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Everything posted by Idiotas

  1. Thing is.. people don't want to listen and priority speaker won't really help (we tried that before and was really annoying, couldn't hear if rushes were called out. I did like 3 times but wasn't heard because of priority speaker). The problem lies to the players themselves. Bananas was our team captain, but couldn't really organize stuff because the other 20+ players had their own ideas and rushes to do. People didn't listen for shit. It was said many times to not to talk bs and they didn't listen. Same for calling out rushes, "call out rushes and be specific". No one did that.."MENDOZA RUSHHH" "ApC Rushhhh!" Ect. Never said where they were coming from. Did got a few "specific" ones zzz. Like " where do you think it is?" While volcano has like 4 entrances and also "mendoza rush coming!" " where?" " volcano". It was so terrible. Nothing was competitive at all.
  2. OHHH MOTHERF.... THAT WAS ME! I COMPLAINED ABOUT THAT! THAT WAS MY STANK! I WAS TOTALLY CALLING HACKS AND JUNK TOO! Thanks for bringing it to attention. I actually feel less like trash now that I know it was SOMETHING. Someone told me it was timed c4 and I said that I was stealthed not them so how'd I miss it? EDIT: AWWMAN, kenz is right, if you use console "ghost" to clip through floor, then "walk" to unclip, you will fall through the floor but not be slain by the lava. I guess it doesn't have a damage volume... hmm... Angryscientist also complained. It's not a c4, otherwise i should have seen that on irc .
  3. Ah okay. I don't know what it is then. Maybe we find it out later.
  4. I'm guessing its the lava that comes out of the ground. I dont know what else it could be. Ahwell.
  5. Will join the pug tomorrow.
  6. Ahh okay, i didn't noticed that. Thanks
  7. On canyon i was driving with a buggy around the map. I hit those vehicle blockers where you get the "out of map message" and i got out of the buggy and got in again (because i was stuck). So i drove a lil bit more and wanted to get out, but i couldn't. I suicided and got into the same vehicle again, but couldn't get out once again. First i didn't know why, but i found out that it's because of the soft boundaries. The Buggy was stuck in the soft boundary like it was attached to it (or so to say). I found that out on walls when i tried to leave the vehicle when i had the leaving map message. I couldn't get out of it. After i went back , i could leave the vehicle.
  8. Don't know if it's intended or not but Raveshaw's speed is 100 while sydney's is 90.
  9. As title said, you can get stuck in between wf and it's stairs. Not really big of a deal, but rather annoying.
  10. After a while, the scope disappears and it looks like it zoomed in in 3rd person. It stays like that until you finally get the normal scope again. You also have to select a different weapon to get out of it.
  11. Yosh already knows this, but i felt like to post it anyway. You can shoot through this part of the head from the LCG, but he won't take damage.
  12. I still can get there Kenz ~ Also found an other way to get out of the map.
  13. I found a few things that could get fixed. I heard complaints from people that their stanks blew up out of nothing behind bar and it said that it blew up because of lava. I found a lil piece of lava coming out of the ground After doing some other things, i decided to stay on it and drive over it ect. After a while my stank blew up. Another thing Vehicle gets stuck here.
  14. Thank you <3
  15. It's not really a problem, but it just doesn't seem right to walk on it.
  16. Why not if the sbh has the repair tool, that he will become static? Like his stealth will turn on and off with static sounds. Would be awesome effect but thats my opinion hahah
  17. I guess i'll post a few ideas. 1. Make mines slower to disarm and up the minelimit a bit. 2. Make the tool only to disarm beacons and repairing buildings (almost no one wants to change from a expensive character to engi/hotwire to repair a building or disarm a beacon) 3. Make it a one time use only (like after the 400 you can't use it anymore) Will post more if i have time
  18. It seems weird to have a restrictions for some characters while others cans use them just fine. Either they have the repair tool or not. SBHs will still get in. If there are like 2 or 3 sbhs. They just eat the mines and are in the building. If they use the repair tool, they will get exposured and can be easily spotted but... disarming mines takes like a few seconds. It's even faster than before. I guess you could make the mines to disarm slower and maybe bump up the minelimit a little bit. I think that will help the issue a bit more. Fiesn't hurt to try out stuff before characters get restrictions. Repair tool or not, SBH will get in eventually.
  19. This.
  20. It has nothing to do with sprint animation. Anyway.. Me, yosh and nanas tested it. It has to do with the LCG. Apparently you can shoot through his head if you aim at his forehead/top of his head.
  21. I've noticed several times when i headshot with a syd/rave that the character doesn't take any damage. I don't know if any other character has this problem.
  22. Weird. I don't know if you will get them if you had the money to buy it, but it has to be looked into it to be sure. Edit: in the first pic you have over 1k credits and the chars stayed gray. I guess it's just a weird bug.
  23. just spam him, he will answer eventually. idk about the mountain one yet, but there's another one on island. i'll pm you that one too
  24. Don't worry, we know who he is. Already reported to yosh the 2 glitches he used on canyon and a different one on islands.
  25. Please get rid of this spot on islands: Its next to the GDI bunker. For anyone using this glitch, it won't end well with you.
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