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Posts posted by [NE]Fobby[GEN]

  1. I also did not really use Patch.

    The Gunner was better in almost every way. Better against infantry, vehicles, structures, and he was 50 credits cheaper. The Laser Chaingun also seemed to do around the same damage as Patch against infantry, but did better against vehicles.

    The only useful purpose to the Patch in my opinion was as BOB mentioned, finding SBHs. But that's not really a big part of the game, I'd much rather use Gunner or Laser chaingun.

  2. Linux is for the people that are locked up in their basements shaking their fists at the world :P

    Nah but really, I've been a PC my whole life. I used a Mac for a course in highschool, didn't really like it or see what was so special about it.

  3. 1. You must have a legal copy of Unreal Tournament 3. If you don't have it yet, it can be found for extremely reasonable prices on Steam and most game stores.

    2. You must have the latest Unreal Tournament 3 patch applied to your game. If you have UT3, and have not yet patched it with the latest UT3 patch, then please download it here: http://udn.epicgames.com/Files/UT3/UT3patch5.exe NOTE: If you bought the Unreal Tournament 3 Black Edition from Steam you do NOT need this patch (it's already included).

    3. You must have the Renegade X 0.35 Beta - more information about that here: http://www.moddb.com/mods/renegade-x/news/...leased#comments

    Detailed install instructions here: http://www.renegade-x.com/Forums/index.php?showtopic=3029

    4. The Renegade X Server-Client patch released on October 1st is NOT necessary for this 0.36 patch. If you didn't downloaded the Server-Client patch released after the Renegade X 0.35 Beta, you don't need to. Simply download 0.36 (and consider the above) and you will be ready to go.

    5. Downloads: http://renegade-x.com/index.php?option=com...1&Itemid=69

  4. A lot of the balance problems that have been voiced here (such as Arties being OP for example) have already been fixed and these balance fixes will be making their way to you all very soon. Please be patient with us, and thank you.

    As for Field being a "Nod map", no not really. GDI can take advantage of the Obelisk's recharge time for example - someone can easily run into the Nod refinery either during a rush, or with two coordinating people (one to take the shot).

    Secondly it's a bit hard to say the Hand of Nod is less valuable than the Airstrip. It is less valuable right now, because with the current release, tank blast radiuses is are too big (it has been fixed for the next patch), but Nod Raveshaws, SBHs, Technicians, and snipers are all very valuable assets that are needed to win on Field. Destroy the Hand of Nod as GDI and you are in a great position.

    Thirdly, Nod can only hit the WF from the Bunker area and the right side of the Field. GDI can do the exact same with their MRLS.

    The AGT not hitting an opposing Artillery will most likely be fixed.

    The main reason why Nod is winning more often Field (about 60% of the time) in this build is because Artilleries are overpowered. Remember that GDI has Medium Tanks. One Medium tank can take out any Nod vehicle, because Meds are an all-in-one purpose vehicle, while Nod has 3 tanks that balance out with the GDI Med. Meds have good speed, good price, good armour, and good damage; no Nod vehicle is like this. So it is okay if Nod gets an advantage here or there in Field, considering Meds are a great vehicle, and a pack of them is very difficult to face with any Nod mixture.

  5. I trust we are all playing Renegade X 0.35, and have had a chance to try each weapon and vehicle. If not, what are you waiting for?

    What is your favourite weapon or vehicle in Renegade X? What do you like to use most?

    For me right now it would be the GDI Gunner. How about you?

  6. For future reference: if you're not 100% sure that you're going to be hosting a server or not, then it is best that you do not post yet. At least not until you are fully sure. Also I don't think we're going to be needing many more servers; only a few are being used right now.

  7. I think the chaingun is perfectly fine. A bit better than Renegade's but not enough to make it overpowered. It was always supposed to be a stronger version of the autorifle, if it were any weaker then there'd be no point in paying 175 for it. So we thought the no reload idea for the chaingun was a perfect way to make it better than Renegade's without ruining the game.

  8. Attention Server Owners!

    Everyone who hosts, or is thinking of hosting, a game server for Renegade X, we would like to hear from you! Our team is creating a private forum for server owners, for us to discuss important matters with our community leaders, such as new patches and more.

    If you're an administrator or a moderator of a Renegade X server, or if you are thinking of hosting your own server, please post below:

    1) Your name or alias (example: Ben "PieLover" Dover)

    2) Your email address (example: 123fakename[AT]hotmail.com)

    3) Your server name and IP if applicable (example: Pie Paradise X 555.126:4444)

    Please keep this thread limited to server hosts, those thinking of becoming ones, admins, and moderators.


    -Renegade X Dev

  9. QUOTE (Havoc89 @ Oct 3 2009, 10:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    I actually do prefer not being able to see enemies in the radar as it adds some stealth and suprise to the game. One idea I had was to make the system so you dont see any enemies but rather if anyone in your team targets an enemy, they would appear in the radar for a little while. So a kind of dynamic radar which still has some stealth elements to it.[/b]

    That was my idea <_< lol

    Well it can be argued that great minds think alike.
  10. I haven't downloaded the file... but just so you know they don't really need to be recorded, they can be taken straight from Renegade's always.dat

    But if the quality is 100% I could use them.

    Edit: They sound a lot lower pitched than Renegade's in your recordings.

  11. For those who have the patch and are unable to join patched servers, what has (oddly) worked for some people is that you can:

    1. Go to your Renegade/Published/Script folder

    2. Remove the RenX SC script file (move it somewhere else temporarily)

    3. Join a patched server

    It will automatically download the patch correctly to a different directory and will get you ingame properly. It's very weird, but it has worked for some people I've talked to.

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