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Posts posted by AlienXAXS


    11 hours ago, djlaptop said:

    We used to have a POTS line in the neighborhood that was "accidentally" cut when they were laying a new water line. By law they were supposed to fix it. That was four years ago.

    Oh man that's a freaking joke, i am surprised they get away with that, what if there is an emergency and the internet is offline during that time, you and your neighbours wont be able to get help.

    Weirdly enough, Glivens suggestion isn't all that silly - a load of people have been doing that here in the UK and connecting rural areas with 1000 down, 200 up internet via FTTP/FTTH - it's nuts - cost depending though - like how far is the next property that can get a decent wired internet connection?

  2. No bud, your connection isn't broken at all, it's just how that type of connection is. 

    Sure microwave technology can bring super great speeds, but you have to remember that the data isn't sent as a continuous stream like on a cabled connection, your data is packed into a large packet and shoved down to the other end, which is bad for latency. 


    Satellite will be worse of course, round trip time would be around 4-5 seconds for that type of connection. 


    As per doors opening and other things like that, i believe that the code does both server sided doors and client sided doors depending on who triggerd the door in the first instance.

    For example if you triggered the door volume your  client would replicate a 'door open' to the server, and that would replicate that everywhere else. (again, I think this is how it works)


    There are no UDK connection settings you can change that have not already been upped to their maximum possible values, or to their best possible values. 


    I think you're a little stuck with that new connection. 


    I assume you don't have a phone line to your property to get ADSL? 

    • Like 1
  3. Wait, you didnt say this i dont think?

    Okay what you're seeing it perfectly normal from that type of connection.
    Until you go wired again, you wont get a stable enough ping time without jitter due to CRC checking on the router plus as you say interference.


    This also explains your extremely slow upload speeds compared to your download as i pointed out earlier.



  4. Hi, Thanks for the reports.

    A few things of note here:

    1. Your ping jitter is just insane, mine on average for each one is around 2-5ms
    2. Your Upload speed is no where near fast enough to keep up with the download speed you have - are these speeds as advertised with your connection package?
    3. If you were to open cmd, type: `ping www.agngaming.com -t` (without quotes) into the box and leave it running for ~60 seconds, then hit CTRL+C could you post a picture of the results that are printed?



  5. 19 hours ago, Madkill40 said:

    Harvester could have a vet bonus for faster regen and speed and turning, based on average team veterancy?

    It would be nice if when the harvester is kill in succession enough times it takes longer for a new harvester to come (without hindering the other vehicle build orders by players)

    E.g. Each time the harvester dies the longer it will be until the next one is made. 2nd Harvester is instant, 3rd harvester will be 15s after death, then add 15s for every other death of a harveste

    Stop giving me Mutator ideas :P lol

  6. Just a small note to people asking for stuff like new vehicles etc.

    I do not have any modelling skills, or rigging skills at all for the UDK, so i cannot put new vehicles into the game, I am no artist :P

  7. As the development team are not paid or even under any kind of contract to finish an update to a time scale, i will go with the usual response of "It's done when it's done"

    I'm sure a developer can give a better response, but I feel this covers it.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  8. For people interested:
    I knew that Cloudflare has a process (called Rocket Loader) which is in beta that looks at your Javascript files and minifies them on the fly, this was causing Javascript errors on the website including error 400's on the server side, thus causing the text entry field to not appear on certain areas.

    Turning this feature off fixed the issue.

    • Thanks 2
  9. Hey,

    Getting the "best mirror" for your location is really not that hard, there are a couple of ways of doing it off the top of my head:

    • GeoIP Database (lame, but meh)
    • Spend a few seconds before the download to work out the best possible mirror (based on ping, or download throughput during a test download)

    I dont think you quite understand how the patcher / installer actually works - it uses a complicated algorithm that knows what parts of the old file need to be updated in order to be like the new file, this has major benefits:

    1. No need to download the whole client again, you only need to download the changed blocks of each file.
    2. The download size is much much smaller for an update
    3. While 1 & 2 do not apply to a "full download", the downloaded "master" files can be kept in a temporary location and re-read to validate the game and re-patch any broken files back to standard (at the expense of more HDD space usage)



    Many patch services do it that way

    This is actually incorrect, many patch services actually use the block difference method, such as: uplay, origin, steam, renx to name a few.


