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Posts posted by AlienXAXS

  1. @Ryz

    As stated by [NE]Fobby[GEN], in several interviews and topics :

    “Not only will Renegade X have a sizeable fan base, but in the future, we can develop a self-sufficient community that develops new, refreshing content”

    In accordance I have created my own unique set of features, by which I aim to differentiate my server, and provide a unique experience for our players. I have invested a considerable amount of my time to develop these features. Should it prove to be appealing for the fan base, Renegade-X Developers could perhaps adapt some of them to the game itself.

    I personally would like to encourage other like-minded people, to realise their potential, after all, the possibilities are nearly limitless when talking about Mutators!  There are so many ideas waiting to be realised – diversity is salutary, and in my opinion the fan base should be the ultimate judge of our efforts.

    All, of what I have created is open for everyone to experience on [AGN], I hope you shall have an enjoyable time playing there.

  2. I really enjoy it when developers of any game put these kind of inside-look videos up.  Creators such as Rust and Factorio do this type of thing and it really makes some players both respect the work of the developer, as well as feel involved with the pipeline of where development is heading, even if the thing being shown is not of final form.

    @ShrewdTactician Keep up the good work, and where applicable more inside-look videos would be great.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 2
  3. On 01/12/2017 at 1:05 PM, Ryz said:

    Base defence offline crate (it will go offline in 2 minutes for example)

    This crate is now live on the AGN Server, thanks for your suggestion.


    And fffreak's sugguestion: Timed Double Speed (60 seconds of 200% movement speed) is also live.

  4. Hi Phoenix,

    Have you tried cleaning your cache folder?

    Mine is located here: \Renegade X\UDKGame\Cache

    Please note, sometimes due to our mods your client has to re-compile shaders for some models, this can cause your client to look "crashed" during the first time you join it.

    Give the cache clearing a go, and let me know how you get on.

  5. Hey yeah, flying maps should not load the new Purchase Terminal, but it seems like the check is not working for this.

    I will fix and boot the server up again shortly :)

    Thanks for the bug report.



    Just as a side note, this is not RenX crashing, but my servers mutators/modifications crashing your client  - I just thought I would put this in here so people know this isnt anything that a RenX Dev can fix, as there is nothing to fix in their base game :P

  6. Well this serves me right for not checking the forum, and look at this - a crazy thread all about nuts ideas, love it!

    I'll have a read later when I'm not so tired and see what i can and cannot implement into the AGN server.


    Thanks for the ideas so far guys :)


    -- AlienX

    • Like 2
  7. bring down the console and type in:

    localtravel CNC-UnderRedux?mutator=AGN_RebuildBaseDefenses.Rx_RebuildBaseDefenses?GDIBotCount=0?NODBotCount=0?StartingCredits=40000

    Just an example of a mutator string i use for skirmish. (it is one line by the way)

  8. Hey all,

    I had an issue which I have now fixed where whenever I started the RenX UDK after a little bit of it loading it would crash.

    This was due to Windows 8 blocking .exe files from running (Smart Screen) when you download them from the internet...

    If you have the same problem you will need to unblock every file that is inside the UDK folder, to do this simply:

    • Start PowerShell in Administrator Mode (Right Click -> Run as Admin)
    • CD to the directory of where you extracted the RenX UDK (for example i did: 'cd D:\Rx_SDK_March_22_2015')
    • Run the command: gci -Recurse | Unblock-File
    • The UDK should now start properly.

    I hope this helps someone.

    • Like 1
  9. Hi Jeep, thanks for your reply.

    I didnt know flash ran inside the engine, that's both kinda neat and aweful all at the same time lol.

    Could you maybe relay this post to a dev who knows about the flash ui? - Any idea where the flash file picks the purchases up from, or is it built directly into the flash file?

    Thank you :)

  10. Hey RenX Devs & Coders alike.

    Just wondering what the possibility is of spawning in the turrets that are on the walls on the map whiteout, I have little experience in Mutator coding but i have some ideas which could be interesting.

    If possible, where can I find their object names?

    Also, as for the AI Turrets, is it possible to spawn in the little guard towers which are AI Controlled?

    I do not wish to have someone write the whole thing for me, i wish to learn, so a starting point would be grand.

  11. Brilliant release, no more crashing it seems - yay!

    Some points:

    - C&C_WallsFlying still has the same issue since Beta 1 where the GDI harvester loses its pathing and just sits at the Refinary until 600 seconds has passed and blows up.

    - XMountain, a fantastic looking map - vehicle clipping issues, I recommend you put invisible vehicle walls around the outside layer of each base to prevent vehicles getting onto the rocky walls.

    - "Advance Repair Gun" should read "Advanced Repair Gun" (yeah being picky here i guess)

  12. The info you have is wrong.

    The UE3 license costs thousands of dollars, however you can pay $100 for a UDK license in order to be able sell the product that you create on the UDK, however 25% of profits (the first $50,000) go towards Epic.

    Paying the $100 for the UDK will NOT grant access to the source code in order to change the hard-coded player limits.

    As for spoofing player limits, very easy with a small custom proxy server for the server information requests to the master server, using the hosts file is one way of doing this.

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