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Everything posted by Canucck

  1. Airstrikes slow the game down, they are cheap spammable massive AoE abilities that are very hard to push into. Scoped movement on all weapons has a slow, in renegade the zoom had no penalty. There is a movement penalty after jumping. New maps have either no or limited/useless tunnels, tunnels helped a lot with breaking stale situations in ren. I could be imagining this one but it feels like AoE either has a larger radius or the damage doesn't drop off as fast within the radius. AoE slows the shit out of everything gameplay-wise. It's not hit or miss, it will happen every time you try to fire the instant your weapon is finished reloading. Buy an SBH+carbine, reload while invis, then try to fire immediately as it finishes. You will lose ammo and stay invisible because you aren't actually shooting anything. This is the no-fire bug, it's completely different from noregs incase you were getting it confused with that. I wasn't really talking about your analysis post at all other than the part I quoted. Ramjet 1shots on free inf were one of the biggest problems with game pacing in the original too.
  2. Neither sniper can fire at max RoF atm because of the no-fire bug. It's more noticeable on single shot weapons but it still happens with autos between reloads too. Fix that before even thinking about changes to RoF. The rest of the comments here seem to want the game slowed down to battlefield pace and the ability to groundpound everything instead of aiming... the RenX changes already slowed the game down too much, ren is supposed to be an arcade shooter. The only thing that ever needed to be changed about the ramjet was to make it deal 175-190dmg to infantry instead of 200. The only thing that changes is no 1shots on free inf, so at long range it's not as much of a joke and at close range switching to pistol becomes more efficient in 90% of situations. TTK on the other tiers would stay the same down to 175dmg/shot.
  3. [scale_SkinFlameThrower] None=1.0000 Steel=2.0000 Steel_NoBuilding=2.0000 Shrapnel=1.0000 Explosive=0.7500 Explosive_NoBuilding=0.7500 Shell=2.0000 Shell_NoBuilding=2.0000 Flamethrower=0.1000 TiberiumRaw=1.0000 TiberiumBullet=1.0000 TiberiumShrapnel=1.0000 C4=2.0000 Laser=1.0000 Laser_NoBuilding=1.0000 Repair=1.0000 IonCannon=1.0000 Nuke=1.0000 Fire=0.1000 Chem=1.0000 Electric=0.1000 Visceroid=1.0000 Earth=1.0000 RegenHealth=1.0000 BlamoKiller=10000.0000 Death=10000.0000 Harmless=0.0000 [scale_SkinChemWarrior] None=1.0000 Steel=2.0000 Steel_NoBuilding=2.0000 Shrapnel=1.0000 Explosive=0.7500 Explosive_NoBuilding=0.7500 Shell=2.0000 Shell_NoBuilding=2.0000 Flamethrower=1.0000 TiberiumRaw=0.0000 TiberiumBullet=0.1000 TiberiumShrapnel=0.0500 C4=2.0000 Laser=1.0000 Laser_NoBuilding=1.0000 Repair=1.0000 IonCannon=1.0000 Nuke=1.0000 Fire=1.0000 Chem=0.1000 Electric=1.0000 Visceroid=1.0000 Earth=1.0000 RegenHealth=1.0000 BlamoKiller=10000.0000 Death=10000.0000 Harmless=0.0000 [scale_ShieldFlameThrower] None=1.0000 Steel=2.0000 Steel_NoBuilding=2.0000 Shrapnel=1.0000 Explosive=0.5000 Explosive_NoBuilding=0.5000 Shell=2.0000 Shell_NoBuilding=2.0000 Flamethrower=0.1000 TiberiumRaw=1.0000 TiberiumBullet=1.0000 TiberiumShrapnel=1.0000 C4=1.0000 Laser=1.0000 Laser_NoBuilding=1.0000 Repair=1.0000 IonCannon=1.0000 Nuke=1.0000 Fire=0.1000 Chem=1.0000 Electric=0.1000 Visceroid=1.0000 Earth=1.0000 RegenHealth=1.0000 BlamoKiller=10000.0000 Death=10000.0000 Harmless=0.0000 [scale_ShieldChemWarrior] None=1.0000 Steel=2.0000 Steel_NoBuilding=2.0000 Shrapnel=1.0000 Explosive=0.5000 Explosive_NoBuilding=0.5000 Shell=2.0000 Shell_NoBuilding=2.0000 Flamethrower=1.0000 TiberiumRaw=0.0000 TiberiumBullet=0.5000 TiberiumShrapnel=0.2500 C4=2.0000 Laser=1.0000 Laser_NoBuilding=1.0000 Repair=1.0000 IonCannon=1.0000 Nuke=1.0000 Fire=1.0000 Chem=0.1000 Electric=1.0000 Visceroid=1.0000 Earth=1.0000 RegenHealth=1.0000 BlamoKiller=10000.0000 Death=10000.0000 Harmless=0.0000 Direct hits (from shells, C4 attached to them) weren't reduced, just AoE
  4. It's not hard to explain... The only thing that matters for dps is the time between the impact of the first and last rocket. This never changes with distance, the rockets would have to have accel/decel for it to work that way.
