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  1. Hello everybody, dear Totem Arts team, I really hope that I'm not too late, I'm sorry I didn't see your post earlier! I would like to apply as a composer as well. I've been composing professionally on and off for the last couple of years during my music studies and plan on pursuing that career full-time after I graduate. But more importantly I am a huge fan of your project; like many other RenX-fans I grew up with the C&C games and Tiberian Sun was the first game I ever played - so you can imagine that I was super psyched to see your Firestorm announcement! I've adored Klepacki's and Mendelson's TibSun soundtrack all my life and your fresh approach to their musical style (from the announcement trailer) sounds awesome. But instead of just talking I thought I'd create a demo track. Please note that it's still raw and unfinished (I think the track would eventually be 2-4 minutes in total), but I hope it'll provide enough material for you to decide if this could be a fit. My goal was to also incorporate the darker spherical timbres of the TibSun soundtrack in addition to the "mechanical" heavy beats. https://music.sebastian-gruenewald.de/RXFS-Demo.mp3 The best way to contact me is via e-mail (mail@sebastian-gruenewald.de), but I also have discord (vocux#8039). I'd love to hear from you, I'd be honored to contribute a few tracks and help sculpt the atmosphere of this awesome new chapter! Best regards Sebastian
  2. I'd like to report that this problem still persists. The only mirror I get connected to (after cancelling and trying to reconnect many times!) is czech1.renegade-x.com, a very slow mirror with many interruptions. It would take me several days (!) to download the 7GB for the game at this speed. This is a very effective way to scare away potential new players! I doubt many people will leave their devices on for days just to download a game. Please fix this.
  3. I think that RenX-players could roughly be devided into two groups. People from the first group never really cared about the project, they come here because the game was recommended by a friend or because they read about it somewhere. They don't visit the forums, they just want to play. For those people fast bugfixes and updates are important, because when they play, they are repelled by the bugs and crashes, they stop playing, and they never come back. And I think that almost all of them are gone by now, because the majority of players still playing belong to the second group: The loyal fanbase, who care about project, game and devs, who have been here since the beginning. Most of them played the original Renegade. They can live with the crashes and enjoy the game anyway. But they are (many people in this thread already mentioned that) also leaving, the servers are emptier and emptier each day. I am one of them, I played every day for weeks, and I checked the homepage every day for months. In the last couple of weeks I stopped checking it every day, 'cause what's the point? To me, the most important thing (the only important thing really) is communication. It connects players and devs, and it would give everyone a sign that the project isn't dead. Don't get me wrong, I understand that the devs do this in their free time, and I have nothing but respect for them and their effort, but nobody can tell me that they are too busy to write a short message. Something like "Hi, I know it has been a while. We are currently working on [...], and the reason why it takes so long is [...]. I can't promise anything, but I think the next update will come [...]." would suffice. To write this takes 5 minutes, and I think that those 5 minutes are better spent on a message than on bugfixing. I wouldn't mind to wait long(er) for an update, as long as there's a sign of life... it would just break my heart to see this project dying at this point.
  4. No, I meant when you try to enter, but it's not your vehicle, but someone elses. And then the vehicle stays in there, until the owner of the vehicle picks it up, and they are often too late. Yeah I know, but this was certainly a bug, not a feature.
  5. Hey! There's a problem with the WP: When people try to enter the vehicle they just bought, it stops. So when they do that inside the WP garage, the vehicles won't continue to drive out of the garage to make room for other vehicles. This is especially bad when players think the vehicle that'll come next is theirs, but when it isn't, they can't enter because it's blocked, and the vehicle just stays in there causing a huge explosion when the next vehicle spawns. A solution could be to disable vehicle spawning when the WP garage is blocked, or to force vehicles to move even though someone tried to enter.
  6. I had that too, but my game crashed in that envyentry-blackscreen. http://renegade-x.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=73156&p=127332#p127332
  7. It's also not fixed with vehicles. You can still "climb" the rocks by holding down shift (with a stealth tank for example).
