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Everything posted by SvN91

  1. I saw a wolverine spawn inside the tunnels in Tomb.
  2. yes I did read but I was in a hurry, click the join server button, not the launch server button
  3. select a server from the list, then click the join server button to the right
  4. flying a chinook into the enemy base with a commando team instead of some engineers does make more sense
  5. they are originally commando units, atleast Havoc.
  6. Imo sneaking in to the enemy base and destroy a building is the most exciting and fun thing to do in the game. But I agree that it could be changed so that it must be done with more expensive commando units. Give Havoc and Sakura more C4 and make them cost 2000?
  7. since when did germany start WW1
  8. I really enjoyed the christmas server. The problem is that there are so few players that it would be ether the normal server or the event-server that would be full..
  9. I just think it would be more realistic that way, accurate single shots for longer distance and and unaccurate spraying for close combat. This could be implemented for all automatic weapons
  10. not really related to the kind of alternative fire discussed here but would it be possible to make the automatic rifle switch between automatic fire and single shot fire? Would be more realistic
  11. flak bonuses?
  12. There is usually one full server every evening for us here in Europe
  13. What's wrong with single players destroying buildings? Some games would last forever if not that one hottie or tech sneaks in and destroy a building. And if the infiltration succeeds it feels awsome. It's probably one of the most fun things in renegade. Why take that away?
  14. Sidearms are OP but I think it would be nice to be able to choose between timed C4 and frag grenades for example.
  15. genious
  16. SvN91

    Trump Won

    I'd rather have Trump president over there than Clinton ((Soros)). Trump may be fucking up the US but Clinton would continue creating chaos in the middle east and worsen the relations with Russia (No fly-zones in Syria etc.) I'm so sick of dumb and naive people on social media acting like the Trump victory would result in WW3 and a US terror state.
  17. I'd like to be able to choose different options when I purchase infantry. So all free infantry can have ether c4/frag/smoke.
  18. I think it would be annoying honestly. It's already too hard to kill an enemy tech trying to put C4 on your tank in the middle of a battle. What I think would be cool however is being able to damage enemy light vehicles by crushing them with heavier tanks
  19. Now that vehicles have some really nice skins, would it be possible to have different camouflage options for infantry? I really liked how you in the original game were able to choose for example snow or desert camouflage for Havoc. To be able to choose forest/snow/desert clothing for infantry would be really cool. I think that at least sniper units should be able to blend in better in the terrain. Right now it's a bit strange that Nod snipers wear those big red suits in snowy maps. I'm not sure however if all infantry could have camouflage because it would become difficult for players to see the difference between GDI and Nod in a distance. What do you think?
  20. If I remember correctly infantry took damage inside buildings also in the original game, even from artillery shelling a building. In renegadeX also c4s damage trough walls. Personally I don't mind, you don't have to stand and repair in front of the MCT in barracks.
  21. SvN91


    I wish there will be a patch fixing this soon, every time I launch a server from the launcher it starts downloading new maps and it doesn't work. I downloaded all new maps from the map pack here on this server but they only worked untill the latest patch I think. Most of the new maps are not nearly finished anyways so I don't really think they should be playable yet.
  22. I might have a similar problem, after I downloaded the latest patch the game stops responding and won't load. I had the same problem before with an earlier patch but a later patch seemed to fix it. Edit: I reinstalled the game and it still doesn't work:/
  23. is it possible to make vehicles upgradeable? like purchasing an MG for your med as anti infantry weapon. I'm thinking of something like a capturable techcenter.
  24. yes! who knows, maybe there are 30 other people just looking at that 40/40 server not knowing they could fill up another server. Great idea
  25. no, the obelisk is supposed to have that humming sound when it charges but the new sound it makes is more like a bird singing in a tree above grasshoppers in the grass
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