    I would advise against peer-to-peer torrent. Since they are banned in most datacenters

    Peer to Peer torrenting is exactly how World Of Warships updates it's clients binaries (along side the block level patching mentioned already), and it works well - however it does also download at a smaller speed over HTTP alongside the torrent, however most players would be not behind a nuts firewall that would block Peer-2-Peer traffic via something like Application Detection as they are at home behind a (normally shitty) router supplied by their ISP.

    As for Data Centres blocking traffic, this is wrong - i have hosted servers in more data centres than i can count on both fingers on hands and toes on feet and none of them blocked traffic or even did any type of traffic sniffing.  Yes the companies that "rent" space from these data centres can of course block torrent traffic (i do just that on my network for the Customer VLAN).

  10. Sure it would be nice to have some variety by creating non mirrored/U shaped maps, however:

    Mirrored or U Shaped maps really help towards balancing, each team has a similar entrance/exit point for their base either for vehicles or infantry - because of this I would assume that making a non mirrored/U shape map could cause gameplay mechanic issues in terms of fairness.

  11. After speaking with Kenz, it appears that if anything in the mutator uses a material that is not "standard" then the game will have to compile shaders for that single material.

    So, due to having Repair Pads, and the Custom Crate texture, the game must re-compile shaders for the client, this is done on a per-client basis and cannot be pre-compiled.


    While annoying, you only have to do it once, and there is nothing i can do about it unfortunately.

  12. Of course my Mutator is causing clients to recompile shaders, but why it's doing this is still an unknown to me.

    What is more strange is reports of this happened between the repair pads being put in, and the new PT's and to my best of knowledge no new models were put in during that time.

    Perhaps it's the Purchase Terminals, but then again you said LakeSide caused an issue, that's a flying map isn't it? - if so the custom PT's do not activate on flying maps.

    Ugh, something to investigate at some point, but as you said already @Ryz logging is pretty much useless at this point as it does not show why the engine decided it needed to re-do shaders.


    ** Edit **

        Line 511: [0023.66] Log: Missing cached shader map for material DecalM_MuddyTrack_Parent_Cheaper, quality 0, compiling.
        Line 512: [0035.16] Log: Missing cached shader map for material GDILogo, quality 0, compiling.
        Line 513: [0041.71] Log: Missing cached shader map for material MMat_DecalsLogos, quality 0, compiling.
        Line 514: [0050.01] Log: Missing cached shader map for material M_BU_AGT_Damage_Parent, quality 0, compiling.
        Line 515: [0050.88] Log: Missing cached shader map for material M_Ceiling, quality 0, compiling.
        Line 516: [0051.62] Log: Missing cached shader map for material M_ConcreteBase_02, quality 0, compiling.
        Line 517: [0052.35] Log: Missing cached shader map for material M_Moon_Parent, quality 0, compiling.
        Line 518: [0052.54] Log: Missing cached shader map for material M_Post_Night, quality 0, compiling.
        Line 519: [0053.32] Log: Missing cached shader map for material M_Procedural_Sky_MASTER02, quality 0, compiling.
        Line 520: [0054.12] Log: Missing cached shader map for material M_Walls, quality 0, compiling.
        Line 522: [0054.12] Log: Missing cached shader map for material Normal_Flag, quality 0, compiling.
        Line 556: [0101.65] Log: Missing cached shader map for material M_Mystery_Crate, quality 0, compiling.
        Line 829: [0102.36] Log: Missing cached shader map for material M_PowerPlant_DamageParent2, quality 0, compiling.
        Line 830: [0105.19] Log: Missing cached shader map for material RepairPadLamps, quality 0, compiling.

    Time to investigate.

  13. 6 minutes ago, Gliven said:

    What about a double jump crate

    Double jumping is already possible with a mutator, as shown on CNC-Deck (the Deathmatch version of DM-Deck UT3 Map), however i feel it would cause so many out of map exploits that would not work well until the new patch comes in with the play-area volumes.

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