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Everything posted by Chrisjh0223

  1. Have you ever heard of these before? They're a very fascinating animal species, and some people have them as pets. On some YouTube videos people will have them on their hands and arms. Read this article about them if you're not aware of whip spiders. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amblypygi Google Images has a nice bunch of whip spider photos if you simply look up Whip Spider. While they do look terrifying at first glance, they're docile.
  2. ¡Feliz Navidad!
  3. We all know what I'm talking about. Sometimes in oldRen & RenX we give Flame Troopers and Flame Tanks a silly personality by saying things like "Let's heat up some BBQ" and somebody did say once "I want a BBQ burger" while driving a Flame Tank right into a GDI base. There's also the Flame Tank from Emperor: Battle for Dune with some dialog like "careful, it's hot" among other things involving BBQ. Such food dialog will prompt me to take a break for a meal or a minor snack if it's coincidentally about that time. So anyways, when playing video games (or really anything on the computer for extended duration) be sure to take periodic breaks. Come to your kitchen, we got cookies among several other treats and food (drink up too!)! Now that's the best break idea, certainly up a Flame Trooper's alley. But yeah, do take proper breaks for the bathroom and consume water, you really should. Eye breaks are a concern too, be sure to chill out with a window and gaze into the distance (for about 15 minutes if necessary)if you ever feel your eyes are bugging out. Stretch from time to time as well. Thank goodness for the food acknowledgement in some video games, it possibly reminds people to take breaks for meals & snacks. Most often, video gamers know when to take breaks anyways, this is not an issue for most people. For some however, it can be a problem. I'm not sure about some oldRen players, as a few people did say they played 10+ hour marathon matches (but no specification if they took breaks or not). There are a few extreme examples. Back in 2012 there was a League of Legends player in Taiwan at an Internet Café who rented a 23 hour block of time at a computer; when his time was up somebody came to tell him but found him dead at the computer due to lack of breaks (he likely took no time away from the computer) and health. There are other similar cases like that. Also sort of a similar note is that an 18-year-old named Chuang rented a private room in an Internet Café. He played Diablo 3 for 40 hours straight without taking any breaks for food or rest. An employee checked on him after noticing Chuang resting on the table. After being woken up, he stood up for a few seconds and took a few steps before collapsing on the ground and dying. I doubt the absence of breaks is an issue for the RenX community, but this is certainly something significant to tell you about. Video games have been known to ruin lives in some cases where it's an uncontrolled addiction. I vaguely remember several years ago some point after World of Warcraft came out, there was a news story about how a man played WoW for several hours on end while neglecting to care for his wife, children, and the dog (he simply ignored them all). The wife had to make ends meet and care for the house, children and the pet. I forget how the story ended but I think the man eventually got his life back on track. Other instances are not so good. Some cases are so bad, the gamer broke up with the spouse and even lost the home. So make sure not to play games for too long; let your real life duties take priority over recreation. And remember, breaks are the key to good health while video gaming. Cheers!
  4. Lately I've been busy with Construction Work and housekeeping. Each day I make sure to do a solid hour of physical fitness (half an hour on a stationary bike, 31+ minutes of everything else) and I get to play video games from time to time.
  5. I ended up buying this mouse: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B075V34X1N/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 I'll be sure to keep in mind what Kenz said next time I buy a new mouse. Hmm, I'm not sure if any stores around me do that, but I'll be sure to look around them all.
  6. My mouse is wearing out. What is a good mouse that has a wheel and side buttons? Maybe tell me what mouse you have.
  7. No, AGT has missile launcher as legacy weapon & it's needed against enemy vehicles (including air foes). If you're doing a custom map, consider absolute zero advanced base defenses and only use minor turrets (machine gun towers for GDI). As for Sydney/Raveshaw, they cost $1000 each ($1500 on maps with Power Plant IF it's destroyed). They are the most expensive units, so it makes perfect sense you pay a PREMIUM for its overall functionality; unlike other anti-tank infantry units their weapon is SUPPOSED to be lethal Vs. infantry and SHOULD 1hko enemy soldiers if a headshot is landed. These troopers can't hit enemy infantry for squat with their weapon, so a headshot SHOULD reward them with an instant kill. If I have a railgun or PIC, and my lame accuracy results in a headshot to an enemy I EXPECT it to kill an enemy instantly. Besides, in Tiberian Sun RTS the Ghoststalker's Railgun 1hkos low tier infantry (I forget how many shots it takes to kill higher tier infantry); there, legacy C&C logic reinforced.
