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Totem Arts Staff
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Everything posted by TK0104

  1. Maybe someone can create a vote system where we can vote for the maps
  2. So which maps next saturday? Tomb and Uphill?
  3. I think that the structures are too close to each other. And could you make screenshots with lit-mode on. I think that looks something nicer
  4. Yeah I posted the last post on my phone. I didnt had a screenshot at the moment
  5. So I saw yesterday the Nod harvy in Lakeside docking for the first time but he wasn't moving after that. This also happens at other maps
  6. So today we test Crash Site and GrassyKnoll (regular)
  7. Yooo, I hope you're doing fine. I have a huge announcement to make. Today I Release CNC-Uphill and CNC-Tomb. These are 2 Re-Makes I announced a few days ago. I give the permission to add it to any test server. I also want to ask if these maps can be tested on a Saturday before PUG so I can fix stuff in the future. Thanks for all the support you guys gave me Enjoy!! Download Here CNC-Tomb (V1.5) Download Here CNC-Uphill (V1.2)
  8. I think it would be possible. Still need to add some stuff and fix stuff
  9. There is at islands a Light that flows in the water. Check the tunnels
  10. Check out the Testplay video of Tomb: uX8joYRv0pQ
  11. For next week maybe: CNC-Crash Site (By Ruud) CNC-Beach Head (By Kenz)
  12. No excavation. I don't like that. And about interior......maybe. The coffin that lies in the tunnel is big enough to hide behind
  13. I used the old models and used materials from walls. But that doesn't matter. It looks sick, right?
  14. Yooooooo, I'm back with screenshots of the second Re-Make (Yes oh my ...). Yesterday I had a full day for myself and I did a lot of mapping for the second one. And it is so far in it's progress that I release already new screenshots. Be ready Tomb Another desert map with an Egyptian Temple and tunnel System. It really looks like what I want to have. This map is kind of a smaller CNC-Walls with Canyon elements.
  15. Did you forced paths. Sometimes the harverster ignores forced paths
  16. Add a 'RX_BlockedForHarverster' path node. It works for my maps
  17. I can play a part of the Testing session, but not the PUG. Again private business
  18. Added link to the new RenX map storage
  19. Check out the Testplay of Uphill: TH-qeL5zJ7A
  20. Okay will take a look at it soon
  21. I can't go any further without the overpass
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