  8. Hey all! My game crashes more often since Open Beta 2. RypeL said http://renegade-x.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=73111 there, that descriptions of the crash help more than logs, so I'll try to be as precise as possible. Map change crashes: On Beta 1, I had map change crashes about 1 out of 4 times, now 2 out of 3. On Beta 1 it was different though, it crashed when the new map started: old game finished, went into the screen where you could see the player stats and vote for the new map, the background was that greyish logo screen, THEN right before the new map started it crashed. Now on Beta 2 it crashes directly at that exact moment when the game is finished, the time limit has expired or the last building is destroyed, I don't even get into the vote screen anymore. Server join crashes: And then something weird happened: When I tried to reconnect, instead of loading the map, on the loading screen the map "envyentry" was loading, and instead of the game I got into a black screen with some text on it, and then it crashed. This happened two or three times. Random ingame crashes: Those actually are much better, I don't randomly crash anymore. Exept for that one time: On the server NoAmmo.co.uk #1 Marathon on the map Goldrush, about every 10 minutes or so EVERY player got disconnected because their games crashed (this happened twice on two different days). But the map went on, every vehicle became empty and the game remained exactly the same. When players reconnected they usually stole the empty vehicles. UPDATE: this happened today again a couple times, so on three different days, again on that server, again on goldrush. This crash is really annoying. Don't know whether that's a game or a server issue though. Game freezes: I don't get them anymore, on beta 1 I got quite a few. But some players on the servers said that they still have them. Hope that any of this helps solving the crashes. If you need the logs as well tell me I'll upload them.
  9. That can't be it. Today we played on a server where crates were disabled, and the vehicle count dropped to -14!
  10. Hey, could you make the teams swap between map changes? So that when a game ends, all GDI players become Nod and all Nod players GDI. So far, when you're GDI, you remain GDI on the next map.
  11. Hi! When I first played on Lakeside, I didn't see that earthquake-incoming-message. And when suddenly the camera was shaking, I thought WHAT THE... this is a VERY nasty bug. After reading in the forums about it I discovered: This is intended! It's an earthquake, and it even causes trees to fall down. This is actually very cool, but could you add a big earthquake sound? Maybe a rumble, the sound of trees cracking and falling down... while shaking the player a little bit to the left and to the right. Just shaking the camera angle is a little bit weird...
  12. Is that the original Eva next to the RenX-Eva? Wow, well, I didn't have any problems understanding what she says, but it's still a lot unclearer than the original one
  13. We've might have had a different game experience, but most of the time this actually is working out. I see a lot of engineers supporting tanks on the battlefield, sometimes tank drivers that are engineers stay on the field to repair their mates after their vehicle was destroyed. Of course renegade wasn't a perfect game. But - the game system was very different from other games. The building-related combat system is very unique, and if we give everyone the ability to repair buildings, it wouldn't be much of an effort to repair buildings and to defend your base. Players should go to some trouble to defend their base from attacks and beacons, and if that challenge of building- and base-related combat is taken away, we could just play any other game, because that's what makes renegade stand out. However, we just have different opinions and discussing them won't get us anywhere. The devs need to decide which way to go.
  14. Hey! I agree with most of your feedback. You said some very important stuff that could improve the gameplay experience very much. However, here's what I don't agree with: I agree with omega79, Engineers are essential to the Renegade game concept. However, there was a huge difference to the Engineers in the old Renegade: There was no such thing as upgrading your sidearm. Engineers had only the silenced pistol to defend themselves against infantry and vehicles, making them very very very very weak in combat. Now with the tiberium auto rifle it's just insane. Especially since you buy it once and keep it forever, even after map change. And it's ridiculously overpowered for the price (I think it's 450$ or so), so either make the rifle weaker or more expensive, and very important: Make players buy them again after they die, just like any other class. This should fix most of the Engineer balance problem. I'm really against removing that class. Giving every class a repair gun would simply make mines and beacons useless, because what's the point in even using them, when just anyone can disarm them? It would also take away some depth, since you need to organize your team by bringing Engineers into the combat to repair tanks. Repairing, healing and disarming should not be an ability that every class has. However, I agree on the mines issue. It should be very easy for engineers to disarm them, and harder for players to see them. Flame tanks have always been anti-building in Renegade (and in almost every other C&C-Game). The trick is to keep them away from your base and destroy them before they can enter, since they have only a very short weapon range. However, spotting vehicles and enemies should be improved by using the radar system and minimap, you also said that, but I'll get to that. Having a constant passive credit gain would make having a Refinery quite pointless. Like every other structure... every Building has its own purpose and losing it should be a big loss for the team. Maybe scoring points by killing and damaging enemies should be more profitable to prevent the game from getting dull after the refinery has been destroyed. I agree. Maybe spotting a vehicle (with Q) should make the vehicle light up, or get some kind of arrow or causing it to light up on the radar (for every team member of course)... you should do everything possible to improve communication between team members, as this is the key for the game.
  15. I don't think it's hard to attack, once you organize your team. And for defending your base, the effort should again be to organize your team. The effort should NOT be to overcome a UI that has been kept complicated for balance reasons. However, at least the tech building shortcuts would be handy.
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