  8. I'm surprised you didn't make LavaDr4gon a Flame Trooper or a Flame Tank. Spot on for Bong though.
  9. The PIC already has that buff, I should have been more clear. You see, the SBH has the Lazarus armor (weaker than Kevlar and Flak) where instead of getting resistance to something, electrical weapons (PIC and Volt Auto Rifle) inflict more damage, 25% I believe.
  10. Let's begin with the real life reasons, most of which are rather silly (but probably practical). Suppose you had to get ready for something important such as your job in a few minutes, and a server mod knew it. He would likely say in the kick message "reason for kick: Now stop playing video games and get back to work!" Now for those of you who know me well, when it's time for me to take my dog outside or make sure she gets a serving of dry food a server mod may say in the kick message "check on your dog." Now here's a VERY good reason, ANY real life emergency period. YagiHige once said (if I remember correctly) that he had to urgently leave a PUG due to flooding or something else in his hometown, so he voluntarily quit RenX that day; but you do realize that if plenty of tech was configured, a mod could kick him off with the kick message reading "check on your local neighbors urgently." There are many more real life reasons than these (this is a skim of the iceberg tip). There are many in-game examples. If you're afk for over 5 minutes, you'll probably come back and see the following text on-screen: "Message from server: Kicked for idling." This happened to me once when I took a restroom break and got some water. Suppose somebody deliberately goes out of the map for at least 3 solid minutes (and depends on what he/she's doing such as sniping), what's a good time duration for a ban on the person's account? Or even a possible temporary IP ban? 24 hours? Maybe somewhere from 72 to 96 hours? I once accidentally placed a glitch beacon back in 2014 on EKT server, players found out it glitched shortly before the Beacon 10 second imminence. Nod players said "!ban Chrisjh0223" and I got hit with a 5 hour ban (at the least). I was allowed to get back on EKT later on. For egregious violations, it doesn't take a moderator issued guideline worksheet to expect what may happen. Once when someone got a vehicle on a Goldrush infantry-only path, a person said "To whoever got a Stealth Tank on the infantry path, enjoy your 72 hour ban over the weekend." Cheating is frowned upon in EVERY online multiplayer game. There's a thread for Overwatch where cheaters whined about how they paid like, $70+ for cheater assets (IE aimbot) and got life banned as a result of thus cheating. Also, there's the instance of a life ban from Xbox (IE a result of tampering the Xbox hard drive with homebrew software for unfair advantages), the message will likely read "You've been suspended from Xbox LIVE. You won't be able to sign in to Xbox LIVE until 12/31/9999." So wow, Microsoft essentially puts the banhammer down by setting the date stamp to an extreme when the account holder has clearly passed away. Temporary suspensions also exist (such as 1 or 2 days, 7 days, or 14 days). If you're ever in question as to how long you're suspended, simply check out enforcement.xbox.com. Speaking of video game bans, this reminds me of college & university bans. When you're in your last year of high school, teachers tell you what to expect in college. Some places may vary. A great deal of them expel you for life for even just one attempt at cheating. Others are more lenient, on first attempt you fail the test, second attempt you fail the course, and on third attempt they kick you out of the academic premises. So watch your behavior, as people desire a pleasant & fair learning environment. If you so much as assault a person on campus, a great deal of campuses ban the perpetrator for life from campus grounds. Oh, and don't expect any money back, as you did violate a bottomline rule, and you deserve to live with the consequences whether you cheated on college grounds or a video game world. Do you have any reasons to kick or ban a person from a multiplayer game? Please post.
  11. Is SBH spy 2spooky4u?
  12. The PIC being an electrical weapon deserves a damage amplification vs SBH, just like Volt Auto Rifle. However, Railgun should remain as it already is, it inflicts burn damage to all enemies already (except of course the Flame Soldier class). That would likely render PIC & Railgun TOO powerful, they're already powerful enough weapons as is and the vehicles are intended to function as meat shields anyway.
