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Eagle XI

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Everything posted by Eagle XI

  1. Something like generic Freedom Force vs Terrorists, as in Micromachine Military. Something like Metal Fatigue universe for having customizable giant mechas in addition to tanks. On a second thought, that would be something else entirely. Lets just leave everything as is.
  2. is Red. that makes it rather hard to read. I can suggest making it Orange, Lime Green or simply yellow for both(like GDI has)
  3. I blame Toyberium Twilight and the wacky mess that is RA3 for that, besides EA itself.
  4. 48 player functions better for the current maps than piling 64 people into same room. its not an good impression when the game drags on for hours to infinity as one side is camping the other teams entrance on Under(just happent to came out of such an match) because they happent to be good enough to camp the entrance but not to take the base and finish it. I can suggest running 2x 48p servers rather than one 64p.
  5. Its still possible to give the impression of an larger area while using small space. The "magic" is in the way how it gets setup. You can look at how the map for GTA: Vice City had been done to get an idea of what im saying. The capabilities of hardware at the time, combined with platforms the game was supposed to get released on limited them to an rather small map dimension. Yet the result is spectacularly legendary, giving the impression of an true city when wandering inside the tiny vice city. In reality you have just only made an half-circle driving through the coast way, the way the game (environment, game speed, etc) set up, gives you the impression of having traveled far, it comes off as natural. Another thing to always factor in, is how having multiple ways of getting from one spot to other inside the playable area can -naturally- end up having enlargened the map in the player's perception. In the case of Renegade that applies not only to having multiple vehicle entrances but multiple pathways for infantry. If you cannot get an picture in mind, firing up some of the later C&C's may help with getting an layout imagined, as Renegade is based on C&C you can be ensured similar design philosophy still applies to an extent despite one being an RTS and the other an FPS. Something like 'Black's Big Battle' from C&C3 or 'Industrial something'(sorry guys, didnt fire up RA3 in long,although i remember the map's terrain) from RA3 can be got to function in Renegade with minimal alterations. Most of the 1v1 maps layout should able to get adopted into RenX easily.
  6. - making people aware that this game exists. - ensuring people can install and play the game right away. - giving them an tutorial where all the renegade universe weirdness gets explained, like repair guns can be used for healing people and all that stuff.
  7. also factor in people can coordinate donation to roll out stuff faster with an generous 300 credits per player.
  8. - the map is nicely large and provides adequate space for vehicle maneuvers., that comes bundled with amplifying power of stealth tanks greatly. i can suggest plopping an capturable radar dish into middle of field that will decloak stealth tanks in a wide radius should GDI have control of it. Alternately we can implement mobile detector/sensor array vehicle for gdi and enable it only on this map. - the map is large yet most of us are aged dudes(?) whom complain about having to virtually trek an mile before reaching the base instead jumping into the fight happening right around the next corner, as our time of existence is rather limited after performing the trek required for reaching the warzone resulting in much rage and derp. this effect could be lessened if we specifically enable transport helicopters but not attack helicopters on this map. Unfortunately which would then inevitably imbalance the map further as due to size of map one team performing an drop into enemy base while all of them are away would mean instant gg. Should transport helicopters get added i can suggest adding an indestructible AA tower on top of rockridge of bases facing the battlefield, or youll have to cover each base in triple SAM maybe. - it needs more tanktraps to perform tank flips on.
  9. Once more than one rocket locks on, the flyer is toast, generally. I can suggest adding Flares like in Gen Zh as an actively used ability for them. The transport copter wouldnt get any for obvious reasons. Flares could probably use system similar to recharging grenades. Use it then wait for cd, higher rank = faster cd.
  10. I guess they are from before implementation of building armor, since breaking an building's armor will turn the icon red. How about we tweak those icons like: - without color tint and has a lightblue frame: building is healthy with armor is up - tinted yellow with lightblue frame: building armor is below 50% of its maximum amount. - tinted orange: building suffered hp damage but remaining is above 50% of its maximum health. - tinted red: building suffered hp damage and currently is below 50% of its maximum health.
  11. Seems like a GDI version of LCG. its probably not a Dune total conversion, or is it ?
  12. Like, quitting the server or playing something else even. :] Dunno, maybe an higher player count version could be made of this map.
  13. Can we move this map out of 64p server map rotation then, pretty please ?
  14. Snow is simply put the worst map. Its a senseless meat-grinder that makes absolut zero sense. Attached some illustrated suggestions to make this map more bearable.
  15. how about we auto-swap the worst players with an average guy on the opposing team instead every x minutes, that way both teams would have equal chances of point-farm. :p
  16. I thought it would be firing like the Mammoth Tank. Left barrel - Right barrel.
  17. Islands, GDI side has lost weap and ref, nod lost hand and air. The stalemate goes on as GDI keeps apcs clustered around Bar, nothing can exactly scratch them but the crate Bradley we randomly got, then finally they gain an medium and a titan from crates. The Rocket trooper fails to deal any damage to the vehicles as there are enough repairers in every Apc. Dont know how that ended as too much time had elapse, ive got bored and quit. I really hate such pointless stalemates.
  18. Alternate Jeep/Buggy with TOW missiles ? APC with Auto-cannons ? There got to be something that can still deal damage to other vehicles.
  19. Firefox user here, appears blank.
  20. The dark parts of this map are seriously dark, like need to crank up brightness of monitor to see, it feels unnatural. There was this weird reflection in the scope, made it practically impossible to see.
  21. Didnt know that unguided shot travels faster.
  22. Rockets fired by the Rocket Trooper could use an speed boost, as currently they are way too slow and easily dodged. This makes the Rocket Trooper not preferrable when dealing with vehicles over medium to long range. The rocket launcher performs laughable bad against vehicles(unless its a flyer), you have better odds using it to take away an chunk of armor and/or health off an infantry. Unfortunately, i cant provide an exact solution to the spam problem that would arise after their projectiles gain an appropriate amount of speed.
  23. Add TD Light Tank crate vehicle into the helitrans delivery vehicles list when Weap is gone. I have observed its bridging the gap nicely between an actual tank and apc, it will need texture for GDI too if you do this.
  24. Ahh, emm, ive restarted the launcher 'run as administrator' and now its applying. edit: When click on server name, or OK in the settings of launcher hangs up for an brief moment, as in mouse becoming unresponsive.
  25. The "Die Objektreferenz wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt." happened to me too, but it was when the dl abruptly stopped at 98%, before the dl was finished to start getting applied at all.
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