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Eagle XI

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Everything posted by Eagle XI

  1. This will come as even more complicated to the new player. You will transmit an message to the player why that mine disappeared into thin air and he's going to get baffled: ok, but whyyyyyy soooo ? So, you thought there are not enough mines in the base, they are only in the buildings, entire base should be blanketed with mines. And what point there will be to sneaking then ? Making building mines exempt from the global limit doesnt bring any improvement to the current system. Mines inside buildings shouldnt be allowed at all. I would rather have those laser fences, automated or deployable sentry guns with limited ammo pool, really any solution else than this.
  2. There should be a point to protecting your team's income, your proposition aims to eliminate importance of eco defense. Its logical for an team that failed at defense to be setback. We should not make it so that destroying their Refinery doesnt matter. Why not replace all Refs with Silos then if you want the game to revolve around passive income ? We can try different mutators on the Harvester per map besides income, stuff such as higher health, with gun turret, has platform for infantry behind/above, moves faster, self-repair etc.
  3. with that newly implemented alert sound im certainly not missing it anymore
  4. Im sorry but damage doesnt scale well versus repairs, inspecially when multiple repairers simply group up. There needs to be an drastic measure put in effect, such as an hardcap upper limit to how much repair one vehicle can accumulate within an second. Its simply not fun to pound at an mammoth tank horde for several minutes without any damage progress being made as nothing can reach the mass repairers behind them canceling out the combined dps of like entire nod team's vehicles on every mammoth at once so it doesnt even matter which one you pick on.
  5. for an rocket of its caliber, im expecting it to do a lot more noise and be loud to the point you will definitely get notice of it way before when is about to be coming down on top of you, not like the current "oh, lol look a silent cruise missile ive died to."
  6. There can be an overtime artillery barrage mechanic to aid sieges end faster, the area around the last building would get bombarded with off-map artillery barrages of the assaulting team after an certain minute mark has been hit. The mechanic would kick in only when one side has only one building remaining and after that building is still standing as the last one of that team for insertdurationhere time.
  7. Tank drop power: Calls in a chinook to deliver one unmanned tank of your faction(Med/Light) to commander's current location, checking vehicle limit, vehicle pathability of current location and cannot be used in tunnels or otherwise air obstructed spaces. Enemy AA tower radius would also account for obstruction. The vehicle has no lock, counting as belongs to nobody, so that upon arrival can be stealed right off the bat. Usable only when Weap/Air is alive. Extra mechanic to prevent Ltank being dropped into base for aiding SBH action: the chinook can be intercepted similar to missile.
  8. Well, if community is really persistent in wanting 64p, then an 64p-ification project would needed to be launched for most if not all maps, cause most of them arent even really designed for that amount of players. The fun ends when at an sniper perch designed to have 2-3 contains 5-6, or when an team wins the initial push through sheer numbers so that you cant even leave the mainbase ending up getting boxed in for rest of the match, can do only waiting as opposition shoots their way to heroic mammoths.
  9. ^ that could function if done as an infantry tunnel, also would open an new flanking possibility into main base. The extra GT i would place inside main base, overlooking the new tunnel entrance at an narrow angle so infantry can use destroyed silos as cover to sneak in if they throw in enough bodies at once. Then the existing GT (not)protecting the silo can move to the spot you show, in order to become an actual defense. I feel like the east side canyon path connecting the two silos should become vehicle traversable at narrow lowground, so you can load an APC and drive to the enemy side silo.
  10. Discord hogs resources. Firing up IRC and searching for an Renegade X channel probably may not fall upon heads of standard players. If launcher would get an inbuilt link to an chat room that may have best chances of seeing use.
  11. think 48 players would be optimal.
  12. yee its way too dark when the fog falls.
  13. server 1: the daily plays. Walls, Islands, Field, Hourglass, Field X, Canyon, Lakeside, Under, X-Mountain server 2: reserve for larger maps. Outposts, Toxicity, Hourglass, Sunrise, Goldrush, Lakeside, Arctic, Eyes server 3: rather infantry oriented maps. Tomb, Crash Site, Twilight, Cliffside, Uphill, Mesa server 4: fast paced maps: Volcano, Fort, Complex, Whiteout, Horologue server 5: 24/7 Snow marathon for special people.
  14. ideally credits would get refunded to an extent when switching to an new class, but only aslong that new class cost is under your current class value in credits. If you are Doza and switch to Tech will get 650$ back. obviously this wouldnt ever work for switching to any of the basic classes, which are free. If you are Doza and want to switch to Sak/Rave still have to pay the full amount as they are equal credits value. If you are SBH and wanted to switch to LCG you would have to pay the full amount but if that was in reverse order LCG would get 50 credits upon switching to SBH as its cost is 400$ and thus under the value of LCG's price. as for items there can be an flat 50% refund on both beacon and airstrike. the repair tool itself probably wouldnt have refund.
  15. cnc remastered now with 100% more bugs, senseless changes to an decades old delicate balance, requires always online drm to play and still no mod support, oh theyd take out the map editor too. color me skeptical
  16. this would only encourage min-maxing, would you not like to have emp nade with your dozagun equipped sbh loadout, ofcourse you would.
