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Posts posted by AlienXAXS

  1. Sorry mate,

    The Intel Q965/Q963 Express Chipset Family does not support Shader Model 3, only 2 - In reality you do not even have a graphics card, more of a video card.

    You cannot play RenegadeX (or any Unreal 3 Engine game) until you buy yourself a proper GPU.

  2. The first log is cut off due to the binary crashing before flushing its log to disk.

    The second log looks like the all well known level change crash which hopefully will be addressed in the next patch.

  3. @Kil - I know the patch will fix some of the stuff that these Mutators do, but it was a good starting point for me to learn how to make them, unsure why you are having issues with the link, it is working okay here.

    @SFJake - Yeah, a mutator list in the server browser would be nice (The original UT shows this i think).

    I do hope that in the near future the RenX Dev team opens up their doors to allow for mutators to work directly with RenX code with ease, at the moment decompiling their current compiled sources is very time consuming but it sure is fun.

  4. Hello and thank you for your interest in my first Mutator for RenegadeX!

    This is the first mutator that i have ever created for an Unreal game, i hope you enjoy.

    This mutator comes with three sub-mutators, these are:

    • AGNMutator.FasterHarvester
    • AGNMutator.DisableBots
    • AGNMutator.SnipersOnly

    Below is an explanation of each one...



    What does it do:

    > This mutator allows you to set the harvester speed.

    How do I install it:

    > Ensure you have AGNMutator.u inside your CookedPC folder, and modify your startup URL to contain:

    > ?mutator=AGNMutator.FasterHarvester

    How do I configure it:

    > Modify your startup URL with the following:

    > ?mutator=AGNMutator.FasterHarvester?AGNMutatorHarvesterSpeed=1700 (Change 1700 to something else)



    What does it do:

    > Checks for bots being active in the server and disconnects them.

    How do I install it:

    > Ensure you have AGNMutator.u inside your CookedPC folder, and modify your startup URL to contain:

    > ?mutator=AGNMutator.DisableBots

    How do I configure it:

    > No configuration is required.



    What does it do:

    > Enables an old-style C&C-Renegade Sniper Only server configuration:

    -> Disables all base defenses.

    -> Disables all weapons bar the $0, $500 and $1000 sniper rifle classes.

    -> Disables Harvesters.

    -> Disables all vehicles.

    -> Disables the random pickup crates from spawning.

    -> Enable God-Mode for players who have not purchased a sniper class yet (This is intended to help prevent PT camping)

    How do I install it:

    > Ensure you have AGNMutator.u inside your CookedPC folder, and modify your startup URL to contain:

    > ?mutator=AGNMutator.SnipersOnly

    How do I configure it:

    > No configuration is required.

    General Tips and Tricks


    I want to run more than one Mutator at a time, How?

    Stack up your mutators with a comma seperated list on your URL, like so:




    If you need help, please let me know :)


    > http://www.agngaming.com/RenXMutators/AGNMutators_RenX_v0.1.zip

  5. Just an update:

    I spent a while figuring out why GroundSpeed does nothing, and this is why:

    To acctually modify a vehicles speed you need to edit the vehicles SimObject (in this instance it's SVehicleSimTank).

    Instead of

    Pawn(Other).GroundSpeed = 10.0 * Pawn(Other).GroundSpeed;

    Use this instead

    SVehicleSimTank(UTVehicle(Other).SimObj).MaxEngineTorque = SVehicleSimTank(UTVehicle(Other).SimObj).MaxEngineTorque * 4;

    Here is the current SimObject settings for Rx_Vehicle_Harvester:

    begin object name=SimObject class=SVehicleSimTank
       object end

  6. Hello all,

    I got a little bored and thought that I would take a crack at making some Mutators for RenegadeX.

    After making a few, some serious and some silly I have made a proper sniper only server.

    Server Name: [AGN-UK #1] Snipers Only

    Server IP:

    What makes this server different?

    • All base defenses disabled.
    • All weapons other than sniper rifles disabled.
    • All items (nukes, etc) disabled.
    • Harvesters disabled.
    • AGN's very own Anti-Bot mutator (No more pesky bots on the server!)
    • Unable to die unless you have a sniper rifle equipped (Impossible if you are a sniper) - stops purchase terminal camping.

    I hope to see you in game for some pew pew action!

  7. For the RenX RCON protocol, is there a AdminSay command, perhaps one that makes EVA say something to all players?

    I have not really looked that much, just wondering if someone knows off the top of their heads.


  8. @chem11.

    I am glad that the fix worked for you, enjoy the game!


    As I understand it, Steam had a massive system fail over the weekend, causing many games and steam services to go offline.

    Your error message is a steam based error 'OnlineSubsystemSteamworks' shows this, I am wondering if the game works if you completely exit steam?

  9. Hey dude,

    Have you tried putting ?TimeLimit=60 onto your URL inside the startup batch file?


    UDK.exe server CNC-Field?AdminPassword=****?maxplayers=40?vehiclelimit=12?minelimit=45?timelimit=60

    As for the stopped clock, i think this requires a custom Mutator, unsure how to make these (at the moment!)

  10. Try this:

    1. Inside 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Renegade X\UDKGame\Config' open UDKEngine.ini
    2. Locate the INI Header Field called 'Engine.ISVHacks'
    3. Change 'bInitializeShadersOnDemand' from 'False' to 'True'

    (Please note, any quotes '' are to be ignored and are for easier visual indication only)

    If the above does not work, please provide system specs.

  11. When the RenegadeX client does nothing when you either double click a server or click the Join button this means that your renegadex client is unable to communicate with the server to establish a connection.

    Another way of knowing if this is the problem, is if you try to join a server from the launcher it will just dump you to the main menu instead of into the server.

    Please check any hardware & software firewalls for blocked UDP traffic.

  12. Inside your renegade x install folder is a log folder, please pastebin your latest log file.

    Might assist us with helping you further.

    Also, pressing Paste (CTRL+V) after a UDK.exe crash will paste the last known error (if there is one).

  13. HaOsLsE is indeed correct, doing it this way would work too.

    inf0rm3r, are you running the server at home, or on a dedicated server/virtual server somewhere?

    This information would help us.

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