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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by boxes

  1. Yes Different Devs are fully aware of your update posts, up to them if they feel new versions are superior or not
  2. Yosh did the nearly all, if not all of veterancy by himself afaik That "bug" is technically a feature ever since the camera behavior was changed when switching from first to third person. Not sure if it's possible to fix unless it's reverted to previous behavior Just fixes them occasionally ignoring infantry when sprinting. Their overall performance should be the same. Server attacks are for the server owners to deal with, not the devs VP is a currency and when you spend it to upgrade something (inf or vehicle), that stays permanent until the end of the game That was one of the scenarios discussed but it would make the game infinitely times more campy
  3. We should try it for one week, and if it doesn't go well, we'll just go back to map only. Captains post in the chatbox what faction they want to be during the end-game cameras. The problem I see with map only is that only a select number of maps will be chosen depending on who wins the first map, ex. if GDI loses the first game next pug, we'll likely see a similar map pool to what quincy posted
  4. We can pick what team the losing team would also like to play as, if you guys are fine with playing the same faction consecutive times. I also might be able to make it next week, if nothing random comes up
  5. I'd say wait until the game is out of beta before any attempt to poke at youtubers
  6. 1. Currently the goal is to build up upon Westwood's C&C mode to make the game more progressive and interesting 2. Devs come here often and read what people write. You can suggest various things, but I recommend keeping things simple as development is slow. Stuff like, "Add more tiberian sun vehicles", or "Remake the campaign" isn't going to happen anytime soon, if at all. Even then you can still say whatever's on your mind. j0g32 often makes super long posts about different ideas that are unlikely to be developed, but are still interesting to read and may contain bits here and there that devs may like.
  7. Perhaps the all-chat rule can be enforced a little stricter with a mute as soon as you notify a mod that you're annoyed. Sometimes others trash talk each other for fun. People who play the pugs should be aware of the rules before the games start.
  8. Grenadier rush long route on islands? cmon yosh
  9. I'm actually on vacation, and I'm going to miss this and the next two pugs
  10. The biggest issue with the game right now is how easy it is to stop rushes that focus on external damage (tank rushes, gunner rushes, etc). One simple 350 credit adv.engie cancels out so much damage, and it's because of them why stalemates exist in this game. I can suggest various things, some of which I've already brought up: 1. Reduce repair rates on MCTs from 2x to 1.5x so it'll be easier to break through building armor while it's being repaired. 2. Reduce building armor by 20% so it'll be harder to save a lone building under siege. Remote C4 MCT damage should be brought to what it was before. 3. Change how building armor works so that when attacking a building, armor protects 99.5% damage done to health instead of 100%. This works until building health is 0%, which until them a team must break the armor in order to destroy the building. 4. Make the repair guns behave the same way as repair tools except with faster recharge rates and capacity. Dealing consistent damage to a building will eventually cause repair guns to dry out, giving attackers an opening to deal serious damage if the defenders don't bother responding other than holding down m1 on the mct.
  11. its impossible, and knowing who it is isn't going to solve anything. all of you need to know is that the guy's only goal in mind is to watch people suffer and rage, and the best thing we can we can do to make him feel stupid for wasting money is to wait patiently until the server owners find a solution. talking smack about him on the forums is exactly what he hoped to see, and is exactly why he's willing to pay money for ddos. smartest thing to do is to talk about the matter rationally with realistic solutions in mind. if you don't have anything productive to say towards helping mitigate this issue, i'd highly recommend keeping any negative thoughts to yourself on this topic.
  12. better for you to not to get into it
  13. no it's not. The mrls will lock on to anything close to your crosshair, doesn't matter where you're trying to aim. If you're left-clicking and trying to point whore the hon on walls and an inf gets in the way, it'll lock onto that. If an apache gets in the way, it'll lock onto that.
  14. It was losers choosing the map, and we made that rule so it'll be less likely for the better team to sweep.
  15. right click to ignore the lock on
  16. We played 2 pugs with different teams, with the losing team picking the map 1st pug: Eyes - Arty rush takes out GT, Hotties chip down nod ref to 44 HP and an Orca rush finishes it off while a stank rush killed the bar. Nod had the point lead and played defensively, denying all of GDI's rushes (2 orca rushes, 1 APC "rush") and getting an even bigger point lead. Won by time. Islands - Artys chip down GDI ref to 60 something HP while GDI struggles to take hold of the field. GDI eventually breaks out and has Nod holed in their base with max meds, mammys, and mrls. While a mass SBH nuke rush goes on, GDI moves in and places a single ion that kills both Nod Ref and Strip while the nuke rush kills the GDI ref. Nod tries a mendoza rush but fails due to camping APCs. GDI's tank force moves in for another ion attempt and destroys the Hon. Canyon - Arty/Tech with flamers absolutely destroyed GDI and a nuke at the Barracks sealed the deal. 5 people on GDI left the game after that while Nod tanks continue to blow up GDI's base. ~ 2nd Pug: Goldrush - Mcfarland rush kills Hon and Nod PP while a single person in the AGT denied the Nod rush. GDI then rolls Nod down with meds. GrassyKnoll - Easily the best game today, points were pretty much the same throughout the whole 40 minutes. GT gets destroyed by a flame tank quite early in the game, Nod ref gets infiltrated by an engineer, chipping it down to 47HP and GDI tanks finish it off. Stank/Tech+SBH destroys the GDI refinery soon after that. Hon gets damage down to 16 HP from the same tank force. Later, GDI's tanks and Nod's tanks move in opposite directions of the map, trading the WF for the Airstrip while damaging the Bar down to 50 something HP. Nod rolls out a lot of laser infantry and finishes off the remaining tanks except for one mammoth. Once vehicle drops started, GDI got an APC force and outside c4d the Hon, finishing it off with less than 10 seconds remaining.
  17. Reducing the penalties on destroyed buildings was not a step in the right direction, I'll start with that. I can go on and on about this, but all it did was make the game much more annoying for the better team to win. It went from not worrying about vehicles after blowing up the WF to "oh crap there's 10 APCs turtling their base". This did not help much with comebacks as it did with making the game more stalematey.
  18. Maps where it makes sense to mine the sandbags of barracks: Field, Islands, Mesa, Complex, Valley, Grassy Knoll, Snow, Tomb. On all other maps you should mine the doors. Field and Complex you should mine the doors over sandbags. Techs can disarm sandbag mines without getting shot from the AGT on field, and you can jump over the sandbags on complex from the rocks.
  19. We had no fraggers on our team, thus no way of killing repairs and 1Ks. We had good repairmen and somewhat ok tankers, but it's hard to keep them alive without inf support. Tbh I didn't really do much nor did I care, we had random people shouting out random plans that would never work against a coordinated team. The team confusion at the start was also irritating because somebody was on the wrong teamspeak and never said a single word, and ended up having almost 3000 unspent credits that could have been donated.
  20. yes
  21. Honestly I think the best way to deal with this non-stop repair is to give the repair guns the same function as the repair tool, but with additional ammo capacity and near instant recharge rate. This will make it so attacking buildings externally would be a lot more threatening, and would also fix the afk repair issue. Still probably wouldn't have affected your scenario, but just an idea
  22. boxes

