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Everything posted by Fffreak9999

  1. I never added it to CT since I went to sleep shortly after posting, I intend to add it now.
  2. File is set for HTTP download (Will be available from 11 PM (UK time))
  3. Most medium powered pcs can run a small server without issue. CT uses a powerful VM to run all of the servers
  4. Just check for any renegade x process running in the background. Normally opening your own server should open a console window which once closed should stop the server. As for fast in-game downloading. River is not included in this list of maps available for fast downloading due to the fact it is not in a suitable state for people to play (Really unfinished state). I don't believe Thommy is currently supporting that map either. If there is an update to the map which brings it up to at least a suitable state I will add it to the list for ingame downloading.
  5. While I can add to the server, it would mean people having to download another map (and it would have to be called different as well since it would affect people's original Complex map if I were to override it).
  6. You appear to be missing a large portion of the log.
  7. 1. Is this mutator loaded on a server you were playing on? 2. If so, are you typing the commands correctly?
  8. Yeah, I can add it to the server, and if you have a newer version add it to the website/CT repo and just PM me, and I will add it to the in-game downloader. This also means other servers will be able to use the fast in-game downloading options to add it to their servers.
  9. Honestly, I don't think it is necessary.
  10. Cool, that means I don't need to make the changes
  11. Have any of these measures been implimented in the latest patch or will we still need to amend these? @yosh56 Further Edit: I think I saw that some measures were taken to improve the Bandwidth in the patch notes, so want to confirm these changes were the ones made?
  12. Dont remove seeker, just leave it as an unmaintained method for download
  13. Managed to get this working on CT servers (using Field as the test). Will end up adding more maps shortly.
  14. I know what is likely to be the issue. You are playing on maps that do not have support for the Bots. They will still be supported on the Official Maps (Field, Walls etc), but maybe not maps like Crash Site and Eyes. Pathing for bots is determined by the Map Maker.
  15. Have you tried verifying the files?
  16. If you need to raise the player limit to 50 you can use the following. Max Players Mutator
  17. Don't know. The Devs may know more about how it works, I just know that it doesn't allow me to add more than 32 bots using Jupiter and the Console.
  18. Same limitation through RCON/Console. Use the vote menu.
  19. You using the Jupiter bot to add the bots? Try using the vote menu.
  20. in the command line use ?maxplayers=40 example below:
  21. The game was initially capped at 64 players, but due to various factors the servers were hard capped down to 40 by the Devs. The servers will accept a player limit of 40 by default, no mutators need to run to get to this value. if you try altering configs + server bat files to give you more, it just runs at 40. The mutator for max players overrides the hard cap when it starts allowing the server to host more than 40.
  22. As mentioned above. Disabling Anti-Aliasing should reduce/remove this issue and is a long time issue.
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