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Everything posted by SvN91

  1. - Tried the commander smoke support power and the smoke grenade detonated in the air high above ground. Could be because I did this from an orca. - While testing in skirmish I noticed that no crates spawned in lakeside. I only saw one crate - Outposts seemed like a really cool map, love the towers. However I think the sea should be made more visible, first I didn't even know there was water because the fog and drove right into it with my humvee and got killed.
  2. Just make a guide that you can access during gameplay that players can check during the match. Esc>>> Game Guide>>> >Buildings >>>Ref >>>PP >>>Base defenses >>>etc >Vehicles >Infantry >Mines and beacons >etc etc
  3. SvN91

    Frustration therapy

    when you and your team do extremely well and is winning but then game crashes and you join the losing team
  4. Sometomes AOW would be fun tbh. Can't this be made into a vote before the game begins just like the map vote?
  5. why is this not a crate yet:/
  6. I agree, the recon bike isn't that bad but the rest of the vehicles are to futuristic for me. Are they even balanced? I'm thinking of a titan rush with 10 titans.. The recon bike is fine as it is, one or two hits and it is destroyed. Also it's almost the cost of a med.
  7. a disable harvester/blow up harvseter vote? I guess the best solution would just be to buy tanks+ airstrikes and not sbhs and break the siege
  8. I think he means when the base is under siege and it still goes out to harvest even when there is 10 enemy tanks on the tiberium field
  9. I was also stuck on loading screen
  10. computers and internet is ruining our generation
  11. didn't even notice I had that option selected, thanks. I really missed that loud intro
  12. I have not seen any loading screens at all since spring I think.
  13. That's a shame, buildings would make some interesting gameplay
  14. Are there more models of civilian buildings? would it be possible to make maps with towns or even cities?
  15. a crate that replaces your weapon to a completely useless water pistol
  16. didn't notice they were in the original post
  17. -Maybe a random new weapon? -A nuclear/Ion beacon
  18. This made me start playing the campaign too
  19. Very nice, if you have more time I think lakeside would look beautiful in winter!
  20. A chatroom and a visible number of people online in the launcher would still be THE number one solution for getting players to fill up empty servers.
  21. It would be really refreshing with maps with different objectives now and then, I like the convoy idea.
  22. - Replace chinook with santas flying sled - make c4 look like christmas presents (maybe make hotties and techs have santa clothes) - make harvester harvest chocolate and tasty food instead of tiberium
  23. 1. The problem before was that the ramjets dominated in close combat when they are meant to be used in long range, I think the spread is fine for the ramjet rifle. 2. I very much agree with you. Right now I rarely see Deadeye/BHS in game, probably because players think they are too weak. As for the BHS skin, I think the clothes of nod officer or Mendoza would suit them better, maybe with a different head model. Ravenshaw and Sydney are a catastrophy right now. I don't know what other players think about them but I despise them. A single Rav/sydney can dominate a tunnel because of their ability to kill nearly every unit with one shot while also having the range to do it before intended close combat units like chems or McFarland can reach them, I'm especially thinking about the tunnels in Islands. I know this was the same problem with Havoc and Sakura before but Rav/Sydney are so powerfull against everything else too. Why not give them more spread, shooting vehicles doesn't require much accuracy. Something has to be done changed with infantry. Sniper classes often get the most hate but I can't honestly remember when I was killed by a sniper the last time. Being sent flying from a blue or red beam on the other hand happens a bit too often... Tunnel and close quarter combat should be dominated by automatic weapons and flame/chem weapons, not by one-shot long range weapons and AT- weapons.
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