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Everything posted by Fffreak9999

  1. i have been able to get most versions
  2. The console command will not work without a mutator in the game to summon it. You can also technically spawn them in Skirmish if you add the file to live folder from the SDK
  3. I have the old maps on the Retro server. If you try to join them, you will download the old versions of these maps.
  4. He is in the Editor, the files are present in there, and they can be added to a map for testing. As you can see, although it is the official walls map, it is listed as "Lighting needs to be built" on the left side of the screen. This means that the map has been edited in some way by adding/moving an object. In this case, the adding of the MKII is the reason.
  5. I know advanced defences have a vision range multiplier value, but small defences don't currently from what I remember
  6. Added to the IGDL for you.
  7. Interesting concept, I can see how it would work, where you destroy an enemy building to allow advanced purchases of the same type of building you destroy. Although it will result (with current map design) in an almost impossible to win game on some levels (like Under for example) But never the less, interesting concept.
  8. Updated on CT. However before you next upload the ZIP files. DELETE THE EXTRA FILES THAT ARE NOT NEEDED! Environment File (outside of the actual folder) and the .MP4 video that does nothing in the folder as well. All they do is add file size and can cause conflicts on the server as it tries to determine which to use.
  9. Windows Firewall should have an inbound exception created for the UDK application. Port forwarding should also point to the machine you are hosting the server on. You can open a port, but on most router models just opening it does little, it needs to know where to send the data. if the above criteria is met, it should work. Are you able to connect to your own server?
  10. Could be a couple of reasons, I often see this to be the case especially straight after a server starts. For the most part though I wouldn't worry, about the ping not showing. As for the server not appearing in the in-game browser could be a number of things, but normally restarting the client seems to solve the issue for me most of the time (although I rarely use the browser since I often join the server either by the launcher or direct ip )
  11. Their current setup is as follows: 0 Starting Credits 60 Second Timer for Disabled Donations
  12. What settings would you like (or have been arranged?)
  13. But then everyone loses Schmitz
  14. I don't know how much I can help you with this. Although I would check the Settings of that file in Properties and make sure it is unblocked. [Example of Unblock] Also how are you loading your server? Using the Launch Server Button (from the out of game launcher) or using a .bat file?
  15. This should be possible, although I can't remember the process for it.
  16. The main issue is that 60 people on Training Yard makes it too difficult to end a map. The small size (and relatively high vehicle limit) for the map makes for stalemates
  17. Any INI included for the map?
  18. Dunno what happened there.
  19. Yes, Will add it on Monday (Working for the next couple of days)
  20. Haven't tested it, but I can put it on CT testing on Wednesday
  21. 1. Yes 2. Not needed to run the mutator if I recall, but can be included in cookedpc without issue. 3. I normally do it for opening a server, but will look at it later to see if I can get one for skirmish.
  22. 1. CookedPC is the folder they need to be placed into. 2. .u is for the mutator itself, as for .uc I think it's the UnrealScript file. 3. To load single player I think you need to use a command line to run the map or maybe from just opening the client with a command line.
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