units and why ramjets were so effective against air units, was due to Westwood's lack of time to implement rocket/missile tracking in their rush to get the air patch out... It's also why, air units spawn from the wf/as and not from helipads which were omitted
  17. In c&c tiberian dawn, the only base defenses that shot at air units, are the GDI advanced guard tower ( shot 2 missiles) and the Nod SAM site. And the only units to shoot at air were: GDI: rocket soldier, MLRS, Mammoth Tank and the gun boat. Orcas could engage in air to air combat if the unit was targeted before take off. Nod: rocket soldier, recon bike, stealth tank, (Nod got MLRS in multi player only) In the original Renegade, anything could engage air units, though I believe the reasoning behind making the primary base defenses shoot air units as well as making ramjets effective against air units was because a lack of time to implement rocket/ missile tracking
  18. I've gotta say, i think overall performance has improved in Beta 5 from Beta 4, it's one of the first things i've noticed as soon as i started playing Beta 5
  19. Congrats on the hard work guys, Beta 5 in my opinion is the best release yet.
  20. All the changes look great. The one thing I'm not seeing too much of, are bug fixes, have these been left out?
  21. Sidearms definitely need to be changed in some way. It's too OP having a technician or hotwire with those guns when they're supposed to be support/demolitions As for stanks, they need a buff, but i think their damage is fine, they do quite a lot of damage as it is. It's just landing the shots which hurt it at the moment Slightly buff their speed, improve the accuracy and adjust the muzzle on the stank so when it fires the missiles don't splay out wildly. This will improve their range slightly and also improve their accuracy. With accuracy improved more of it's missiles will hit your target
  22. Honestly, not interested in melee moves. This is a war game, so i don't think people will be lining up to play for that reason. Besides we have more important things to worry about in the next patch, like getting this thing as close to balanced as possible
  23. I like the sound of the balance changes so far. They're more baby step changes, which is what this mod needs at the moment.
  24. I don't see how this is a problem... That person is guarding against you from entering the base, simple as that. Try a raveshaw/Sydney and attac him or Instead of trying the same tactic over or waiting for him to leave, try getting a vehicle and assisting your team at attacking the base... I vehicle guarding the bridge means one less vehicle in the battlefield for the enemy team...
  25. I find it happens even when i'm not holding the mouse button down. If i click for each shot just as it's reloaded this still happens. Lol when you hold the mouse button down it just doesn't fire but keeps reloading, over and over.
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