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Everything posted by Idiotas

  1. Idiotas


    I'm not farming kills. I play sniper here and there as i play hotwire here and there and any other character. Just because you have more vehicle kills doesn't mean a thing and aren't you the one who keeps comparing? Please stop and have nice day.
  2. #blameyosh
  3. Need silent hill siren for scary rushes ~
  4. Because tanks have repairs most of the time, especially in games with lots of people and ofcourse i'm ok with people working together, it's a team based game ffs. The only problem i have is the amount you need to kill them. For snow, you only won the game by the sbh c4. GDI killed your "melting lasers" so many times with their tanks. The vehicle route doesn't have a lot of space, so the tanks going in one by one will die obviously.
  5. So you need all that effort to just kill a mammoth tank? Sorry but mammoth tanks melt Raves and LCG's especially if the mammoth has heals. Thing is, nod doesn't have a 2 tier anti infantry to kill a Patch. They either need to use an officer (with good aim) or wait till they have an Doza. LCG's could kill a Patch before, but now they're just shiz. SBH's aren't an option either, because they would just melt. More like making the game last longer and torture people because they can't infiltrate/sneak in the enemy's base to kill an building to make a comeback. "I read a lot of personal taste in the comments, but looks like some ppl only see the own perspective." "The most funny part is that Rave is not strong enough against a Med, really ?" "All my personal opinion" Good one. Also are GT's helping new people? or just torture them in long games because the team can't infiltrate a building as their last hope because of GT's. People will learn eventually. Exactly, they encourage to do that, but they won't. Even people trying to make a rush happen has trouble to get players to group up. Don't need to nerf the GDI tanks, just buff the LCG. 1 LCG also melts down before it can even fire. 1: Look how much you need from nod just to kill the mammoth tank and for what you have said requires teamwork which doesn't usually happen. 2: Having 0 creds and won't be able to buy stuff to defend your base or even to make a comback, just to sit in base repairing the buildings for a long time because the enemy won't rush in, while you have 0 tanks is just fun and not boring/torture at all.
  6. Ahh, i'll look if i can find it. @HuskerDoggo i guess this is the one you meant?
  7. I may test some stuff when i'm done with work. I'll post if i find something.
  8. @HuskerDoggo It does happen after the nuke. Not sure if it's really the cause of it.
  9. Well.. all i can say is to practise. As for getting hit.. try to zigzag and don't jump all the time. It takes a few seconds to know your pattern and end up getting killed.
  10. @SilentKnight Yes, they're a K-pop group from South-Korea. I love them <3 @Gliven I do actually!
  11. Just blow it all up with fire.
  12. Oh really? Because i remember how we had 6v6 back in tmx and then canucck posted the idea for a pug game and afterwards we played that instead.
  13. That was Canucck
  14. I get @poi ❄'s attitude. it's in a bad way but.. ehh zzz If you can aim good (even if it's a little bit) people will complain and call you out. Even trying to kick you (because you're obviously using an aimbot when killing people who walk in a straight way or standing still). People are more motivated by complaining about people than actually playing the game. You can tweak/nerf/buff weapons/characters but it still comes down how the person itself plays the game. It's a fact that some people only look at k/d and ignore everything else, so removing the k/d on the scoreboard could be a good idea, but tbh.. i don't think it will actually work. If a player is a sniper or any other character he/she is good with, the player will still play the same even with or without the k/d stat. Maybe it's an idea to show tips when you die by a certain character/tank? or just tips in general if you die? For example "you can use EMP grenades to stop the rush of the enemy team" or "use Smoke grenades to be invisible for base defences and snipers" ect. Or make a small text that pops up when you hold your mouse on a character/tank that shows what's it good for. Getting people motivated in general is difficult to do. Some get motivated by k/d stats, others by ranking up(veteran, elite, ect) or by killstreaks or !recs (for example by repairing till an certain score), or just simple as teamwork and communication. It all depends on the person. Now it's time to...sleepzzz.. o/
  15. np, leave @DoctorB0NG to me
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