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Everything posted by Handepsilon

  1. That's Ruud's ideas and mine! Anyway, nice to see another map getting ready
  2. No you can't. It's not UE1 anymore...
  3. Suuuure, besides Nod needs to attack too Just more modelling though, anyone up for it? ActionHank seemed to offer a freelancing 3D service that day. I asked him too
  4. So.... some news. Alkaline just suggested me to add Kane to my map as an objective to kill. Anyone up to model the Messiah of Nod? I also can use some help to either make Comm Center/Temple of Nod
  5. Not making a new map is the least of the problems with this. Wouldn't making a new animation tree require the client to have it? Then again, I could go actually download the SDK and actually be able to duplicate and export it. huh, well yeah. That could be a problem....
  6. I also forgot, GDI PT scene doesn't have character in there
  7. A finding about LCG in Crash Site. It's.... 'Back Hand Elite' The first Gunner Rush in Coastal... One of us can't resist with taking some selfies And the first Hottie rush as well Also, two attempts to land a buggy to hover from the hill
  9. Come to think about it... yes The worst thing Nod can do is trying to snipe you out... though I think 1 SBH managed to put a nuke at back of WF
  10. Oh yea. I saw that you tried joining in the Test server. I load Crash Site for 30 minutes. Don't worry, it's just the game precompiling the shader. The rest of the run in the map would be much faster
  11. huh, possible. I run RenX at fairly low settings, only crashes when I do landscape, or trying to copy too much kismet, or if it decides to lag indefinitely.... but never at lighting build
  12. Because they don't. It can be done however. I think we all know they currently don't have their own multiplier... I was suggesting an idea....
  13. Bro... I hate Volcano too.... I really don't know if the game can really handle 64 players... It wasn't the worst suggestion... simply because there are some guys who wanted 128 instead. *smh*
  14. Make a new Anim Tree. Duplicate the one used by default and name the BlendBySpeed node. Then assign the animtree to the new pawn class. If the method is anything like UT, you will not need to make a new map
  15. https://iamsparky.wordpress.com/2010/08 ... -machines/ So far I haven't managed to get them to work... will try later if I got the SDK on another computer
  16. You can expand it to a whole new game mode though, with a custom Pawn derived from Rx_Pawn... that would make you able to give the Pawn a new, edited AnimTree (it's in the SkeletalMeshComponent part) A DM mode needs a new game mode rather than a mutator anyway
  17. lucky... I spent 60 minutes... and that's without lightmass calculations. If I used it, would bw hours
  18. Question, why can't we have Aircraft with their own armor multiplier?
  19. Little fact... Sniper actually has range limit as well... my larger map has managed to break away from sniper range
  20. Courtesy to B0NG and Dottier... Us preparing to mount a strike. Dottier mysteriously dies somehow shortly.... Having selfies in front of the destroyed WF Share any of your fun activities at the Test Server as well
  21. I learned from UTPawn class. Don't worry though. The more you learn about it, the more you realize it needs less script than you can imagine... at least not as much as UE1 or UE2
  22. I agree with Hate about player's tendency to join in crowded server. I've tried joining an empty server (EKT or TmX) and didn't get any players inside
  23. Eh, Ruud... maybe we should just ask you to build our maps. I mean you got 3 computers to render a level. How much does it take you to render Crash Site again?
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