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Everything posted by A-Rodge

  1. Good old Under with the 7 hour marathon matches. My god...
  2. Points ought to be awarded by virtue of skill, teamwork, and taking objectives. Not point-whoring. Clicking on a building repeatedly is not an example of any of those. A sniper who works hard to pick off high-value targets should be rewarded more than a camping arty or MRLS. Ye, to a point system rework.
  3. This is a step in the right direction. Few people that I know of play with friends much less organize rushes with strangers. I rarely play with people I know and hate getting stomped by groups. Some may argue that this is pandering to casual play. Maybe. But the truth is if you want to grow a stable community, you need to make it fun for as many people as possible. Not just the small pockets of friends who like to pubstomp.
  4. Defense for either side can be fun, situationally. It can be frustrating to be the only one defending and have the enemy pull off a double or [rarely] triple nuke and destroy a building despite your best efforts. I feel if i am dedicating myself to defend there ought to be some sort of payoff or feeling of accomplishment aside from the occasional SBH purge. My favorite maps to defend on are: Canyon Islands Volcano. All for the same reason. The buildings are close enough together so that i can hear a nuke pretty early on if planted. Don't get me started on Xmountain or Walls. Ugh.
  5. Is there a possibility that in the future we could get a mute function for toxic players? I don't mind playing with these kinds of people but I really would rather not see their chat. Even just the option to disable ALL chat would be great. I understand if others like that sort of banter between GDI and NOD, but I could really go without it.
  6. First off, I think its awesome that you guys are engaging the community about development processes. It is the perfect ingredient for maintaining a loyal player base, so thank you. As far as base defences, i think this speaks to a broader issue: Advanced Base Defenses are too unforgiving for infantry. That's why it is a good call to have two of the lighter automatic defenses. In addition to that, adding an infantry only path encourages more plays and tactics around base defense/destruction. You are on the right path for Whiteout, and the the middle bunker is looking sweet. Please consider adding better cover for infantry in other maps like gold rush and field. Thank you dev team!
  7. Quickest reply ever: :] I have been thinking about this a lot too. For example, Team Fortress 2 had a shameless Korean clone and was able to monetize it. They skirted the edge of copywright and now it has a somewhat stable community. Seriously though, the Command and Conquer designs are great and nostalgic, Renx is everything i have ever wanted in a CNC fps. But the real content that had me coming back wasn't the tribute and lore to CNC, but the GAMEPLAY. I wouldnt mind a game exactly like this but with the wallpaper ripped off. In fact i would love it, and love even more to support Totem Arts financially. They deserve it more than any dev team i know.
  8. Probably not for awhile, i would guess. I consider beta 3 to be a major success as far as stability goes so the devs may take their time with the next content package.
  9. Personally I would like to see the game refined and stabilized with other fixes and features before they commit to adding another game mode. If anything, infantry only mode or something of the like that is easier to implement would be best.
  10. Maybe just disable the building doors being able to open for the limited grace period?
  11. I see where you are coming from. I too have experienced the misfortune of being on an uncoordinated team as opposed to one that does an instant APC rush. I do not think that we should simply disable donate function for first 3 minutes of the game, however. If communication was more intuitive in-game, teammates could easily organize things without knowing each other. I believe a big addition everyone is waiting for is in game voice communication. Its teamspeak until then.
  12. I like the idea of a silo that can only be reached by infantry. The more influence infantry have on map control or the equilibrium of the game the better, in my opinion. Keep it up kenz!
  13. Brotranquility. I am in 110% agreement with both your posts. I have been hoping they would implement this for a year. In AOW, if one building dies the enemy gets map control and can farm points off of damaging your building and ultimately win, even if you put up an awesome defense. If you're nod and a building goes down. You can only count on a comeback if you have an SBH make a nuke play. Losing a building should not cripple your team as it does now. It should hamper you and punish you fairly. Sorry for taking the thread off subject too but i feel pretty fervent about this aspect of the game
  14. Voted option 1. I am all for making GDI's life easier. Remove the ramps.
  15. Agreed. It feels balanced. Especially for a free class.
  16. A-Rodge


    Occasionally I feel map change votes are necessary if people are genuinely not having fun with current impasse. I think the voting ratio is fair and captures what most people want. I played old renegade too, and must say that the 2 hour+ duration on Field or Under really made me wish we had voting options back then. That said, I don't like almost instant losses for either side. I don't think anyone does.
  17. It is the arcade nature of the game. Obviously, infantry should not be able to sustain 3 tank rounds before dying nor would a sniper rifle be able to wreck an apache helicopter. But these are the traditions of renegade and are part of what makes it so unique.
  18. The EMP grenade is a little over-priced for what you are getting. When used correctly, though, it can be a lot of fun! Especially when you see players use it as a smoke screen to cover up nukes/ions. I am with Truxa on building disabling though. Even if it is for like 5-10 seconds, that is a lot of time in the fast paced combat. Also gives infantry a whole new dynamic in contributing to stalemate maps like Field, Goldrush, and Under. Maybe with building disabling, you could increase the price to 500 or 700.
  19. X Mountain is thematically brave in that it expands the environments that we can experience in renegade. On of the main criticisms of the original Renegade was the excessive Canyon and Snow textures. I feel that the Renx devs purposefully gave us a unique environment to make amends for the original's shortcomings. Mechanically, yes, it has some shortfalls. But the sheer amount of work that goes into their maps (for free) warrants some understanding. I think X Mountain is a colorful and imaginative map. I would love it if they released another map with the same texture set. Great work as always, Renx Team.
  20. Renegade X, the C&C: Renegade "spiritual successor," enters Beta 3 The developers of the free, fan-made Commander & Conquer: Renegade spiritual successor Renegade X have just released the game's third beta, which includes various bug fixes and optimizations, a new launcher, and two brand-new maps. http://www.pcgamer.com/renegade-x-the-c ... rs-beta-3/ Personal Comment: Looks like PC Gamer yet again gives RenX some favorable coverage! This is awesome, and I am glad that they share a respect for this game with the rest of the community. Thanks PC Gamer
  21. Prediction 1: Mass APC new meta Prediction 2: Cries for artillery nerf/buff will last until the end of time.
  22. I think you are the right track. However i feel this is a product of a broader issue: the damage/repair stalemate that occurs when a team is being beaten into submission and needs 5 people to stand in a building and hold down left mouse. Not to mention the attackers also sit in the field and hold left mouse. It sounds good in theory: an engineer getting more credits so they can mount a counter attack. However, given the circumstances, the engineer will likely be glued to repairing until some break in the stalemate occurs.
  23. Rigid polygons OUT Natural Breathing Environments IN I like this philosophy! I can't wait to camp the hill, just like the old days :') Great work guys!
  24. Anyone who consistently plays AOW servers probably has an opinion about this game's point system. This was one of the many ports from the old version that may be in a need of a little refinement. A few angles of contention: - Even if you make a comeback, it can be difficult to take the lead in points again, sometimes impossible. A turtling team can often hold out until they win by default. - The disparity of rewards. I get 10 points for killing an enemy 1000g sniper, but I can "farm" upwards of 500 for hitting an enemy building repeatedly. - Teamplay. The only point reward for being a teamplayer is for camping out and healing a besieged building or getting a small stream of points for healing a tank. I feel that healers need to be better recognized, when healing tanks AND infantry. These are just a few observations that come to mind. I really enjoy AOW, it feels like a neck to neck race to the finish. But there are aspects that feel unfair at times. What do you think? Is this system good as is, or does it need an overhaul?
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