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Closed Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Idiotas

  1. Can't wait for this. This will make the games more interesting and more fun. Hoping to see rushes with different characters since they all now have a different role in it.
  2. Give patch goggles or a binocular to see stealth
  3. I don't really mean that it needs to be perfect, because that's just too much haha. It's just that the map needs to be playable, have no bugs/glitches (well a few doesn't really matter as long as it isn't game breaking) and it has to be fun for the players (otherwise we have a second mesa map that never gets played lol). Some custom maps are ehh.. Well it's also up to the devs if they are good enough hah. That's why (like i said in a few other posts zzz) we need a group with dedicated testers who are willing to test them (not people that just show up once in 4 weeks like they did in b4 zz).
  4. Ehh.. no. We just need a group of dedicated testers that know how the game works and knows how the gameplay should be. Pushing maps in peoples faces is not going to help. Not for the players nor the guy who made the map. To draw in players with new maps that aren't even tested and have tons of bugs and gamebreaking stuff is just bad. It's like smacking them into a wall. It's better to balance the characters/vehicles and maps that we have now, so we get a good gameplay and game balance. That's all what the people want.
  5. Do you really think that? Mesa never gets played and isn't even out of the rotation. Still, custom maps doesn't get in right away when it's made. It still needs to be tested if it's good to play. If we really just put in custom maps right away and see if they are popular or not while they suck, that's just wrong right there and no, it's not up to the server owners. That's just retarded. Just need to have a group of testers that will test the map like the beta testers did for beta 4. Every weekend on saturday or sunday at the right time, so both EU and NA players don't have any issues when it take place. They report bugs and glitches ect. Give feedback and say if the map is good enough to get in the official rotation or not. (and please use people that know how gameplay works)
  6. I don't know why people want their custom maps so badly in the game. I know it's awesome if one of your maps gets into the game, but ehhh most of them are completely shit. Sorry to say that. All i see from the maps are defenses everywhere or the bigger the map the better or just a flat map without any features. The maps we have now (eyes and trainingyard) are the most normal ones i've seen. Eyes just need a bit more smaller and Training yard a bit bigger (because you can easily b2b). Don't know how the newer version is. We'll see. Just make a simple map with a good gameplay in it and people will love it. It doesn't need 1000 random features or defenses, it doesn't need to be a giant map, ect. Like i said just make a simple map (something like islands or complex as example). If your map is really good like that, it will get into the rotation soon enough. If it doesn't, then you really need to start thinking why your map isn't in the rotation.
  7. What Ryz said. Even if they use mic they still don't work as a team and they rather do what they want. I don't think most of the people realize that the PUG is an organized match were you have to listent and act. I guess most people think it's just a classic AOW game but then with the same team. Every pug there's always these issues: - Whining about Ping - Afking - Leaving mid game (not that it's that bad, but it can be a issue) - Don't listen to what the team says - Don't work as a team (like buying a sniper the whole game instead of joining rushes and such) - People getting out of their tanks in field - Staring at a building spamming Q instead of buying an engineer/hot/tech - No communication (either Mic or Chat) - No attention to the chatbox (Most just ignore chat because hey! we got TS! /logic) - No Teamwork - People not switching to the right team - People in the wrong TS channel - Not keeping an eye on the mine limit - People camping on the same useless spot - 3-6 people camping the tunnels (mostly on islands) - People who don't know what they're doing And so on... I don't mind people making mistakes, but every damn time it's the same people who played for months. It's kind of annoying and makes me want to quit the PUGs.
  8. On under when we lost the PP, i saw a group of SBH's. I warned our team but of course! Nobody responded. So i went back to base to mine every single building. I kept looking at the mine limit. I went inside every building again and again because of that group SBH's and i found them in bar and i saved it. No wonder i made a mistake if i was concentrating on this. Even though, i did disarmed my mines and i dont know who mined bar after that. I went out of base because i didnt cared anymore about the team, bah not even going to call it a team. Soon after i left, bar just died because nobody saw that the minelimit went down. On the other maps. I always started to mine. When i saw someone else was mining, i went out to either sneak to their base or defend our base. Mostly i defended because nobody did shit. When i left the base, because it was quiet, the buildings just blew up, one after another. Really, if i ever get picked in a "team" like that again, i will just quit and do something else. I didn't know people could be that horrible in a game.
  9. The only thing we accomplished was losing, because nobody did a thing. If they were, they were picking their noses. 2 guys getting out of their tanks each time to repair themselves while they were in field. a lot of people were afking. People were doing their own thing instead of listening "Hotwire in Hon!" Nobody cared to check. Nobody cared to buy an engineer or tech/hot to repair the building, they only stared at it spamming Q. The only thing that the team was good in was spamming Q and not doing shit. I don't think some people know how to play the game or know what teamwork is.
  10. Also forgot to mention.. If Bong, Goku and Hande (guess skeeze went to outer space) work together, why not let Goku/EKT handle the official marathon server, Hande/TmX handle the official AOW server and Bong/CT handle the other official ones like the sniper, testing, PUG and other things. So people still have the same feeling when the play on the official servers. Also all 3 communities can moderate all of the official servers and need to work together. When problems and stuff pops up, you take care of it together. Can also select a few mods from each community that can also help the official servers. Just whatever you guys do. Talk with eachother and do something that helps this community.
  11. Can people finally talk about the community as a whole? By that i mean the Ren-X community. I'm seeing that people still care about their own servers/community/needs. If this continues, more and more people will stop playing Ren-X and don't expect for new players to pop up (even if they do). Ren-X is hanging on the edge of the cliff. Stop caring about your own stuff and work together to fix these problems. Finally when the retarded ddoser is gone and the Ren-X community gets populated again, then you can care about your stuff again. How it's going now isn't good either for the people and the game itself. Get your lazy asses together and do something. Pfff
  12. Capture the flag! and hold it for some time
  13. I'm not a big fan of this. You sort of force people to entirely give up on a server and also don't give them a chance to even invest in mitigation I know some who doesn't give a shit about their server. If they are going to invest in mitigation, they can just say so and give them time to do it.
  14. Shotgunners need their range nerfed. I see shotgunners do like 20 damage when they are close by and when they are like so far away they take 80% of your life or they even 1 hit you. I don't mind having them a 1 hit (headshot), but do something about the range. It's a shotgunner... they deal damage from close by and not from 20 meters far away.
  15. Hmmm. remove the 1 cred when ref is destroyed reduce repairing creds, increase kill creds Dunno if this also gives you creds, but repairing your teammates and getting some creds for it also increase teamwork.
  16. Sounds good! i'll be there.
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