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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by iridesence

  1. about where i expected tbh
  2. Well, here it is, my first open test of the map if people want to try it out: http://www.mediafire.com/file/y9bscjyx9o4a31b/C%26C-Bayside.rar Please be aware that decals and advanced ground textures are not in yet. Its my first map so I am expecting bugs and what not. edit: palm trees have no texture ingame (but do in the udk editor). aware of issue. trying to find out the issue to correct it.
  3. building my lights (good 2-4 hour process for this pc for some raisin.) and then i think I have a playable alpha version. added some minor decor to both bases. some small bugs done. temp minimap in for now (thanks @Madkill40 for that minimap work). still needs decals and advanced terrain texturing. (to be done after everything else is good and finished and working.)
  4. Assault modes would fit into the theme of CnC really. GDI or Nod special forces taking/destroying a hidden encampment or facility. not unlike some missions on some of the C&C solo campaigns.
  5. stinger vehicle updated with a some balance fixes, and a new attack helicopter has been introduced for testing!
  6. well i suppose later tonight i can get on and spawn a whole bunch after work. seems for now until the permissions issue is settled someone will have to manually spawn them in :< edit: apparently both weapon and vech spawning votes need to be done accordin to server admin for randoms to spawn.
  7. So, Taisho was kind enough to grant me a public server for testing a couple new tanks. Yall are free to hop on if you want to try some stuff. be warned, balance is not there. op stuff may occur, and art is not fully complete on them (they are beta vehicles) iirc there should be a server hosted by FPI in the browser: The current testing stuffs are: -Light Assault Vehicle (a fast recon assault tank with an all-purpose 30mm automatic cannon) (currently undergoing ground-up rework, expect this to change massively when i update it.) -Osprey (Heavy Assault Transport aircraft armed with long range missile system. has good health, but is a very big target, and has no real defense at close range). (80% finished) -Hind (Attack helicopter designed for ground bombardment. Designed specifically to saturate an area with unguided rockets for aoe damage over precision. This makes it excellent to deal with massed groups, over a single target. Best vs infantry and clusters of tanks. (weapon system is undergoing re-balance, expect changes) (95% finished) -Tank Destroyer (Fixed gun assault tank with a very powerful anti-tank weapon. fires very slowly, has only 500hp. trades rate of fire, armor, and a turret for raw damage vs vehicles.) (97% finished) -HIMARS (long range heavy rocket bombardment system. best dps in the game when fighting long range. cannot fight in close quarters combat. requires a missile lock to have any semblence of accuracy. currently using custom sound effects for its weapon!) (95% finished) -Heavy Tank (A heavily armored tank that bridges that gap of the medium tank, and the mammoth tank in terms of armor and firepower. weak vs aircraft) (80% finished) server commands can be used to spawn these 4 test tanks for people if they wish: F5: sandboxspawn iri_veh.rx_vehicle_osprey sandboxspawn iri_veh.rx_vehicle_LAV sandboxspawn iri_veh.rx_vehicle_TankDestroyer sandboxspawn iri_veh.rx_vehicle_SuperHind sandboxspawn iri_veh.rx_vehicle_HIMARS sandboxspawn iri_veh.rx_vehicle_HeavyTank (make sure to vote menu the 2 sandbox spawn items on to enable custom spawns) feedback would be appreciated for anyone interested.
  8. The new one is intended to be an "aerial capital ship" in terms of gameplay. its large, has a good hp pool, and has a moderatly powerful long-range missile system, and can carry as much passengers as an apc. it cant defend itself in close combat though, so its major weakness is no real close range defense, as well as it being a huge target compared to the other aircraft.
  9. how did you know? :<
  10. The RenX airforce gets an upgrade, try to guess which one it is. (everyone of these aircraft are fully functional, complete things.)
  11. I also refrenced that tutorial, but i think im doing somthing wrong, as i cant get any lines to appear between cameras.
  12. 1st screenshot: GDI tiberium field. (complete) 2nd screenshot: center field (overland). rocks added, and terrain noise added. 3rd screenshot: Bunkers added just outside bay entrances to base for infantry to use as cover.