  13. Well, I wasn't in the game at the time so I have absolutely no idea what really went on. If it was a bunch of people in mass quitting, than a ragequit is possible. Or maybe there was some sort of server crash, or a mod/admin kicked off several people? I just like to review all possibilities. If you haven't read the following two topics, you really should. So, what do you think may have happened after a second thought? If it really was say literally an entire team (like 20 plus people), than YES, you are most likely right. But again, there's a possibility of something you didn't see or know about. Was that a clan you were playing with, or a group of unique people? Blackouts occur, emergencies come up, etc. I'm just saying they have real lives, and they probably left for a different reason (they possibly have to quit the game anyway due to real world obligations). So if it was a ragequit I wonder what do they resort to doing with their free time off RenX, lol. Take me for instance, you never know when something may cut into my game time (like a bathroom break).
  14. We probably already discussed it in-game. When you get a spy other than SBH spy, it's a rather silly thing. SBH spy is rather REAL good, for every map. And, do not underestimate sneakers (Engineer teams and lone Techies/Hotties). When you encounter enemy sneakers on ANY map (except SBH spy on base-defense maps) it's like encountering the Fonz who says "ayyy." I prefer to hear the Williams in Double Dragon Neon say "ayyy" as they say it better, I reviewed some gameplay footage but couldn't come across any of their ayyy dialogue. So enemy Techies/Hotties, Engies, and Nod SBHs and enemy spies may as well be like this guy. Yeah, kind of silly indeed (but imagine the DDN Williams sound clip instead with that pic and the upcoming pic). Or like this screenshot, which seems to say "ayyy" as well: Now about SBH spies on non-automated defense maps (like Xmountain). Yep. They come across as equally competent as Nod SBH on non-automated defense maps so I nickname the SBH spy as "GDI SBH." Imagine playing as ANY Nod character on this kind of map and coming across a GDI SBH. It's like "ayyy" lol. The GDI SBH may as well say "ayyy" to you in the spirit of either of those first 2 pics. HOWEVER, if you're on team Nod on a base-defense map and come across an SBH spy, it's more like meeting the following guy: OOOAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHGGGGGGHHHHH! It's very likely you'll react "AAAHHHH! Enemy spooky spy on the map!" So on automated defense maps, a more fitting nickname for SBH spy is "Spooky Spy." Although once on Lakeside, I got an SBH spy and used the Ion Beacon in rather poor timing, so Nod ended up killing my beacon and the SBH spy. I then said "Looks like Spooky Spy is not so spooky." Shortly after Jeffseid responded "!Spooky" and we of course persisted in assaulting Nod. When used correctly though, a spooky spy is not to be underestimated. Even Mendoza can very likely crap his pants from the sheer awesomeness of an SBH spy. Nod SBH will never be spooky because automated defenses gun them down AND GDI players expect Nod SBH in fields and wherever automated defenses aren't functional. Nod SBH rating (ALL maps): Expected/10 GDI's SBH spy ratings (automated defense maps): 11/10 AND Spooky/10 GDI SBH ratings (maps with zero automated defenses): 10/10 AND cool/10 For those of you who don't know, the Fonz is a character from the 70's sitcom Happy Days, it's a very old show that TV Land might still broadcast. When I last watched that channel I saw documentaries of actors & actresses from way back when, and even a few episodes of Bewitched, I Dream of Genie, and I Love Lucy. Double Dragon Neon has numerous pop culture references, and the way Wayforward's Williams voice actors do dialogue is in reference to the Fonz when they say "ayyy" but it's of course in their unique style. All in all, SBHs can be useful when done right, but I just find them more useful for GDI due to the SBH spy's very useful catch 22 factor.
  15. Go for it. Way back when my work schedule allowed me to play PUGs (probably over a year ago), if you remember during one match on Goldrush I got an SBH spy for GDI and jokingly called it "Spooky Spy" in a sudden whispery voice; teammates laughed at the joke when I was saying things like "I'm like a ghost." A teammate said "Yeah, let's get a plan ready for spooky spy" and the italics mean he said it in a cool, whispery voice as well. So a good idea is that for maps with automated defenses, when a GDI player gets a spy crate it's always an SBH spy. Let's face fact, when Nod gets SBH it's always expected in fields of maps and on non-base defense maps. So, only expected/10 whenever Nod uses an SBH, but if you're on GDI and get the SBH spy on a map with automated defenses, there's an (imaginary) aurora on the map that renders the SBH spy rather spooky, and it's rather REAL good at catching Nod off guard (automated defenses ignore him AND players can't see him).
