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Eagle XI

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Everything posted by Eagle XI

  1. Under a rare circumstance, of which exact reason i couldnt decipher yet: Rockets fired by Stealth Tank will not explode upon hitting an obstacle but bounce off, travelling in the exact trajectory they had prior to bounce but in reversed now direction. Sometime the direction will be random instead. When this occurs and the rockets stumble upon another terrain obstacle or encounter a friendly unit in flight path then they will bounce off again, changing course this time what seems to be always in a random direction. Whilst all this happens they retain their warhead and still deal harm if managed to encounter an hostile within their current flight path, detonating sucesfully. However the rockets will self-detonate mid-air if they dont encounter anything to explode upon, after what seems to be expiration of an existence-timer for rockets. Having those bouncing rockets around doesnt affect the vehicle driver in anyway, you can still fire a new salvo and continue to fight normally.
  2. Eagle XI

    New Update?

    Can the updater somehow get integrated into current version or ill have to burn through gb's of torrent again when new version is out ?
  3. Whilst your at it touching this map: Maybe add more clear graphical indicators(roadblocks etc.) as on why the vehicles cant get into the hilly area. Getting stopped by an invisible wall when the terrain suggests i could go there has been so last century.
  4. Adding one more front behind the base would made the map even worse. You have to think it as more incoming artillery shells every second per additional entrance on defenders. What could be done is 'broaden' the already playable area, there would be an one level higher side-path, narrower compared to main, that runs around the mid-field in the shape of an U, somewhat like a rice terrace(doesnt look like a rice field, nope!). With the ends joining in to the present gates. To enhance this idea there can be made long infantry only tunnels, that begin near each bases vehicle production structure, to join in at the only entrance point situated at the middle-bottom of that U-shape. Hereby you'll have to make those tunnels like the present middle one, spacey inside. To better present a distance: It could be possible to snipe between this new tunnel's entrance and the waterfall exit. Perhaps just above this new entrance is located a bunker that can be accessed from inside only and helps infantry defending the access point. EDIT: Oops. indeed i didnt check the first page, however i see mine included a vehicle traversable side path in addition to tunnels so ill leave this here.
  5. Only if Q could work for spotting enemy mine on a ninja spot...
  6. Infestation crate: Turns you into a visceroid, retaining control. Each of your infantry kills spawn even more AI-controlled visceroids on your side. Jetpack crate: Gives you a single orca-rotor backpack turning your jump into take off for flight ability. If fuel expires in flight you fall down like a fly and dont have parachute. Regeneration crate: Allows you to regen hitpoints out of combat for a while as long as you remain on foot. Nitro crate: Overrides your sprint with a real fast one till it expires. Your sprint wont 'regenerate' till its used up fully. Entering a vehicle will cancel the effect.
  7. On a second thought, your right i wouldnt want any aircraft to be constantly locked on. What made me complain in the first place was that it seemed like after firing the rocket which was locked on a hostile target, now when original target moves out of sight(gets obscured by terrain) and a friendly is between the lock would transfer to the friendly. However have to test yet if the rocket does actually change course mid-flight, if switchen-to target is still applicaple for projectile to change course when rocket didnt yet have past that friendly guy between original target and rocket guy.
  8. when GDI gets minigun on theirs which is effectiver than humvee mg seemed a bit unfair to me. Hereby having appreciated what has been done with the defence turrets at snow map, would like to propose the weapon on Nod Apc to be changed with an machine cannon to better match the fighting strength of its GDI counterpart.
