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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by boxes

  1. Wont be making it to this one either
  2. Not a necessity, but you can fool enemies by standing still in front of purchase terminals with your c4 on the mct
  3. I think...at this point the best way to further balance these 1-shot kill units is to increase headshot damage for all non-sniper/pic weapons. This wont affect the one-shot guns as they already kill you and instead decrease their survivability, particularly in close quarters against other inf.
  4. Would be nice if vehicle MGs ignore Kevlar penalties too.
  5. SBH are balanced as they are. Infantry with burn damage are their counters.
  6. That's been there since beta 1 I believe, switching weapons fixes it
  7. Grenadiers have the same amount of HP as hotwires, meaning they can tank a fully mined door, lets say perhaps during an APC rush for engineers. Their weapon also has longer range and deals a lot more structure damage than flamethrowers on the outside and on the mct. You can still beat nod to crates, it more on fast you react when you spawn, where you spawn, and the map. Example, walls, Nod usually wins the crate on the side because of the hon windows and the backdoor while barracks only opens up on the front. The airstrip door is also closer to the center crate than both bar and WF. Even McFarlands get beat to the crates on this map.
  8. both of us yosh, I remember suggesting giving your team a sniper or two but you said nah, and ended up flopping pretty hard
  9. boxes

    Marathon PUGs

    That's the public server, if it were 100/100 I wouldn't bat an eye. Having 20 people on your team talking on microphones already would give you headaches and would make it difficult to properly coordinate anything. Commanders in particular need to be somewhat aware of what each of their teammates are doing and adding more to that burdens them
  10. r/gaming generally upvotes humor over anything, as well as gifs
  11. Can't make it next pug, much sadness
  12. I was thinking maybe the APC/Buggy/Humvee need a rework of some sorts. Perhaps decreasing their damage to both light and heavy (same air damage) and decreasing their spread and increasing their ammo capacity ought to make it a lot easier to deal with infantry, but less so against tanks.
  13. Not against this idea. There is still that one awkward empty spot on the purchase terminal, and I've always wanted some kind of upgrade system to fill the now removed sidearms. However I'm thinking they should be mostly cosmetic and be very light on the performance improvements.
  14. boxes