  16. Yer, give Hotwire a scantily clad Santa outfit or something like the Santa outfits from Mean Girls.
  17. LOLs at the typo on the front and correct spelling on the back.
  18. Holy crap... https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-iJnYU9Ru9Tk/VyTFoxh9mZI/AAAAAAAAJmU/yGW_cSyV0GArjsLvgIBBIEcBezMnWWdwQCLcB/s1600/Renegade_X__Black_Down-%5Bfront%5D-%5Bwww.FreeCovers.net%5D.jpg
  19. And why was this kind of topic </missing> when PTSD did the exact same thing, only when GDI had ALL the buildings? We of course had a proper chance against Nod then. But no, no action (or call out thread was posted) was taken upon that person. But in our recent match, GDI only had a Refinery, when Nod had Ref AND Air but other buildings destroyed. They had a useful asset, on my end I saw we had absolute zero chance of a comeback. So why not give me more of a break then PTSD?
  20. Sometimes in video games, map designers of a game world may put in out-of-the-way locations not meant to be accessed during normal gameplay. I'm not sure if this kind of trope already exists, but if not, let's call it Ghost Town Logic or anything you deem proper. If you played Grand Theft Auto 3, you saw the introductory cut scene when you began the new game file. This introduction takes place in an alley behind a bank, and you can not get to this location during gameplay unless you're skilled with the silly Dodo plane (it's near impossible to fly), put in the flying cars cheat, or use a trainer or mod to access the introductory cut scene zone. Rockstar Studios had to have the location within the game world so it could be used for the introduction, as all cut scenes in the game rely on in-world locations. The name of the area, Ghost Town, was coined by fans due to the inaccessibility and non-solid property of the area, plus it's absolutely devoid of pedestrian life and vehicle traffic altogether. In real life, ghost towns are essentially abandoned towns that once teemed with human activity but then deserted due to any kind of issue such as economic downfall & bankruptcy or natural disasters. This is sort of what applies to the video game trope (especially that of GTA3) as the location is a town, but not really a town; a ghost of such. In Renegade X's Paradise Map made by Dr. Anubis, there are 2 variations of the Ghost Town logic. It appears that Dr. Anubis had to rely on in-game locations that already exist so he could make custom backdrops for team purchase terminal menu screens. The GDI ghost town is located shortly away from the GDI base (fly out of the map with a sandbox spawned aircraft), like in the area behind the jungle's GDI silo. Be careful if you explore on foot here, GDI ghost town has flooring that is non-solid in some spots. The Nod ghost town (more like airport :D) is located in a corner of the map, somewhat distant from the derelict Hand of Nod you see from your real Airstrip. The Nod airport used for Nod's menu screen does have a Recon Bike you can drive from the back of a cargo plane, so he clearly kept in mind explorers would find this location. All of the airport has solid ground. It's also possible to warp to this bonus airport by means of a secret warp button found in the Dr. Anubis secret lair (one way ticket, you can't warp back). In a recent map update he sealed off the entry point by ground means, so you really need a flight permission or aircraft to access the secret lair now; this was likely done so during a real game, players can't go AFK/goof around in the secret bonus locations while the teams are battling it out, and teams would therefore lose participating players. It's worth noting that Dr. Anubis' ghost town areas essentially have live feed cameras, but of course they're only meant to function as a simple wallpaper for the menu screens (some devices and characters are animated in a subtle manner). In a real match, it is definitely just that. HOWEVER, if you're in a sandbox or testing server you can do something funny with the ghost towns. Anyway, someone the other day had a theory, and landed a helicopter at the GDI ghost town and suicided. Then he looked at the menu screen and indeed, the helicopter he landed showed up on the screen. Therefore, if you view your purchase menu screen you could see players running around the ghost towns if they were over there, lol. Got anything else to say (or comment) about the already mentioned ghost towns? Do you know if such ghost town logic applies to other games? If yes, please post away.
  21. YouTube is your friend.
  22. Thank you Jarzey. :-)
  23. Well yes, I did know about the console commands needing the console for input, but thank you for specifying. :-) I just thought about including the console commands as a mention in the OP, since they are ALSO commands that anyone can use. The !-commands are the core focus of the topic, commands in general are also acceptable such as the console commands.