  17. and ? you can simply pedal off and then come back on once after the missile hits. The tunnel is useless as exits right in front of the enemy defense line, within firing radius of every turret/gt.
  18. This type of map is over once the center hill gets captured by one side, its maybe fun only at very small player numbers.
  19. let there be this thread for sharing possible ideas regarding an remake or variations of the de_dust of Ren X, the Walls (flying) map. Walls-X In this version the central area would be an cave, meaning choppers cant fire into it, the 4 ways leading into it are reduced to two, those acess points being an downward curving slope, and the other two becoming sniper vantage points for overlooking the central cave area(can jump down still). The base tunnel entrances that normally end outside continue into this central cave area, completing the number of exit points into 4, keeping it at same number still. The two entrances for reaching the plateau are normally facing outside, in this version they would be inside, acesed from this cave too. The stairway that normally ascends in a straight line up until reaching an plus for getting to the plateau is replaced with an T at each side that branches into two paths, with one path ascendingly leading to the plateau eventually but touring around the halfway of the central plateau's cliffs facing the enemy's side, this path has opening to the outside meaning choppers can fire into. Before reaching the plateau itself, at middle area at same height as the plus normally stands is an central tomb room connecting GDI-Nod side paths to plateau. Normally, the 4 paths for reaching the plateau are placed roughly corresponding to the ends of an X shape when viewn from above, in this version two of those are replaced by two new entrances that go out of this central room instead. Also the plateu total height would be somewhat shorter in this version (maybe) the other path of that T is leading to an tunnel that allows to cross the east/west field from below to emerge at far edge of the field at midway between bases. At this far edge, not so distant is an entrance for an narrow perch for infantry that runs along the field's edge on the outside, the perch continues along the map edge at an length of half the field, leading to one side of the opponent's wall. Its two purposes are intended to help the infantry somewhat as its offering partial cover and generating an extra entrance point into the opponents base through being connected to one side of their walls. on a second thought i should at best have shown it all on screenshot picturrs.
  20. Is it possible to change this keybind ? The F keys are reserved for special purposes on the machine im using.
  21. #NotMyCnC #NotMyBattlefield #NotMyNfS
  22. Which C&C unit is this ? you can try repurposing the idea into either a Soviet flak truck like that in OpenRA as that turret going to waste would be shame. or an GDI Flak Tank like in some Tiberian Dawn cutscenes. something like this: https://cdn.cnc-comm.com/gallery/command-and-conquer/Renders/flyby01.gif
  23. The one of the two reasons im advocating to nerf the movement of Sydney/Raveshaw. To limit tank combat can try introducing heatbar with heat generated per shot, this change will highest probably render them too underpowered when facing against infantry however. Can open an whole 3. column of classes expanding the roster instead scattering any new gun ideas as purchasables or attempting to tackle them on already existing and fine working classes. The demolition man idea is neat, but Mcfarland do has his uses even as the niche he is. I thought of adding an RA3 Peacekeeper like unit to GDI class lineup, with riot shield, shotgun and flashbang nade at 3. column row 1 with demoman being at colum 3 row 2. There is also an idea of a wizard-like class, mutant Disciple for Nod who will like Yuri's Disciple in RA2 use mind bullets, probably with stamina as ammo and no guns at all, that either gains one more 'spell'(extra firing modes for his only weapon, the mind) per veterancy level or each 'spell' is an seperate weapon. Vehicle Abilities and Upgrades based on veterancy progression: Think like Buggy can EMP coil like in CC3 at heroic, upgrades weapon to laser at elite, sprint moved to veteran with improved efficiency.
  24. Allowing EMP grenade to become purchasable has severe implications, as currently its about escorting one slow moving heavy dude to disarm the minefield in a building. Imagine if SBH could simply take EMP nades, what an disaster that'd be. Mines should decay when placed in a building or outright unallowed inside buildings. There are unused concepts for original Ren about player deployable turrets and consumable items. The turret could be an purchasable for Engineer/Tech that when placed results in an AI controlled, simplified weaponry sentry gun. The consumables would be several potion type items, one that restores stamina on use, one that accelarates health regen, an one use personal resupply box, temporary invis gadget (for GDI), tiberium protection suit(for GDI), tiberium infusion(for Nod, youll move faster but suffer health degeneration until die), etc. Damage does not scale that well versus repairs actually, inspecially noticeable during vehicle combat whereas in infantry battles its far less of an problem. One would think the medium and light tanks to have secondary weaponry for use versus infantry. GDI artillery is inferior to Nod counterpart because of that when it comes to attacking buildings. Where the Nod arty fires one chunk of damage the GDI mrls has it divided into multiple projectiles. We can experiment with adding superheavy infantry classes that are available in limited quantity and have to be authorized by the commander to purchase one as they are finite. The superheavies are basically walking tanks, they can even get EMP'd as if being cyborgs. They would be based on the X-0 Powersuit for GDI and the unused heavy Stealth Suit concept for Tiberian Dawn. Its way more fun to play as Nod, GDI could use some new interesting stuff as they lack too much compared to Nod.
  25. Strange, as i cannot remember Cabal ever announcing GDI Refinery under attack.
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