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Posts posted by [NE]Fobby[GEN]

  1. QUOTE (Mighty BOB! @ Sep 24 2009, 07:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Well, it's a long way off so there hasn't been a decision, but personally I'd like it to be like the TD model which was essentially the MLRS, but the missile pod was replaced with launching slides and two big fat napalm Honest John unguided missiles.[/b]

    Yeah, I was thinking the same.

    I think the plan is, when we start making our original-idea maps (aka non-remakes) in a future release, we could decide to replace the Nod APC with the Recon Bike, and replace the Nod Artillery with the SSM in those specific maps.
  2. QUOTE (punko24 @ Sep 21 2009, 08:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    well i know u worked hard and all but its like xmas and well my ears anr smokin, ima shakein, im droulin lol but if ur working on stuff that needs to be done for 9 days then ok lol

    I cant express how to thank u guys :( [/b]

    It's not Christmas :unsure:

    It's September 21st, and the open beta begins September 30th.
  3. I mentioned before that a nuke's damage radius against infantry and vehicles will be bigger than it was in Renegade. Not by an electrifying amount, but enough to kill infantry that are at least a few more feet away from the blast. So if you're sitting there repairing, and the time is up, you will probably die or at least get damaged.

  4. Well we do plan on adding an AI compatible with C&C mode for a later release. They will be intelligent enough to use purchase terminals and attack the structures or enemies with the lowest health first. Server hosts will be given the option to include bots in their multiplayer server - I can imagine this being useful for smaller servers trying to start up.

  5. Renegade X has a separate server client program which will display server listings.

    You will also be able to join by IP through the Renegade X shortcut.

    Yes you can still play normal UT3.

    MRLS rockets will lock onto targets if your retical is on the target for a couple seconds. They locked on in Renegade, I don't see why they shouldn't in Renegade X.

  6. Yes. Apoc is Aaron Kaufman. 2poc is the "second in command", hence the 2, when it comes to C&C community managers.

    Not to be mistaken with Tupac Shakur.

    He should go for the 1poc though, now that'll create some competition!

  7. The problem I think is not getting people to download and play the mod, but rather it is more difficult to keep a constant community of people playing past the 3 week mark. We plan on releasing a patch sometime after the September 30th beta, and a 2nd beta release with more features sometime before the end of the year (though that is not guaranteed as of now). These will hopefully bring players back. However we can use all the help we can get in spreading the word!

  8. QUOTE (epicelite @ Sep 12 2009, 04:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    IN B4

    NO! [/b]

    Stop trolling or I'll make you stop.

    Silos will make an appearance in Renegade X, but not until the other buildings are done and fully operational (which we're almost there for that). We will find a system which is appropriate for them.
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