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Everything posted by isupreme

  1. Is there enough Usa timezone community to plan a time to play on a Usa server? ( Australia interest?) I would love to see some better ping play. I have learned that Usa servers have been tried but empty. .. . Maybe we just start small and build grassroots instead? If we got a few Usa players and a few supportive players from the community could we try a few games at some designated time?
  2. I thank you all for your input. For me, i mined out these gems: From ShrewdTactician YOu go! And its always nice to see behind the curtain, thank you. Sarah! This is a great observation. Radeon3 Just the other day i enjoyed a 5v5 because it was balanced. Both sides hustled.
  3. mmmm... road map. mmmm plan.
  4. Is having one server monopolize the game Good for the game? 1. I play less. if i have time to play and the only server is full...i go play another game. 2. Diversity is lost. Diversity is life. Only one server means only one type of gameplay. Perhaps if there were more options then more folks would play. On the other hand..... Having an active server is paramount. ... YOur thoughts ??
  5. Sounds to me like its time to TEST that Sh.t again. !
  6. I was bummed to miss out on the old ren pug. How did it go? I know not everyone is into the old game but i am and i was curious if there was a turn out.
  7. I had a blast this weekend when i found the server being used was timed. Man O Man. I really enjoyed the difference. Thanks! I also got to see some of other people's perspective as they talked about wanting marathon to fill up. Would it be feasible for a server to sprinkle some timed into their marathon.? i.e. a blended server? Let's be frank. Well frank left the building. Let's be honest: with only one server populated, most times, won't the players tolerate a little back and forth? Just a thought..... Thanks all for the timed.
  8. Feel free to post your ... What just happened? Here. Mine: in game. lots of talk of a hacker going round. The games kept ending abruptly, often after the first building fell. Repeatedly games end oddly. FIRST, my thanks to all who serve to moderate our community. Second, what just happened? Did the hacker end the game? Did a mod end the game because of something the hacker did? to share my experience, i wonder if we are overreacting. If someone is hacking and gaining and advantage, do we just end the matches? As a poor soldier of the trenches it seems like we could fight on and have some fun still, without the abrupt end.
  9. I am excited! I see there is a server with 35 min timed matches. !! Sadly, i tried 3 times to join but was unable for unknown reason. Who runs the Renegade X server?
  10. Yeah, i thought maybe since there was some discussion there, hidden away, i thought i would make a thread with the topic in title.
  11. I have been out of the game for awhile, so please pardon this request to rehash the subject of timed matches. Please feel free to share your thoughts be they positive or negative about the subject. I myself always loved the game play, but i also recognize that it is not currently viable. I would like to understand the situation better, and ideas may drop in this thread. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Q.1. Why do players not like this game mode? I Love it! I hear some talk about the game being interrupted. I don't understand this. Q.2. Didn't we used to have 3o min games? I prefer them shorter than 60min. did players push it to be longer? Q.3 Would there be any support for a designated time in the week where we try to play timed?
  12. o man i can taste it. That is the stuff. right there.
  13. sad but true i guess. I think it was the best element of the game because it presented so many different ways to win. I thought i saw one up! Hope survives another day...
  14. I think is an element that could be worked. The Worst, is when you loose a building and yet you know your team is about to pull off an equally destructive move. Ways to increase team awareness of the overall situation might be helpful. Encouragement from a bot is nice, but from your team is very nice.
  15. I like this idea. Anything that presents even like teams is a worthy goal.
  16. Hey All, I finally got a new machine and a new connection and am back in the game. I like most of the new changes i see. But since i have never been able to play with effects full on before it seems like a new game to me! Wow those colors and effects are awesome. Sadly i really miss the gameplay of timed games. Were they just not liked? What happened to them and is there ANY interest in bringing them back?? But it is still a GREAT GAME ! And i do not have to portal to enter a building..... wow... lol.
  17. ow. thats harsh. I cannot answer your questions, only offer up a thought. Surely they all do not see the fun in fighting on. I think this game is still has a lot of great fun when you are behind.
  18. Long time player, long time missing. Seems like when last i played X mtn was a new map. ! Thanks to all the help in Support that got me back in game. My top 5 impressions on my experience upon return. 1. i like the ability to spawn as an engr. or etc. 2. hotwire with heavy pistol and infinte ammo. Nice. 3. Graphics. Wow. Just wow. So much better looking and the colors ....... Great work !! 4. Maps. Nice improvements all round in General. GJ! 5. Idk about this surrender thing...... i guess if its neccessary.
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  19. Thanks to all for the support! Success! I am now able to play the game. I think the previous unpack was corrupted somehow. I unpacked it a second time and the launcher was there. >passes out cake and ice cream with honey drizzled over it.
  20. I dont see UDK.exe in this file from itweeks. And just to be clear i am trying to install the full game with updates without doing another complete download
  21. C:\Users\x\Downloads\Compressed\Renegade-X#Open-Beta-5.271#\Renegade-X Open-Beta-5.271\Binaries This is where downloaded, extracted file resides. I dont see a launcher button. I have tried : unsetup.exe but that doesnt get me the game. ?Perhaps i need to extract to a different location?
  22. Ok... some measure of success i believe. Upon the suggestion of Handepsilon ( ty) i got the internet download manager and used it. I believe i have successfully downloaded the file from itweeks. But i am stuck on how to get it running on my machine. When the dowload completed i waited for the program to assemble it all, then it shows it listed. I tried extracting it and it looked like it copied it onto my drive. {edit : yes it is in my drive. it is in downloads compressed. compressed w z7} BUT i do not have a renegade icon yet. How can i get it ?
  23. Mark me bummed out. I tried again and failed. I tried to download iTweeks file. It ran for about 2 hours until about an hour remaining. Then when i checked it said download failed. I have now used 4000mb of my 15000 for the month. I could try once more this month if i can get a lead on what the problem is. I would really like to join you all in game. Suggestions welcomed.
  24. Deleted game and went to c/renegadex and deleted there as well. Will try a new download when can. >misses driving the light tank backwards
  25. Thanks all, I think my next attempt i will try the itweeks file download. Madkill, i have left it sit up to 20 min of no download activity. Schmitzenbergh, It does the first step, verify. But then jams on the second part...downloading
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