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Posts posted by isupreme

  1. Now that you mention it... yeah. I remember playing a map that had a repair pad. I remember using it now. For nod it sat behind the Oblisk and for Gdi right in the middle of the base area. I enjoyed it. Orcas seemed to make active use of it.

  2. Not quite a tech building... but i wonder if we could use: A repair point where you can roll up your vehicle for repairs without the need of another player. It would be nice if you were defending your base.

    Did this exist in some earlier version or am i thinking of another game?

  3. I would shift the airstrike to emphasize damage to players and not change the damage to vehicles.

    I would like to see it used primarily as another tactic to defend a beacon. This is Especially Nice because no one player can carry a beacon and an airstrike. So it encourages teamwork between players.s

  4. I would like to see some sort of moderation of this at least in the near term. Especially considering how often we get dropped at the game end.

    In general, I support those who organize and rush as it is an effective strategy. It is also fun to see a good team defend against it.

    Sometimes i think the price to pay for a Failed Rush should somehow be bigger. Idk how. But that would encourage team defense work.

  5. Truxa well said. In the end teamwork rules. I think the fact that the game allows for teamwork in such varied ways is a really good thing. I think it is why i play the game.

    I think ill try to take some time in skirmish mode to place more becons and see where they land............

  6. Well hidden vs glitch is an important point atm. For instance i didnt see a plant on the exterior of power down under the stairs... way back and set a bit up on the wall against a spot you could only see if you looked from the very end of the space.

    To me that sounds well hidden but man o man did lots of Glitch! was heard in chat.

    Which would that be?

  7. Well this cuts two ways... i don't want to use glitches, but i dont know when I might do it.

    I hate to ask what are the glitch places.... because it may be better to not list these types of things? But i want to NOT plant glitch becons.

    The other day i placed a becon while standing on the Barracks roof. I was not at the peak but standing by the stairs down the side. I looked down and placed the becon. I was told it was in a glitch spot.

  8. 7/24 Nice to see some good team cooperation and epic struggles :)

    Another period of drops and freeze ups. Mostly the end of game and one other that i am working. During a battle when there is a big fire explosion i can freeze up. My machine is ofc just barely capable of this gameplay. In searching for workarounds i found my memory was pretty maxed. I disabled an anti-virus program that i think was spazzing out while the game ran. I dont like the idea of turning it off to play but it did seem to help ALOT at first try.

  9. I have started to really appreciate the new terrain. The rocks are super fun. I enjoy climbing them and hiding in the nooks and crannies. I guess it is no surprise to find maps more interesting with the additional terrain like larger hills and deeper valleys. The stronger colors of tiberium for example help punch up the visuals.

    I like the addition of the silos and their role in gameplay. ( currently addicted to the heavy pistol but enjoying the tiberium rifle about as much)

    RE: disconnects. Mostly i suffer from a termination sometimes at the end of a game. sounds like a known issue.

    But another trend i see is when i do get dropped it when a big explosion is being shown on my screen. I wonder what i can do to tweak my computer that might help w that.

    Overall i have fewer dropouts then before. It seems to help if i avoid euro servers.

  10. New Report: 7/14

    I am very happy, for awhile i was having trouble staying connected. Frustrating.

    But now i am staying connected. I have learned i have to have ALL my controls at minimum. Sucks but at least i can play even if my technician looks like something from an old music video... . lol

    I have also seen a U.S. server. It really is much better for me being on the East coast US.

    and i heard some optimistic talk not the usual dribble of negativity since i joined...

  11. New Comments:

    I don't like the results of getting dropped from the game. I can handle it happening sometimes, but it does happen to me frequently atm.

    1. I lose my money

    2. i dont always get to come back to the same side. ( this really is annoying to my role play mind )

    3. It seems to happen a lot at critical times in a fight.

    4. i don't know what happens to the vehicle i am in but i suspect it is left and often taken by enemy.

    5. Full servers i might not even get back in.

    I also wish the game could load and exit faster. >makes sandwich while it shuts down.

    See you all in game!

  12. Lol i can remember timing my c4 to get the whole building. Fun stuff. But I like the way it is set up now tho. Thanks all for the refresher course in C4.

    RokumanZA , re: 50 min games. As you say they can go fast. But when they dont........ Lately the only server i find active is 40 people often in constant seige mode. I like to find games with smaller teams. I like how fast they can go and i dont mind losing a few if the gaming is good. Hope to see ya in game!

  13. Ah nice that the server folk can replay the whole match if they need to. That sounds like excellent control for the serious folk.

    So far i have only played on the public servers.

    Re: my system. Yeah i focus on enjoying what gameplay i can get out of it. I think its an extension of a Beta mindset. :)


    New Notes:

    Wow the beacons really go off fast. I was a low level engineer and i hoped right on it but i was unable to stop it.

    ? Only high level eng. can undo a beacon?? The beacon seems to go off too fast.

    Are the timed games too long? I think they are like the old game, but somehow as i have gotten older they seem too long. I like to finish what i start, so if i start a match mid way, then do another map, ... thats all i got time for usually.

    I wish i could see 3 or 4 starts during a solid game play session.

    I really like how powerful the c4 charges are. They seem very effective against vehicles. Makes infantry support for the vehicles at the front more important.

  14. Lol. Yeah. Thats a lot of information that sounds right on to me. ! For instance i was just starting to wonder if the random crashes were me or beta or what. I especially like the start: All this is normal for..... Lol.

    Thanks BroTranquility. >hands you extra grenades.

  15. Today my game quit to the start screen while i was in battle. I wonder what happend to my tank i was in. ?

    I also lost all my credits and when i came back into the same map i had to start over. That stunk.

    More time tweeking settings and things flow generally well. Although it not uncommon for a large scale attack to lag me badly so that i am almost frozen thru the thick of it.

  16. Awesome. Thanks for the input i have learned a few lessons already. !

    RE: Pistol - I see this is harder to call than i thought. Lag or other shots that sound like pistol might be what i am experiencing.

    RE: flame tank use. I got more to learn here i see. I am happy to have a couple of pointers on how to effectively use.

    RE: first shots.. .. practice makes perfect.....

  17. It is so hard as a new player for me to know who is cheating and who is not.

    Please help me know which is which.


    1. one shot with pistol kills from full health. Ok i hope this is an easy one. This is cheat i think. ??

    2. When i use a flame tank and i push up on a medium tank it hurts it fairly well, but when i get flamed by some folk my medium just gives up.

    3. Folks who seem to always hit you the first time.

    Thanks for input, isupreme

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