    GDI vs Nod maps

    Sounds good! My first suggestions would be to open up the rocks behind the WF to make it equal for both teams. Some kind of cover would also be nice at the back path. Also another gripe I have about the map is the walls behind the WF and Strip. Removing them would open up more area for rushing and would make sneaking a bit easier. Also if you haven't already touched on it, the Nod harvy gets stuck a lot.
  23. boxes

    GDI vs Nod maps

    As far as I know RypeL set up map stats for wins/losses for each faction, but it doesn't include all the maps and I'm not sure on its reliability (from what I remember seeing the stats some weeks ago for Walls, GDI won like ~350 games compared to Nod's ~90. Even if it's GDI sided, the numbers seem a bit extreme).
  24. boxes

    GDI vs Nod maps

    Glad to hear that Henk. Your map was the most imbalanced in favor of Nod. Close corners, tight places, just endless waves of chems popping out near the WF, officiers were turned into goo instantly, C4 fest on the MCT. After 1-2 waves the first flamer tanks started to burn the bar from the cover of the underground tunnel. Game usually ended with a nuke at the back of the bar coverer by a few flamers+techs. Out of my 15 games GDI only once was able to win probably because I snuck into Hon... 50/50 on Snow? Please... It's 50/50 because both equally skilled teams have no real way to end a game through strategy. Defense is too impenetrable because of the one vehicle entrance and the one inf entrance (2 doors and balcony but both lead to same place) and bases being very cramped. Flame tanks get gunned down by meds in the long tunnel. Chem rushes are easy to counter with remotes, Patch and farland. I won most Field games as Nod but that doesn't mean it's Nod sided.
  25. boxes

    GDI vs Nod maps

    Valley: Nod does not have better units. Patch, Mcfarland, Officer, and Mobius are very hard to kill with Nod infantry. GDI can do the same exact thing. Get a bunch of Patch and outside C4 the HON. That strat isn't unique to Nod. Walls: Elaborate on Nod's advantages? Don't say anything stealth related because they aren't useful with a dedicated GDI defense team. Islands: GDI doesn't need to sneak in to win. They just medspam until they get an opening to ion the strip. SBH action here are pointless against dedicated defenders. Tomb: Oh this is definitely GDI sided. Patches roaming the inf tunnels, flat terrain, great medspam map.
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