    Marathon PUGs

    Marathon or AOW doesn't correlate with player limits in organized games. We didn't even reach 40 last pug, and having more than 40 people on Teamspeak and in game will be an absolute clusterfuck.
  15. Recap: Walls - GDI attempts an early rocket rush, but ended up not even getting a single rocket to hit a building. Nod meanwhile saves for Apaches and AT infantry and a back and forth slug between Orca/Apache goes on for a while. A triple SBH nuke on the PP, Ref, and WF along with an apache rush on the Bar sealed the deal and after hanging on a thread with a WF, GDI surrenders. XMountain - Nod tries a mass SBH rush at the start, but gets caught and the whole plan fails. GDI played like GDI and controlled the field for most of the game, and also gets a sneak kill on the HON. Snipers in the Nod bunker, Meds in the front door, building armor breaks all over the place, Nod surrenders. Arctic Stronghold - GDI goes for a gunner rush, but failed to break the PP armor. Nod goes Arty/Tech while GDI plays like GDI. A stank rush was organized, but couldn't find an opening and the vehicle slugging continues. A 4 man SBH team attacks the GDI refinery with outside C4 and lasers, and ended up chipping it down to 34 HP. The same 4 people then got Mendozas and finished it off. Low on money, GDI was forced to play defensively, but left an opening during another stank rush which ended up destroying the entire base. Eyes - A standard rollout with people going after the silo and harvesters. Nod gets the money crate and tries an APC rush, but picks the wrong building and the GDI who suicided just happened to spawn in the PP. GDI retaliates with a mass Tranny rush with engineers and hotties, setting up decoys at the HON and a full on to the ref which worked. GDI goes for the same plan again to the Nod PP, and yet again it worked. At this point people on Nod were leaving and Nod ends up surrendering.
  16. Because maps like old Field potentially drives new players away and makes them have a very bad impression of what a Renegade X game can be like. Back and forth vehicle slugging on the 1 entrance, getting sniped by ramjets and PICs over and over in the tunnels, rinse and repeat, some wonder why they even installed the game in the first place after playing a field marathon. Even in the organized games Field was incredibly dull because of the limited oppurtunites given when compared to the other maps. Renegade X isn't C&C renegade, if something works in the OG it doesn't mean it'll work on RenX.
  17. It's funny though, because the only person I saw that ran right past me was you ryz
  18. Field was very broken. -AGT/Obelisk -1 vehicle entrance -1 infantry path easily camped out w/ vehicle -1 infantry path being watched by base defenses -Small size Playing this on anything more than a 15v15 is like bashing your head against a wall. But hey, at least that checklist matches Under, so go play that.
  19. Fort - Initial rushes from both teams kill Airstrip and Barracks. Nod spams out LCGs while GDI brings out an assortment of vehicles. After an even fight, Nod unleashes their 1000 characters and GDI gets hammered for 30 minutes straight, all vehicles rushes getting easily denied. A miracle rocket rush through the tunnels takes out the HON with 6 minutes remaining...and with Nod having a 2500 point lead. Nod orders all their advanced infantry to camp it out with APC support. All GDI rushes (APC, Rockets, Meds) get stomped and Nod wins on time. Whiteout - GDI wins the harvester war and rolls out Meds/Gunners while Nod rolls out Arty/Tech. The credit difference from the initial harvester meant everything, and GDI control seizes the hill and rains hell on the Nod base. Ramjets were all over the place, Gunners forced Nod techs to move back and forth from the refinery to PP, Hon/Airstrip gets destroyed, and Nod surrenders. Canyon - GDI wins the second harvester war, but by the time they get organized Nod is already knocking on their door with Arty/Tech. GDI answers with Gunners, which did a decent job for a little while, but got massacred by free infantry. The harvy dump allowed GDI to roll out some meds and the Arty/Tech started to die down, but Nod brings out a Flame rush which destroys the majority of GDI's tank force and puts GDI permanently on the defensive. Non-stop Arty/Flamer/Tech/Sniper crushed everything. Field - Nod starts out with an Engie rush on the ref, but failed and ended up feeding GDI points with outside C4. Nod brings out Artys and GDI with APCs/Gunners, and the field battle goes on back and forth. A sneak kill on the Nod refinery meanwhile decided the game, Nod answers with an LCG rush on the field, but got easily countered with snipers. Nod gets holed in their base, GDI snipers start farming kills through tunnels, Nod PP dies from tanks and GDI wins. 4-0 Team 2, shout out to Crowsy for willing to switch teams on whiteout in the middle of the game. By the way, I think I've had just enough of "camp it out to win on time" bull. Maybe we should try a PUG with marathon, since Fort could have played out much differently.
  20. So we know for certainty that a HON vs WF games is completely lopsided in favor of the infantry side, Gunners are a better option at the start of a game than MRLS, Snipers/PICs/Ravs need to be somehow nerfed against infantry, and Comm center still shows people in the enemy base. 4-0 team "uhhh get tanks snipers and repairs"
  21. That's just the comm center doing its job, preventing you from sneaking in. If you don't have field control, don't even bother. Applies to both teams.
  22. New field is a step in the right direction in almost every single way possible, if you want to play cancer just play under. It literally has the same format as old field
  23. Having all these commanders on the same team made no sense. Frreak couldn't compete against this. All it takes is one commander to give orders, no more, no less. Freak as far as I saw did a great job on the one game of Walls that I was on. Quincy was in charge of team1, the rest of us simply followed what he told us to do. I'm a little sick of commanding nowadays, Yosh and bong are too drunk, it just comes down to listening to the leader's orders without question.
  24. 5 is fine, increasing it will further make nukes/ions more risky
  25. afaik the blocking volume is next to the bar to make nuking more effective and to prevent vehicle camping
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