  24. Renegade X, old Renegade, and possibly various other video games have commands anyone can enter. Other games that run on Unreal Tournament engines very likely have them, but I have absolute zero experience with those other games so I wouldn't know. To enter a level 0 command in C&C Renegade or a fan-made spinoff, you bring up either the global chat or team chat, and type a single exclamation mark followed by a word prompt. A few examples for old Renegade shall follow (I didn't play much of old Renegade multiplayer on servers). !music on: Turns the server side jukebox on, it plays music in your game folder. It ideally plays music everybody has from the campaign missions, so if a server owner has non-Renegade music playing then it must also be downloaded to your folder directory so it can play on your end. !music off: Turns the jukebox off, self-explanatory. Nice to have a jukebox on a server you can toggle on and off on a whim. !setjoin x: Set your join message to whatever you want, whatever you type as the x variable shows up when you join a server. My silly example is !setjoin Today's Tom Sawyer dudes! *inside joke. So when I join a server it will say "Today's Tom Sawyer dudes! *inside joke" RIGHT after the line that says "Chrisjh0223 has joined the game fighting for team whatever." !donate <playername> <moneyamount>: Donate any amount of your own credits to a player you specify. So suppose JohnSmith needs 1000 credits for a beacon and you have money to share around, you can type !donate JohnSmith 1000. Of course, you need your own credits for your tactics so if money is rather stringent during a match you could donate some (maybe 200) and rely on other teammates to chip in as well. !help: Lists some access level 0 commands you can use on the current server. !rotation: Lists the maps the server is using in rotation. !next: Shows you the next map to be played on the server immediately after the match ends. !weapons: I'm not exactly sure what this does(as in, how do you manage it?), as I've only seen this in a YouTube video on the automated messages by the server. From what I comprehend, if you lost your Barracks/Hand of Nod, this command allows you to buy a weapon that the advanced characters have. Now onto the Renegade X commands. !help: Lists access level 0 commands usable on the current server. Unlike old Renegade, there is more room for text so you can expect to see more. !rules: Lists some solid rules to obey on the current server. Room for text is limited, so the display cannot have too many rules displayed. Here's an example from ConstructiveTyranny, "No base to base combat, no getting to locations not meant to be accessed by mapmaker design and no undisarmable beacons." Each server can customize what they say on the in-game rules, and you'll likely have to visit the server's website to review ALL the rules. Servers can also automate text, so text lines from automation can specify additional rules. !ping: Tells you what your current ping is. You can also hold down your Tab button, and see your ping and other player's pings on the quick display. But the command is great for seeing just your own ping in an instant. !lag: Same as what !ping does, or could be something different. !stats: Shows you what your current status facts are on your profile. !rank: Shows you your rank on the current server. There's also a similar command, .rank. The .rank command shows your global rank, shared all across the Renegade X server community. !time: Shows you what the current time is in your time zone, or in the server side time zone, or both. When people (such as myself) type this, we are doing a time check. It's great when it DOES work, and you don't have a clock close to you at your computer, and that's ideally who the command is made for. Alas, it does work on at least one server but that was years back when I last successfully executed the command, and I'm not sure if that one server still uses it (or if it's still up & running). It can still be implemented on likely any server though. LOL, you'll see me inquire the server about the time with this command, and it does nothing. For those of you who don't know, when I do this I'm checking the time and if I leave shortly after the implication is I had to do something in real life at that time frame. !mods: Shows you the moderators currently active on the server, and very likely also gets their attention. If this is the command I think it is, it will prompt a mod to contact you and ask you if everything is all right. At this point, tell the moderator what the issue is, such as if you think a person is using hacker tools to cheat in the game. Also of note is the following webpage: https://renx.wiki/wiki/Console Look at the Commands section right under the Contents box for useful functions during a Renegade X match. I remember using a command that isn't on there, and it brought up frames per second and a few other strings of text data. Anyone remember what that prompt is? It's mostly useful for diagnosing your FPS and similar facts for evaluating performance on your end. Simply use the !help command to see other commands you can use on a server, as this is just a sample/example list. What other video games use this system of commands, and if you mention one, please list a few examples as well. Feel free to chime in with more command examples usable in C&C Renegade and its fan variations. I don't think this topic needs a sticky, but it's ok to sticky if you want these commands readily available, especially if we add pretty much all of the RenX commands. Are there any other topics on the RenX forums (or other webpages) that mention commands anyone can use?
  25. What is a sound spline?
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