  9. The buildings in this game always seemed to me oversized. Surely they have to resemble the CC95 designs and fe. if you look at the length of the runway then compare to its tower then gives a semi-realistic feel, but more compact structures could have been made that fit better into a shooter game. If only the designs could shrunk a bit then more structure types with different functions could be added into bases. Fe. an Conyard that can allow to rebuild destroyed base structures as long its intact and a radar that auto-spots and can detect cloaked enemy units within range as long as they move(and reveals them gradually as they move, nothing instant) which could cover quite an area within the base. I had always found the GDI barracks to be unnecessarily long, with too much unused space, applies to the Weap and Refinery too. Also the Hand of Nod too high, i wish there would be rather an flat underground level(the master console would be located at U1 instead surface then) than being this tall. Rather been annoyed by the fact that the Hand, which gave the structure its name at the first place wasnt part of its actual architecture, being just a sculpture on top. EDIT: Since this being an ideas thread will continue with a few: Limited ammo for vehicles, methods of resupply other than 'Refill', seperation of healing and repair, division of classes into regular and heroic, cooldowns and build times on production. Land vehicles would need to drive back to base and stand on the Resupply&Repair Bay whilst choppers can get re-armed and repaired on helipads, that will not be a seperate structure but is merged and found atop the barracks/hand of nod structures. If the structures would get redesigned then there would be a elevator travelling between U1 to helipad at roof for faster access. Infantry should be able to get slowly resupplied and healed whilst on a passenger seat inside any APC. Its silly when repair gun can heal infantry too. There is potential for a medic class, that could be different than other shooters. Medic's main armament would be an 'healing-gun' which shoots darts(full with healing nanite(GDI)/forced evolutionary tiberium infusion blahbla(NOD)) that allow the friendly target to regenerate a set amount of health at a fix speed. This amount could either be percentage of target's health, or a chunk of health. The regeneration provided would continue even during combat. The darts needs to be fired one at a time and there could be both a infusion limit' and a 'overdose debuff' that kicks in after running around with regeneration for a while, so its unlikely for a character to stack the regeneration to the point of immortality. Just as an engineer would be, he is pretty much unarmed for direct combat and has to rely on pistole,c4/nade. I dont want to see the goddamn revive-train in this game so its only a healer. However it can have a gadget under weapons tab that can be bought seperately and is only available for Medic. For GDI side i thought this to be an deployable 'Nanite transmitter' that automatically administer small amount of burst heals around itself as long the target to be healed is within direct Line of Sight and range. (think of it like a motion sensor, but it heals friendlies within sight instead) The current roster of buyable characters would change into something akin to first 4 being common roles that require you to pay for the weapon, with them being: -medic -advanced repairer -rocketguy -officer Hotwire(still available under heroes tab) would be replaced by Mechanic on GDI side. The difference is that Technician repairs buildings faster whilst Mechanic specializes in vehicle repairs. Officers would change a lot, firstly they lose the chaingun, start out like an 'better rifleman' and can buy weapons exclusively for them under the weapons menu. I wanted them to be sort of an jack-of-all master of none specialistguy which can take additional weapons allowing him to alter roles on the fly, as long as he can afford to pay for it. However its unlikely to become a one-man army and solo the map with one, so it would be totally up to the player's style. and the last 4 would be faction specific: - stealthguy,chemtrooper and 2 cyborg variants on nod side The cyborgs would be initiate(laser chain gunner) and templar(some heavy weapon probably) - ?(sorry, i have to think about yet & find and examine the Renegade concepts in detail. Was there ever a mortarguy considered for GDI ?) and 2 power armor variants(one of them wields the regular cg in addition to another weapon) on GDI side. All the named characters retain their attributes and retain their signature unique special weaponry. They are found under their own menu and each are buildlimit 1. The motivation behind this is to make infantry combat something enjoyable, ofcourse its fun for everyone having access to best weapons but not when everyone actually runs around with the said best weapons. All quickscoping Havoc/Sakura rounds anyone ? When a class is bought it would enter a cd after, which takes a while, scaling appropriate to its cost. When a vehicle is bought it would take time to get constructed and leave the factory, again scaling appropriate to its cost.
  10. Its possible to get the chinook stuck on the sky-ceiling, wont fall down without pilot and you can gun to your hearts content. Atleast on the Walls map around the 'plateau' in the middle.
  11. Firstly you can lock on friendlies, we. purpose it serves besides trollololo is unclear. Secondly you can actually kill em with FF accident as evidenced in the case of an angry havoc on today's tk. sorry chap. Everyone's head and balled-up enemy vehicles that enters between you and the target whilst trying to lock-on cannot only cancel the whole procedure but cause your rocket to travel at an completely unintended target at the very last second too.
  12. ... ,stopping midfire without command(weapon jam mechanic?), almost invisible red dot sight and grenades that provide extremely long spotting range. Oh least i forget: and flames that ignore terrain. 1. Weapons will randomly disappear: - whilst switching between them, suddenly your character will pullout and hold an invisible weapon. - when they need to be reloaded and will not ever become visible again. - when zoomed in with a sniper. this one is the best because it cancels the negative accuracy of the scope and your view isnt obscured by the parts. - and most importantly this applies to thrown grenades too. Invisible nades anyone ? 2. This comes in 2 forms: - I get grenades(or gl, or rockets, anything that is fired one by one) begin throwing , last one in the batch disappears into thin air as i wanted to throw it. Click, no anim, nothing happens, gets deducted. wtf. - HUD shows i have a small amount of ammo left whilst firing with any burst weapon, but suddenly decides to reload without having had reached zero. 3. Was firing with minigunner, to be accurate decided to fire in short bursts(without ever getting into the 2. faster rotation). Release trigger just at time, pull again and nothing happens, then pull again and functions. However meanwhile seconds pass as weapon lost the spin and needs to spin up again, losing even more seconds. The 'jam' randomly happens with other bullet-based weaponry (sniper, assault rifle) too. 4. The red dot sight you can switch on the default assault rifle is almost invisible. It perfectly blends in with whatever is behind serving no purpose. 5. Exactly what it says on the tin. 6. In a certain map that has narrow tunnels, its possible to flame through the terrain walls, damaging the guys on the other side, somehow.
