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Everything posted by Ap2000

  1. The game really doesn't need players like Nobelissimos.
  2. Ap2000

    My Beta 4 Lists

    Things like what?
  3. An "alternative vehicle" mode that implements stuff from Tiberian Sun could be cool and may not be too hard to implement, in comparison.
  4. Your idea has been there at least since the original Renegade and there even is the Half-Life mod Empires that does something like that. However, people just have more "humble" feelings towards what RenX needs. What you proposed is a massive undertaking.
  5. Promotion wont help. We get a few more players but they will quit playing after a few games. Ren x needs many changes to make it a good game. MANY changes? I beg to differ. Except for some convenience/interface stuff, the game itself is pretty much "done". Not counting in balancing, since that is something that no playerbase in any game will ever agree on 100%.
  6. I'm seeing a 40/40 EKT server right now. I personally haven't played much the past ~3 weeks because of rl and many other games.
  7. There are several ways to rush early game, for both sides. There's nothing wrong with chem rushs.
  8. Ap2000

    My Beta 4 Lists

    That's a very long list, but this thread's title is not informative at all.
  9. I'm not sure how you mean that exactly, but you want to make mining impossible if the mines aren't in an entrance?
  10. Did vanilla Ren really have weapon drops from dead players?
  11. I can absolutely live with how snipers are now (even without the mutator changes), but that won't make me think highly of them. I even said earlier in this thread that "I am very well aware that not having snipers is something only a part of the active community would be interested in".
  12. Babies? It takes barely any skill to be an efficient sniper. Sit in the back and use your histcan insta-gib weapon to kill dudes that can only win by running away. I'm very happy with the changes in 4.02. The game was borderline unplayable before if the enemy team had a dozen snipers.
  13. I wonder what the statistics are, if GDI or Nod has more snipers on average. I didn't. You are interpreting too much, again. I said "a server" and not "the next patch has to force snipers deactivated". I am very well aware that not having snipers is something only a part of the active community would be interested in.
  14. What good would that be since I don't have a server running? lol
  15. I'd give my left nut for a server that has the 500/1000 credits sniper classes deactivated.
  16. Well, do we even want NOD to be stronger in terms of vehicle dominance? I personally like the idea that NOD is better with infantry infiltration, while GDI has the advantage on the open field. Just making the stank a bit cheaper seems the best thing to me.
  17. That's because nearly everybody sees human players as who they want to play against and with. Bots are sufficiently coded for most players, since they just serve as either a character to test something with or fill the server until a decent amount of human players have joined.
  18. Have you ever been ran over by a stank? Sure, but that doesn't happen to often, let alone get killed by it. It's certainly not an efficient way to spend all that money for an stank when all you do with it is roll over a few grunts.
  19. ...Are you kidding? Right now, their stealth isn't used like old Ren, because of their damage. They don't wreck a building before it's noticed. A lot of maps also offer plenty of intellegence that a stank rush is incoming despite not seeing them. If they had more damage, they would destroy more in encounters and in invasion of a base. Making their unpredictability as useful as old renegade. I'm not sure why you are asking me if I'm joking, because those things are exactly the reasons why I'm not buying any stanks.
  20. Since we're on the topic of stanks, does anybody feel their stealthing is actually of any use in RenX? I don't know about you guys, but I never buy stanks.
  21. Because being a mod on a server when there usually are only 2~3 active servers, is a huge responsibility.
  22. You do realize, that Totem Arts made a functioning game, and released an SDK, and we are already as a community in a self-stable position to maintain this game and even continue adding assets?That in itself is something to thank ALL the devs of this game, all of them that worked the last several years to get it where it is. They should all really be here when this game thrives on to see the fruit of their work and bask in the credit. The next people I'd like to thank, are the server operators and modders that are working on bits of the game themselves. Even all the players who play and post videos and show friends, that is advertizement and just as big a help to the community! Not sure why you are replying to me as if I shat on the devs. I just said what they made is a good game.
  23. That's disheartening to read. Especially after RenX has come such a long way and ended up being a very good revival of the classic we all love.
  24. You should just take a look around the forums and you'll see a lot of the active users talk about the game. Most people are happy with the game in general, but there are many (contradicting) balancing suggestions. The answer is a very clear yes.
  25. What are you supposed to do if a person is mining horrendously, not replying to teamchat and not replying to personal messages? Making a votekick with "Overmining and not replying in chat" as a comment seems like a possibility, but nobody will vote on it, since usually there are only 3~4 people per team actively looking out for mines anyway.
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