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About roweboat

  • Birthday 08/17/1987

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    Wisconsin, USA
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  1. I did notice some level 9 bots were hotwires & were using proximity mines inside buildings too. not always. but sometimes.
  2. How do you mean? In AOW (timed matches/All Out War) buildings automatically rebuild after a set time during the round.
  3. Level 9 bots; they spawn in as armored sydney & mutant ravashaw & are heroic. And they're more aggressive.
  4. Some how you must have removed your pug role on discord. I'll add it back; sometimes the bot has issues. In the future please reach out through discord for PUG problems. the pug organizers don't really come here... let's be honest, not many do these days xD
  5. yeah this shot is great. had to do a double take the first time, wait that's RenX!?
  6. this is a glitch with the AA filters, simply ALT + TAB out & then ALT + TAB back in and it will be fixed. unfortunately this has to be done every time the game is loaded. The other option is to make sure any type of AA filter (MSAA or FSAA) is turned off.
  7. Don't worry, it'll be put back in =D The munchies shall return.
  8. we might need to white list your IP, are you able to use discord? we are far more responsive there.
  9. It is most certainly all alive =D
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