  13. I got the rocket, blown the vehicle, then switched to engi and repaired the building. (prolong this chain at will) Now what i want to say that i made the correct choice(s) and atop all that got punished for that ? Yeah, ok...
  14. Whilst i can easily prove that the existence of an base without any defence is pointless, rather would like to contribute towards the discussion, thus wont further derail into rather irrevelant to the topic subjects. However... If this is absolutely true and confirmed for not being a silly bug, then im obliged to say that i cannot possibly consider this as a legitimate 'feature'. Even in the most ancient ur-example they flash when taking damage where scattering infantry around the base is pretty much the only form of detection besides base-defences. Which takes me to bring up a point i frequently made concerning CC95 balance: GDI needs a mobile detector vehicle. PERIOD. Hereby i am in no way proposing a mobile permanent detector of cheese. No, i had rather my better thoughts about how this idea could be brought within context of Renegade. It will be an unarmed, otherwise non-functional, low health and high armor vehicle, that would not only require to set up but use its primary function in the form of an detection-'weapon' that unveils stealth within effective radius(via disrupting the electronics of the cloaking devices, sort of an electronic warfare vehicle so they shimmer and are marked on all friendly hud when within radius) on for a duration around itself, and only then needs can begin to 'reload' after detection duration has expired. If proven to be too much of an dead-weight may want to add ECM purpose(similar function to that of chinese ecm tank in CCgenerals) in undeployed mobile states as a bonus. In short summary it will be: + mobile detection provider. + (Possibly) ECM function in limited radius around it. + high armor. - unarmed. - low health. - eats from the vehicle cap, taking away a slot that could be a fighting vehicle. - when nod alternates strategy upon sighting may become quickly obsolete.
  15. Thats absolutely true, i stood away from any server limiting classes in Battlefield. At almost every instance an useless guy will have the limited class and idle on the favorite camping spot of his with it, instead contributing the intended role of the class to the ongoing war effort. Please never-ever enforce a limit on classes.
  16. I actually very much enjoyed it too, when game crashed at match end almost went bananas as i saw the system clock, only to remember morning its saturday and thought "phew, what a fight. i do not have this much fun everytime." Hints: I was the one with rocketlauncher on ramp, for long thought im the only sane guy because if there was just 4 more rocketguys our dmg would cancell their repair for good allowing the arty to knack aslong we focus fire one at a time. I was that stealth guy who managed to hijack their mammoth behind at the first breakthrough. I was that guy who failed at 'jihad jeep' because mistaken it for already rigged, damn me.
  17. With that head: getting money not back for this is not fair towards the defender. You already have to pay for the kit each spawn, so after having paid it should be free till death.(you pay again on your next respawn)
  18. Totally irrelevant question: If i buy a Rocketlauncher(costs), then have to switch to engineer(free) since a dire need of repair have arisen, can i switch back to rocketguy for free after done with repairing ?
  19. You complained about Stealth Guy of all things ingame ? okay.. tbh he needs +1 c4 capacity and a melee weapon for killing silently. And then let me complain about unending mine-spam(putting a global limit on mine count without enforcing a limit per player character is only doing half the thing), the fact that GDI gets a heroic advanced engineer and nearly a whole roster of heroes whilst Nod is all bout RP'ing the faceless mooks that get farmed enmasse. Nobody can tell the harvester to stop dont feed them when under siege. Im pretty sure its rather factors like unmoderated servers with atleast 1 cheater(as evidenced in the form of that asshat with orca in no-flight field map yesterday night, not even mentioning the aimbotter in tunnel) in it, too many people running around without knowing C&C's C let alone having had played C&C95 or Ren in his life even once, inable to realize how funny they look as they keep executing the wrong strategy over and over again, that you need to manually tweak the .ini's inside UDK to get a stable framerate on a lowspec-system. Tbh those may have had scare away people more than stealth troops with actual stealth Edit: And yeah, mass ion-cannon lagged like hell indeed.
  20. One of the mods had added it. QQ And to ensure the topic serves some purpose: When comes mod-tools for this, or its simply just free to hamper around with ? I had a dream about seeing a multi-crewed GDI Titan someday
  21. Still not enough blood to spill... EDIT: Speaking of: Where is my blood and the death screams of infantry as they get incinerated awhole in high flames? Or the crackling squishy sound when you overrun one ?
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