  13. Tiberium nodes and volumes completed, but i seem to be having a new issue pop up with the harvesters. they make one pass at the tib collection and then just stay at the refinery after they make the first deposit of tiberium. this remained after making new paths over again. PT menu's done. also, for some reason i cant seem to get the manitee to work for me for making endgame cameras.
  14. is it possible to include weather effects into the game using UE3? for example random snowstorms that reduce visibility on under or a heavy thunderstorm in mesa with driving rain that making driving tanks harder(muddy terrain). such random events could provide a chance for either team to make a move as it provides opportunity.
  15. is there a way to have, map specific, to change what can be purchased from a PT (other then flying units.). For example if I wanted to add a tank to the list of purchasable items, what would i need to do to get started? Id rather not have to make kismet spawners for everything custom (ie: crash site).
  16. Here are the files for people if they are interested in these above ^^^: test_tank-AAtank.rar test_tank-duster.rar
  17. What about these: 1st pic is a stinger system mounted on a mobile chassis. trades the dpm of the MRLS for much higher spike damage, mobility, and a better firing arc. the missile are also faster, so they are harder to dodge if they get a lock. (this would be good for Nod since they use SAM's and stingers for AA purposes) 2nd is essentially a Duster. a Dual 40mm anti-aircraft cannon on a moderatly armored chassis. shreds light armor and has an amazing firing arc. has a hard time in close combat though due to a lack of decent gun depression. (good for GDI since it fits the theme of there tanks imo) both need an artist to work on textures, and they are both essentially beta in terms of completion. (they work, but they are not balanced, and a few graphical quirks are present. tolerable for me, but i can't speak for others.)
  18. also, the fact that just about every map follows the same flow-pattern might exacerbate the boredom issue for some?
  19. honestly id rather see more game types then just C&C mode we have now. its nice and all, but if you want more people to play longer term, your going to need more modes, CnC isnt for everybody. And lets face it, a change of pace every so often would be nice. Modes like: -Assault (one team defends a point for X amount of time, they win if time limit is reached and its alive. attacking team obv wins if target is destroyed. -TDM (obvious what it means) -Deathmatch (obvious what it means) -Co-op missions (objective based maps vs the AI) obviously those are cookie cutter examples, but im sure clever people could come up with better ones.
  20. you mean like this: that was one i abandoned early in favor of other projects. used it for learning stuff in 3ds max. also, where might i find the crash logs again?
  21. well i finished a prototype of the tank, got the weapons system mostly unbugged. ill include a package for it if anyone wants to give it a try here: test_tank-LAV.rar next thing i want to try and model is an actual tank. i got it decently finished, but it seems to be crashing udk when i try to load a map with it: ^^ my initial guess is the poly count, but i need to do more testing tbh. and find someone who can do some art for me for textures.
  22. its easier said then done, but mabye make a new building, like say an armory for GDI & shrine for Nod. has a platform that when a vech is parked on, a player can enter a PT to apply "upgrades" to said tank on pad for credits. like flamethrowers for buggys, smoke deployment systems for light/medium tanks, emp missiles to the mrls, destructible armor plates, etc. thats my idea at least.
  23. Introduction of battlefield support stuff for vehicles would be a nice touch imo. things like: -smoke launchers (have some tanks with deployable smokescreens to mask movement) -stealth generators (mobile platform that stealth's a small area around it, but not itself.) -weapon jammers. (breaks missile locks, forces manual aim) -Laser Desginators (marked targets take increased damage) -Emp tanks (fires emp blasts only, to lock tanks in place & disable mines, but no real damage) doesnt have to be exactly those things, but some variety would be nice in terms of what our tanks can do. things that don't do direct damage, but can do wonders in a team environment to support a team. I know some of the devs wanted to take this game in its own direction, and i think adding new features, as well as new things would help to distinguish it..
  24. nothing glorious to report on map progress yet. got done setting up some bounding boxes and collision areas. the invisible stuff and what not.
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