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Everything posted by UFO

  1. Paradise Cup - Recon Bike Racing June 1, 2019 at 20:00 German time (21:00 Moscow time). Server "Paradise Events" will be enabled much earlier so that everyone can download mutators. Downloading during the event will be disabled for technical reasons. Description All participants play as Nod soldiers divided into 2 teams. The cup will consist of 4 main rounds and 1 bonus round. In each of them, participants will take 1 lap around the track (starting and ending at Nod airport). The winner of the round will earn his team 2 points. For the second place - 1 point. At the end of the cup we will determine the team with the best score. Rules. Start only after the explosion of the signal EMP grenade. We are out of signal skyrockets Do not cut the road through the stone fences and do not destroy them! Everything on the track (except stone fences) is allowed to attack. Collisions with opponents is allowed, but you are responsible for where you will fly after a collision Tips The Shift key accelerates the motorcycle, but makes it almost impossible to turn. Use it rarely and wisely. We will give you enought time for acquaintance with Recon Bike and race route. The program of the event: 1) Training 2) 4 main rounds and bonus round 3) Announcement of winners 4) Free flights
  2. One more announsement. There are strange rumors about what will happen on June 1
  3. Most scary movie about a fog I ever saw
  4. You are right, Silent p.s. Sometimes it's really fun to defend the last building. I remember defense of last HoN on X-Mountain - about 30 minutes of action and fun!
  5. Silent, I think that was an alien For now voted 41 ppl from Russian community.
  6. Even more songs from 80's
  7. You have to make a backup of Yosh first.
  8. Hello! It's repost of the problem from Russian forum. The man installed game from alternative download. He can start the game itself without problems. It's version 5.35. So he need to update. But his launcher crash every time he is trying to launch it (Renegade X launcher stop working message). Before it he tried the official download and had the same crash. It's a first launch on this computer. Launcher logs.zip
  9. Comrades, tell me please that I'm still a Communist
  10. Ladies and gentlemens, and now, electrobalalaika Alexey Arkhipovsky - "Way Home"
  11. UFO

    Renegade X Squad Wars

    Hello! We are the squad of Russian-speaking community. Unfortunately for now we have only 4 players: UFO SkypeCaller Den Wellingston mihail5454 (he can play only in march, not in april) I think there are can be another squads with the same problem. So, let's unite! Feel free to send me private messenges. We can make a big international team together! p.s. Also we have some cookies for you and an outstanding logo
  12. Second good song. I think I am Diorama fan now! p.s. Russian electronic duet, not famous at all. But maybe someone will love this song like I do
  13. Please, don't do it. I like animated loading screens very much! I think short tips on it is quite enough information. Maybe after the player connected to the server there could be a screen with all important information about the map. Also there can be a hotkey to show this screen again. p.s. If there oneday will be a "waiting screen" for players who wants to connect to the full server, it can be combined with this info screen.
  14. Some more games that had great soundtracks: Flatout and Space Rangers!
  15. One more highly artistic dance
  16. Fun Cristmas song from my childhood
  17. I think it's unusual for her to be a part of rock band They have several albums with her voice, but she is singing only on Moscow concerts. Thank you! Never heard them before, but I like this kind of music!
  18. Some more music on different languages. This time with translation English translation: http://orgia.ru/article.php?id=145
  19. Thief crate - steal some money from the most rich player in the opposite team (maybe 5% of his money). Casino crate with the sound of roulette. You can bid or not (F1/F2). Troll crate - placing your mines randomly and sending messages that you are overmining
  20. UFO


    I just connected to the game as GDI engineer. When I went out of refinery I saw 3 stealth tanks near me. They tried to be invisible and did not attack me. But I just connected and thought that I was Nod player. So I did not say my teammates about it and ran back to the refinery. 1 minute later we lost power plant, 10 minutes later Nod won
  21. I'm using it too (for example when repairing the Refinery on Islands). I'm using it when we are losing everything and only 1 building left
  22. Marathon server, Islands map, ping about 120. When my vechicle died in the cold waters there started a countdown for me to get out of the water. I was on the center of the bridge when I died. Next time there were the same bug but I got in the friendly tank on the passanger seat. Then I died, because of countdown, but still was on the passanger seat! When I got out of the vechicle I was instantly respawned
  23. Yeah, I have Core i5 7500 and GTX 1050ti. That's more than enought for 60 fps on maximum settings (1920x1080). This game also works on really old processors (like Core2Duo), but perfomance can be painful
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