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Posts posted by [NE]Fobby[GEN]

  1. QUOTE
    Only phrase I can think of offhand would be "The sun never sets on the British Empire"...which basically means it's always in it's prime.[/b]

    Because god wouldn't trust them in the dark :lol:

    Actually this was said because the British empire had colonies all over the world, so when the sun was up in the east, or in the west, the empire was there.

    But I just got blatantly off topic.

    I do think Tiberian Twilight or Tiberian Dusk would be perfect, as it makes sense with the other titles. I didn't like the title "Tiberium Wars", it just inconsistent and sounds like it's covering multiple Tiberian wars.
  2. Right now the repair beam locks onto a target, as long as your retical is on that target or if your character is moved about 30 degrees to the right or left. Only when you're clicking of course.

    If someone's running across the MCT the beam will hit them for about a second and then lock back onto the MCT.

  3. I'm not sure if the question has been asked before.

    In short, yes, there will definitely be a skirmish mode, where bots will be able to buy their own characters and vehicles. Will it be in the first release? Right now I'm leaning towards no, as we're still working on getting the basic coding for Renegade X done, and will be releasing that when it's finished. Things like skirmish and new game modes will be coming in later releases.

  4. You won't be able to drive the main harvester because there's much that can go wrong there (n00b drivers, people going afk, people taking a longer way than necessary, team hampering, or someone who just naturally sucks at everything) but you will be able to purchase your own harvesters by the second or third release.

  5. Yeah, the site definitely needs quite a bit of updates, more than just the stuff you've mentioned.

    Right now it's not of utmost priority (and Rob's been working full time...) but we will be overhauling the Media page within the next few weeks in preparation for something special :lol:

  6. On commandandconquer.com, EALA's "2POC" conducted an interview with Renegade X Founder, [NE]Fobby[GEN]. The interview contains a wealth of information concerning Renegade X and the team behind it.

    2POC: What has been the most fun part of creating this mod?

    Fobby: That's probably the toughest question I've had to answer. Picking favorites is always hard. But, I would have to say that the most entertaining part of the mod's development would have to be spending time with the team. After more than two years of development, we've grown into sort of family. We communicate through the forums, MSN, and Teamspeak on a daily basis, and I have a blast when working with the team, as we are constantly making jokes and having a good time, whether we are testing the mod, playing a good ol' Command & Conquer game, or simply relaxing and exchanging words and ideas. I wouldn't exchange this mod team for anything. Well, maybe a few billion bucks. But that's it, I promise. ;) [/b]

    Check out the full interview here!


  7. QUOTE
    "boink" when killing someone. That was the shit, roll in a apc and run over like 2 people boink boink boink lol please put that in the game.[/b]

    It will make a comeback.

    with the new hud will there be a way to to lock it to a target like in the video where you playing the jumping game with the gdi wf in the background(say mousewheel button) and lock it to infantry?[/b]

    Are you talking about the silhouette bounding-box when targeting an enemy? There won't be a silhouette when targeting a building anymore, so it's limited to infantry and vehicles.

    Hey, I'm Just wondering a bit about the game play of it. Will The infantry wars in the tunnels be the same? Like is the damagae of certain weapons similiar to renegade? Also will there be the free aim button still. I seriously couldn't play with out it tongue.gif? (V)[/b]

    It's not set up right now but I do think it will be.
  8. It's funny how people prefer a floating button over a digital HUD that not only matches the style, but also displays much more information than the original HUD. This is not a carbon-copy of C&C Renegade, we are here to improve it in all ways necessary, and we won't waste this opportunity by trashing all of the innovative ideas that compliment the gameplay.

    There's really no way you could make a hybrid of both HUDs. Our HUD is essentially just like Renegade's in terms of where everything is located, the difference is it's digital. A HUD cannot by half-digital, half-floating button.

    We do agree with some of the fixes concerning transparency and colour though, these are constructive criticisms.

  9. You're very welcome! :)

    And yeah, a lot of us in the dev team are Renegade fanatics as well.

    Just so you know, Renegade is still alive! The cheaters have just about disappeared for the past year, and RenGuard is no longer necessary for anyone (there are server-side stuff that catch cheaters now). XWIS has replaced WOL, and Gamespy is still around, as well as quite a few servers and a few hundred players (at a time).

    Anyways we are glad to give hope to you and others, Renegade X truly is a new beginning for C&C Renegade.

  10. Well unlike Renegade, in UT3 (and therefore Renegade X) a person can download a custom map straight from the server as the game is loading. So there will be no problem with servers that use custom maps and players that don't have them.

  11. It is quite a bit of trouble - it means we have to set up the server again which takes a while, and get two people to join and to shoot each other in a few different ways, save, upload, post, take more pictures, etc.. We've got far more important things to be working on than that. The picture in my signature is basically as gore-y as it gets.

  12. QUOTE (havoc9826 @ Aug 6 2009, 01:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    renxmiss1.th.jpg renxmiss2.th.jpg renxmiss3.th.jpg renxmiss4.th.jpg

    *whistles innocently* :P

    Seriously though, excellent progress yet again. You guys are definitely dedicated, and I believe there's a good chance that you guys might release your first public beta before Tiberian Technologies is finished for regular Renegade.[/b]

    Well when we were named Renegade 2007 it did not mean we were going to release at that time. As you know, UT3 used to be called UT 2007, so we wanted to hybrid Renegade with UT 2007 and got Renegade 2007. UT3 ended up coming at the very end of 2007, so a release at that time would literally be impossible.

    As for 2008, I don't know. We didn't discuss any release dates internally during 2008. "Oops"?
  13. Well if it was filled in, then you wouldn't really get to see the character... a bit ugly if you ask me.

    Plus you can already see the health with the health bare below the silhouette when in range.

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