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Everything posted by TK0104

  1. Trust me. it Looks better than the older version
  2. I think thats possible
  3. Okay. I give the map 1 pickup. Its located at the silo. Its the repair gun. So infantry classes dont need to switch to hotwire/technician or engineer
  4. The pickups was a bit unfair. And it's better I remove these things. I heard from kenz about pickups. It's possible to make a mutator to activate spawn weapons.
  5. I don't to mess up with the original map.
  6. I know that it's a bit early. But this is the version of TrainingYard that has to be in patch 5.004. (I wont release anything for now. I going to make the real real real final version )
  7. I dont panic
  8. Okay. The older versions got that Custom Techbuilding that kenz made for flying units. But it didnt work good (I removed it in final). I removed watchtower in final version. So you dont have to worry about that. There was also a "cave" that you can access with air units (fixed that in fixed). I builded lights with preview in older versions. The final is build on high. And the tiberium fields didnt (almost) had no tiberium meshes. I got way more tiberium now (btw. Final got blue tiberium) Final version has also no pickups. There was a problem with it. You could pick every weapon that was spawned around the map. These days we have that the player can hold 2 weapons, 1 pistol, a grenade or bomb (Was also in Black Dawn)
  9. You better built the final version in 5003. The older versions had a lot of problems. And the final is better than the older one.
  10. I had the same problem. If you set locatation XYZ of the lanscape to 0, it Will be fixed (I thought)
  11. Looks very nice
  12. Whaaaat. My map will be added in the next patch. Awesome (I never thought my map would be added in a patch). Now this is what I call Hardcore. And yosh, You can make for the 3 new maps (Eyes, Valley and TrainingYard) an .ini file so the maps will be added to the Skirmish menu.
  13. First TestPlay of M13: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kJKsvILRog
  14. Well it wont be campaign. I've set it to deathmatch. And I'm only a mapper. I'm not one that can make cinematics.
  15. I'm not sure when. I have to do some test plays and look for problems before I release it
  16. UPDATE (8-14-15) I've finished the first mission of Renegade Campaign Maps (The Scorpion Hunters). We've seen in C&C Renegade these maps in Deathmatch. I've been thinking and I think that I mess up the map when I'm going to use kismet. So what I want to say. The maps will be deathmatch. I've updated the 2 screenshots. And I've added one of the Nod Base. Link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2ze9 ... 1BOTnJFYTA I only need to make an endgame camera. And do some test plays ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For my second map I'm thinking of the second mission (Rescue and Rebritation a.k.a M01) or the fourth mission (The Plot Erupts a.k.a M03). The only problem is. There are buildings that are not remade (These two missions own a Nod Communication Center and M01 owns a GDI Construction Yard (Not Accessable)) And I'm not a person who can remake these buildings (I got the old models of it in the SDK) Handepsilon asked me if I can give him the buildings. He wanted to give it a try. If you can remake a building, PM me. It can be helpfull.
  17. I've edited the list. These buildings are extra structures * GDI/Nod Construction Yard * Nod Communication center * Shrine of Nod * GDI/Nod Helipad * GDI/Nod Tiberium Silo * GDI Advanced Communication Center I'm going to extract the extra structures from C&C Fjord. That map owns all the structures
  18. yes you can also extract files from Custom C&C Renegade maps
  19. The buildings is the biggest problem. I'm not one that can Re-create buildings. Like the commcenter or comstruction yard. Luckly the M13 map owns only the HoN and Obby. And you cant enter them. So I dont need to worry about the interiors. And I'm not sure M13 is a bonus mission. I think westwood created the first mission after M01. I saw a video from M01 and that was during the bèta testing of C&C Renegade. (And I saw some footage of M01 during the beta testing. Looked more awesome than final version)
  20. Yo. After I discovered how to get models of C&C Renegade in Renegade X SDK I had a great idea. Some of the Renegade Fans want to see the campaign maps back in action. I had nothing to do and then I started to Remake the first mission of C&C Renegade Campaign Maps. It's a bit boring sometimes. Because I need to use a lot of rock. But every day I have something done. So I was planning to release some PREVIEW SCREENSHOTS. It's not done full 100%. In the link below you can download the 2 screenshots: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2ze9 ... Ex3SDNmbWs
  21. Well i'm not a person that can make the building. I saw that Ska-ara asked to havoc89 if he could make videos how to set up buildings. So I don't know or the construction yard is coming
  22. I've finally figured a way to get models from the old C&C Renegade in UDK. It's a very easy tutorial. And trust me. It works. In the tutorial I use the GDI/Nod Construction Yard that was used in the C&C Renegade Campaign maps. Link of the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-H4MPB6 ... fZ&index=1 I hope it's helpfull. And I hope you can make the buildings ready for Renegade X.
  23. I'm still thinking. I'm not sure if I really do it. EDIT: I don't think I'm going to remake it. But I made a nice tutorial how to get old C&C Renegade Models in the Renegade X SDK. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-H4MPB6 ... fZ&index=1
  24. I know glacier is fan made. And about inspiration. I have my own created map. I only need to build lights
  25. I can also do a other map. C&C Glacier or the renegade single player maps
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