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Everything posted by RoundShades

  1. My opinion of most team based shooters tbh: I don't see it as often in RenX, to be fair. Some people still act like they've got sensitive nipples to their team not somehow winning every single game. If it were that easy, it wouldn't even be a competitive game, it'd be a coop campaign.
  2. Including voice chat? Wasn't aware. Also, dislike having a permanent account associated with it. Just as soon toss the whole thing in the trash can than have admin tagging in the server, for instance. As long as never a problem, then not a problem. First time happens, will only ask once to undo it on my discord through the server, before pretending it's a Mac application as far as threshold of usage is. Suppose whether TS3 or Discord, just need to hope admins aren't dicks, which is usually the case here (had bad experiences in other discord channels, none I can remember in TS3 channels) Everything you typed is possible with Teamspeak. (?)
  3. I don't words well, but yeah, this. It's probably only a matter of time anyway. Just, the point was: "Locking structure health until server reaches population of 8", is merely a "lazier way" of accomplishing "some paltry comparison of the same result". Why develop a lazy weaker version of a result, when you can get some real improvements with the real McCoy of a solution.
  4. Short Answer: You should lock them until at least a population of 10. Long Answer: You should make the game load a map based on population already. Valley, Dust, Snow, and a quickly thrown together infantry-only version of Complex, load for player counts under 12. Other full-base maps can load above 12 and whatever their comfortable size is (some maps 12-36, some maps 34-60).
  5. Still going to say, snipers, and even other OHKO, wouldn't be that bad, with sensible headshot multipliers, coupled with sniper and PIC/Rail rounds following kevlar armor mechanics. Snipers killing engineers, somewhat their job. I'm beginning to think 500s shouldn't even be able to kill officers with a single headshot (devastating damage is still acceptable, just not instakill), and 1ks shouldn't be able to bodyshot-kill without a veterancy advantage or instakill on heashot any kevlar over 400 credits. It's just not their job. I'd even vouch for a machinepistol or something to compensate for damage reduction.
  6. Discord? Shit. I mean, I've been using one for Megaman Legends Voice-over related business, but didn't think I'd actually have to connect to CT and play a PUG with it. LeSigh.
  7. What's exotic to some, is erotic to me. There's a method to our madness, they'll thank us when we save the structures.
  8. My old one was GenKazuma. Been through about 6 names since. Not particularly proud of that. Either way, this game is active a broad stretch of the day, but often not the entire day. There is no RenGuard. It runs on UDK for Unreal3. It has it's own verification of files, and there are some engine injection exploits we occasionally see, but they are quickly halted by server operators, because every game is recorded through Unreal3's server captures, simulating every player's input and reproducing in-game including their hud and such. The game has various upgrades to make the game stalemate less and make all units have reasons to use (it's no longer useless to get an officer or an LCG or Mobius). It has building armor and health to make buildings take gradual damage. It has a few new weapons and replaces a character used twice (Sydney) with a new character. It has infantry armor types to diversify infantry into anti-armor and anti-infantry. Infantry damage to MCTs do much more damage than in old Ren, further giving infantry more of a purpose. There is also veterancy, where every match everyone starts as "recruit" and slowly advances to Veteran, Elite, and Heroic, giving bonuses based on what the player is using. MRLS gets extended magazine, some units get hitscan projectiles, most get additional health, and damage to structures become more effective. The community has a Weekly Organized Game, you need Teamspeak3 to join, by connecting to ts.constructivetyranny.com at 1pm USCentral. Teams split into 2 and communicate with voice chat, making the games competitive and well-organized.
  9. Also, this is a good point for anyone listening. Mine your ref with 2 mines, and your pp with 2 a door. When you get an infiltrator, 2 mines mean search ref/pp, any more than 2 mines mean search something more serious. Having different per door is a pretty pro strat. I adopted it myself, as it's strat and not technical based. You pretty much split your base into 2 searchable halves when you do this, rather than every building as likely as the other, until you find it way too late to respond.
  10. This is what Gobi should be played in, a 10v10-16v16... and current Snow a 9v9-14v14. Frustrating beyond that.
  11. Volumes are even something I could fix. They're just volumes.
  12. First, can both teams hit buildings from the range Nod hit the Bar in the field? There was no fucking way a regular infantry can even do damage to the rocket soldiers from that range. Second, that whole thing was bullshit with the nuke. How does it not get disarmed? That was the ONE match I got to play for the day. LeSigh.
  13. Were there any cons whatsoever? I thought new one also gave a cleaner shot of one of GDI's buildings as well?
  14. The bots, they honestly could be better, but are leagues above old-ren bots. Old ren bots had "wander" AI, these bots have at least the basic "Unreal Tournament Bot Pathing and Combat Concept, mixed with some concept of repair" thing down.
  15. *eh, they changed the silenced pistol sound. Don't like it, but I shouldn't go complaining on the forums, they won't change it and I'll just look petty.* *Dev creates thread themselves*
  16. I'm apathetic, yet helpful, as the title suggests. I did some research into fonts though, a frequently discussed topic. I shared it with Agent already though, who can hopefully do something with it, or if another dev sees it, they can do something with it. I can do some voices, mostly corny joke ones, I can do some audio effects, some mapping, some very crude modelling, and some coding, and literally none of it is even remotely development quality though. I was able to convert my avatar into an animated GIF, just one more of many underpowered talents. I actually suck at playing the game too. At least I'm here to have fun, right? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Best of luck, talented hands. God's speed.
  17. Not sure what time it is in Australia, that the servers are bustling, but I do hope to see you in-game sometime.
  18. I'm a fucking 1 man army and a devastating rush. Yeah, i literally just slipped through field, through poorly maintained electric station at Nod's entrance, into HoN, and without any detection I planted a timed and then fed grenades through a molten hot tube. Imagined if it were me AND a soldier? GG though. I rarely do the grenadier thing, but it's so noice when it works. It's literally one of the only things keeping me coming back to RenX throughout the week.
  19. I know a lot of work was discarded on the launcher installing maps, but I'm starting to wonder if the launcher wouldn't be quicker at it.
  20. Does the GDI Harvester EVER act the arsehole instead? It always seems like the Nod harvy.
  21. You do something nice, and catch hell for it. Ain't that just a kick in the head.
  22. Sweet, so I won. That makes my day at work mean that little much more.
  23. Did we win Goldrush?
  24. As of this message, 20 minutes till game. Where is everyone, why is TS3 so empty?
  25. Not really. I know few instances that causes it, and that's switching the audio drivers or default device mid-game, which IIRC is any unreal game (Borderlands 2), or "overwhelming the audio" (mass beacons cause it sometimes, though rarely; more likely it'll just give you a silent beacon). None of which should lead 64bit to do it more frequently. 64bit Unity has some poor syncronization, Kerbal was deemed unusable by the devs, despite pulling any x64 Unity executable to launch Kerbal with working. The only problems I noticed for it, was clicks being left in a "rollover" state, meaning any further click requires a doubleclick, then if it happens again, 3 clicks, and 4 clicks, and 5 clicks. Never audio bugs though, and I have less experience with Unreal64. http://steamcommunity.com/app/49520/discussions/0/648817377887866025/ https://forums.2k.com/showthread.php?12539-Sound-cutting-out-Fix-me-please https://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/638784-borderlands-2/64397811 In regards to the last one, could same game-cache built by players having ran the 32-bit prior, cause problems with the 64-bit launcher using the cache?
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