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Everything posted by Noodlesocks

  1. Almost every lock on weapon has a dumb fire mode that can be used with right click (secondary fire) Mammoth tanks and I guess aircraft as the ones that don't have this alternative. Would be nice if they did though.
  2. This is when everyone gets zapped by the obelisk Not really. Pretty much all of the maps have pretty tight chokes for vehicles between the bases. What happens is you meet up with enemy, both side loses vehicles except the losing team can't replenish them due to lack of money while the winning team can. Also Nod is almost basically GG once their refinery gets shot down as there is not free anti heavy armor loadout for them. The flamethrower is actually pretty decent against armour and the heavy pistol does more damage to armour than most people would think.
  3. As time goes on, people will learn what to do when they hear the beacon announcement and how to deal with the infiltrators. Communication is key, all it takes is a tap of the Q button to tell your team what building the beacon is on.
  4. Usually a APC/transport filled with engineers or techs will often catch the enemy off guard. This needs some good co-ordination with your team though and one thing I've noticed is that a lot of people won't jump in an APC or transport chopper no matter how many times you spam the get in command =P If you still have your vehicle factory, a good, coordinated vehicle rush is always good. The worst thing you can do in this game is be afraid to lose your vehicle or be killed. Sometimes brute force is the way.
  5. if you're using the launcher. Click on the servers tab, click on the server you want to join and click join. Same when using the in-game server browser but its a little buggy at the moment.
  6. L to lock your vehicle.
  7. Try using the 'F' key to get the machine-gun view. It's amazing. ... I know.
  8. Noodlesocks


    lets be friends! =)
  9. What's your system specs? I have noticed a few people trying to play this game with outdated hardware and laptops. My rig is nothing special but I easily get around 60FPS with everything on high.
  10. It's your free, bottom tier basic rifle. For what it is, it's already fairly competent, even against higher tier infantry. Any more damage and it'd risk being OP =P
  11. Aw, poor guy wasted his beacon there =P Surprising you managed to sneak into the base with so many people =D Haven't made any videos since release but had a pretty good game last night on field as GDI. We pretty much had complete map control. We had full control of the tunnels and the field. Nod couldn't get out of base at all... However, despite having liek 5 mammoths sitting outside Nod's base, they were all too scared to actually move in and kept feeding Nod points from airstrikes. By the end of the round, Nod won by only 30 points =P
  12. I hate how the guns never go where you're aiming unless you're almost completely stationary. They're range is a bit naff too. They weren't so bad in previous version where there were only 7 v 7 but with 64 players, it's nigh impossible to get close enough to anything to do anything to anything.
  13. Im not so sure thats the problem. I had a major issue with them on Walls where there were like 10 snipers that were sequentially spamming them while some SBH was planting a beacon. It was impossible for us to get out to the beacon because we kept getting blown away by an enemy we couldnt defend against. At least if the beacon is being covered by a vehicle, we could run up and blow the thing up with C4. Considering the cost and teamwork/coordination to pull that off, the lack of mined entrances and the effort of navigating through ~32 players without being spotted, I'd say they deserved it.
  14. Boyfriend and I both noticed this last night when using the in game browser. The launcher browser works perfectly though.
  15. I would hate for something to end up being balanced based on one horribly bottlenecked map like field. They aren't nearly as prevalent on better maps where vehicles aren't sandwiched into a tiny narrow passage. I personally don't think it needs a nerf. I don't want yet another game where my hand is held every step of the way and the game is constantly trying to play the game for me but the easiest and less fantastical way of balancing would be to make the laser a little bit more visible and maybe take a little longer to paint. Then it really would be the enemy's fault for not getting out of the way.
  16. No surprise really, being free and without any anti-cheat system. Will have to rely on admins to get rid of folk... Perhaps a votekick/ban could be useful.
  17. For most people, this will be their first time playing this type of game mode. It can certainly be annoying when your team doesn't know what they're supposed to do or have 7 mammoth tanks sitting outside the enemy base; too afraid of the obelisk to move in (This actually happened) but most people will be completely new. Give it a few games and people will learn just like they did with the original renegade =)
  18. Flamethrower is a bit pants compared to GDIs grenade launcher. In fact it's just a bit pants in general =P A lot of flame but not a lot of hits. Either needs bigger damage radius or a lot faster... flame... projectile... thingy. And being fair, I've thought this since the beginning of the phase 3 test =P
  19. I've seen lots of successful defensive airstrikes, even on field. Heck, was in a game earlier where the defenders won by about 40 points because of defensive airstrikes... And because GDI were too afraid to attack with mammoth spam. Keep in mind that they have a radius quite a bit bigger than the indicator shows and you don't have to expose yourself fully to hit a cluster of tanks.
  20. Personally I hate using the MRLS because it doesn't have an arc =P I find the arc really useful on artillery, especially for shooting over cover and hitting structures behind terrain/walls.
  21. Yeah, server owners can set their own limits and it seems a lot of them are throwing up 64 players servers when they can't handle it =P I'm sure the admins will adjust their servers over the next few days to better performing playercounts =)
  22. A few servers are probably trying to host more players than they can actually handle. I believe vehicles would be handled server side which is why you see more 'lag' from them than as infnatry.
  23. Being able to locate friends easily would be really useful. Even if it were something minor like a different colour name or icon above them =)
  24. Secondary fire will dumb fire. The only vehicle that can't dumbfire the rockets is the mammoth tank
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