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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Madkill40

  1. Either AGN has a really game-breaking mutator or summin' dunn messed up, will double-check on CT server If it has to be hotfixed be sure to include CNC-Toxicity btw @yosh56 Just a mutator. false alarm.
  2. Nvidia Control panel, 'Configure Surround/PhysX' set 'GPU' as PhysX default (Auto-select typically uses the GPU instead of the CPU anyway) and give RenX a try, failing this, select 'CPU' instead and see what happens. I kept getting shitty FPS and random drops but that all stopped when I uninstalled 'ASUS AI Suite II'
  3. So where in the map changes did I overlook "Comm C. now displays all units on the overview map" <--- I thought Comm C. was only meant to display units on the minimap radar and not the overview map?
  4. Should try to make a CNC Generals style main menu
  5. CNC-Toxicity is now complete and awaiting testing so it can go into base game and people can be like "woah... pretty... shit" Update as of 13th February: Fixed a stuck spot by the waterfall Fixed blocking volumes for infantry at map center Made water by tiberium fields cause pain, lots and lots of pain (you can no longer swim through the lake) To make up for this I have added rocks and planks Decorated around the Temple of Nod New minimap Raised front Turrets for both teams as they would not always shoot at enemies directly in front of them Flattened the ground outside both the bases to allow Turrets to shoot better Flattened many dips in certain parts of the map (Harvester entrances and ditch behind rocks before both the bases) Areas inaccessible to vehicles now have a visual cue to indicate they cannot go into infantry-only zones Added some rocks on both Silo sides so Guard Towers are disadvantaged against infantry wanting to shoot the silos Added vehicle blocking volume around barracks Added blocking volume around tall rocks within both infantry zones by the HoN and the WF Potentially sorted AI Bot idiot path-finding (Potentially made it worse) Misc changes Update as of 11th February: TeamSilo files removed because they now come in the basegame of RenX and this was causing unnecessary download/VersionMisMatch issues Turrets GDI Gun Turrets fully functional and displaying thanks to AGN-Sarah Toxicity will now undergo final touch-ups Update as of 8th February: GDI Gun Turrets now work in multiplayer (Hopefully) and display the correct name 'Turret' instead of 'Guard Tower' Provided the aforementioned is an actual success a new minimap will be created Added underwater surface material to Temple of Nod lake Converted infantry path from middle to Tiberium fields into Vehicle paths
  6. I'm happy with anything, although just for funzies two squads per faction with each squad working independently (via voice channel) is definitely an idea which should be entertained at some point
  7. @Canucck I like that idea, this also means the Squad Wars server can have a properly set map rotation and squads can plan ahead but should Squads be limited to 2 maps each? 1 GDI and 1 Nod? Or perhaps each climb up the ladder alternates? If I may throw in an inspired suggestion Tier 1 - Preliminary Matches - 4 or 5 Matches in-total 1 Map as GDI (Squad A & B) 1 Map as Nod (Squad A & B) 1 Map agreed to by both Squads [Tiebreaker Only] Tier 2 - Factions At War #1 - 4 or 5 Matches in-total 2 Maps as Nod (Squad A) 2 Maps as GDI (Squad B) 1 Map agreed to by both Squads [Tiebreaker Only] Tier 3 - Factions At War #2 - 4 or 5 Matches in-total 2 Maps as GDI (Squad A) 2 Maps as Nod (Squad B) 1 Map agreed to by both Squads [Tiebreaker Only] Tier 4 - Until Death - Marathon - 1 Match Faction preferred map, Squad preference must be in opposition e.g. If Squad A & B both prefer to play as GDI on Islands, then Islands is ruled out as a possibility and so on down the line ^^^ [Squad Singles Victory, Tournament concludes with Victors in Tier 4 being the winners of the Tournament] - Essentially the Tournament ends here ^^^ Squads defeated in either Tier 1 or Tier 2 can go on to having their own Tier 3 and Tier 4 battles against other defeated Squads Tier 5 - Vindictive Revenge - Marathon - 1 Match - [Squad Duos begins] - If people like this idea and want Squad Wars to continue a little bit more... 2 Squads per team, but both Squad will work independently (voice chat) within a faction Squad combinations are as follows: Tier 3 victors team up with their opposing Tier 4 rivals' defeated Squads e.g. T3 Squad A beats Squad D T3 Squad B beats Squad C T4 Squad A & C in one faction T4 Squad B & D in one faction Squad A & B pick the faction Squad C & D pick the map Communication between Squads A & C are through in-game chat during gameplay (likewise for B & D) Each Squad has their own voice channel Sidenote: The Squad which wins Tier 4 is essentially fighting against two squads they have beaten already Here is a mockup Tourny chart/graph/grid anywho...
  8. Couldn't you just use a dense and gradually darkening fog instead? Or (b)force post-processing for this map only?
  9. Have you enabled Hardware PhysX on the first page of the settings menu?
  10. You spend all of 5 minutes on a flanner and get no credit for it
  11. Squad - McFarland Clan Squadmates - Shogun Gliven Redarmy Sarah Yosh Havoc89 MintLemonade Ricefag Xeon Wraith Madkill
  12. I know somebody who does rigging and animation, if you make the model of a visceroid then... y'know... maybe...
  13. Let's keep it simple, if the total player count is below 18 (9v9) after the map changes/restarts then beacons are disabled, only when there are 20 or more players will beacons enable again after the map changes/restarts. <---- Mutator trial period to see if this benefits a server with a low population of players. This would be the least conflicting way a mutator could and in my opinion should work. ("least conflicting" i.e. least likely to cause bugs on the server as well as least likely to cause players crashing) Should this idea perform well and popularize then hardcode this into the base-game as a feature in the server settings, which is when the time will come for fancy live disabling/enabling of beacons via PT based on player quantity, without the need for a map restart/change <--- This is for devs to do at some point if the concept is favoured after an initial mutator trial period Trial'n'error concepts with mutators, because that is how this game will improve without sacrificing the integrity of the base-game. P.S. I am glad to see the AGN server adopting and trialing mutators into RenX
  14. I want to be in whichever squad @Gliven & @ShogunKitsune are in
  15. You mean "Skip movies" I wish there was an alternative "Skip intro movies" as well.
  16. Skipping the loading screens which sorta makes the game look bugged, especially to new players, by way of seeing the RenX game world pre-load before the initial pre-spawn cam is set all because skipping JUST the intro movies and skipping ALL movies deserved no distinctive consideration. But its okay, because nobody thinks that makes the game look tacky in any way because we all have supercomputers and spend less than 3 seconds loading between maps, even though first-time players are only ever going to see main menu freezing for X amount of time until they first load in but they do not matter whatsoever and... -It is a dick move, 'skip movies' and 'skip intros' should have different settings. Alternatively, if you uncheck 'skip movies' and then just delete the files for the intro vids that should deliver best of both worlds, right? @Agent
  17. Seriously hope the sky texture is a not-shit pixelated one.
  18. Really wish i could get the GDI Gun Turret working, the GDI texture exists
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