  5. Switching the PP/Bar doesn't really even out the bases. Switching PP/WF would make them the most similar, as long as the bay door is facing the ref (side door facing the back of base)
  6. RoF is the same regardless of how far away you are, dps doesn't change with distance. The rocket soldier's rockets travel pretty slowly. There definitely is a difference between there being 3 seconds of travel time between rockets hitting, and being point blank so that their ROF is the exact amount of time between damage. The time between the first and last rocket of a clip hitting a building is always identical no matter how far away you are. DPS doesn't change. Firing from a longer distance is much more beneficial from both an offensive and defensive perspective since rockets travel faster than players
  7. All infantry are really powerful atm, not just snipers. But if you nerfed snipers too much vehicles would become ridiculous since no other infantry can kill engineers behind tanks reliably. Sniping is very easy still despite the nerfs in RenX compared to Ren (refire time, zoom slow, buffs to all AoE weapons, maps changes), but it's kinda the lesser of two evils. The game would just be completely broken if they weren't able to counter engies the way they do atm. Although reducing hav/sak damage to ~190 against infantry might do some good, might at least make the players that buy a sakura as soon as the bar dies for easy kills think twice. That's always been the worst part of ren
  8. There are too many mines. The limit shouldn't be high enough to mine every single door and tunnel, having to choose which spots are most important to mine at different points in the game is supposed to be important.
  9. RoF is the same regardless of how far away you are, dps doesn't change with distance.
  10. bar/hon death is definitely the least impactful because of carbines
  11. tbh trying to make this map work seems like a waste of time compared to just remaking hourglass. It's just not as good and never will be without the basics that made hourglass work well.
  12. Seems like cover in the tunnels was removed on this map too (like islands)? Those arches look like they need to stick out from the wall more in order to give the same effect as the beams from the original, and be more frequent throughout the tunnels
  13. BunkersTS, MetroTS, Siege, GlacierTS, BasinTS You need to just remake Ack and Somerhino maps. Also whoever is remaking the original maps should try to pay a bit more attention to the original design of the tunnels. In trying to make things look more stylish you end up leaving out important aspects that change the gameplay (for the worse imo). A good example is the islands tunnels - side pillars along the glass/wall were removed, these pillars were the only cover in the tunnels. Without them it's much harder to push into the tunnels, and fights are just more boring in there now. Also affects balance on islands because the tunnels aren't symmetrical. These were everywhere in the Canyon tunnels too so I hope you haven't also removed those
  14. And you've made yourself irrelevant and annoying in one fell swoop. I'll admit the warm-up/grace period is a good idea for slow-loaders, but honestly defending APC rushes early on is a joke...If they've already got the teamwork to pool money, they've probably won anyway. 1 guy spamming for donations is an incredibly sad definition of teamwork. You're playing pubs in a game that only ever has 1-2 servers running while asking for more ways to try and pubstomp to win 5min games...
  15. your forumrage makes me lol
  16. Donate is some of the worst shit ever added to the game, which was one of the reasons we never added it to the n00bstories servers. I don't mind it so much in the mid/late game, but in the early game it just completely defeats the purpose of the credit/ref system and breaks the game. Having donate at the beginning of the game just ends up being an anti-fun mechanic. There's like 1-2 servers with players at any given time and when the game ends in the first 2 minutes because 2/4 of your buildings die to an APC/eng rush while players are still afk after the map switch, it just sucks and makes people leave. Some kind of warm-up time after map load might help instead, but just disabling donate for the first couple minutes would be a lot simpler and would not have any downsides whatsoever.
  17. The infantry only paths are a good start, but you need the tunnel side entrances. The side tunnels were a big part of what made hourglass work well, and the paths up the side of hill don't really compensate enough.
  18. All UE3 games play terribly when there's more than ~10 players in a server, issue is not specific to RenX. Engine was made for SP games and to satisfy ~4v4 console MP (if you look into UT4 development they're having a lot of issues with input and network performance on UE4 because of this) It's no surprise that noregs/nofires happen a lot more often even on hitscan given that there's 40 people in a server. Would probably help a lot to limit servers to 32p, you can notice a massive difference joining a server with ~20p and watching your noregs/etc increase as it fills to 40. Although it's handling this many players a lot better than I thought it would
  19. Can be fine with 24-32p too, same for Under. A lot of the original maps just really suck with 40p+
  20. 127 was never popular in Renegade at any point. 32 was always the standard, both the maps and gameplay were balanced around that number. 40p+ only got popular when the game was basically dead and those were often the only servers with players, so people kept joining them.
  21. WallsFlying was both better and way more popular than Walls in the original. But the majority of servers were 32p while crates gave only credits and refills. Walls is already an easy map to defend but with more than 32p there are always too many people available to defend (similar with field, it was way better with 32 or less). The random crates have always been absurd, but on walls if the ref, pp, or bar/hon go down and someone crates a sak/havoc... as long as they're not retarded they can pretty much solo the game since the map is relatively open compared to most (also why the new fake hourglass isn't very fun). Or people can just game the crates and just collect a ton of money to prolong an already stale game.
  22. Why not center the screen of the new perspective to the same point as the old perspective when switching between them
  23. When you zoom your reticle doesn't stay where you were originally aiming pre-zoom. It moves your reticle down and left. The same thing happens when switching between 1st/3rd person, but when you're in 3rd person and move to zoom it uses the 1st person reticle position. Happens on every weapon with zoom, somewhat annoying. Album showing issue http://imgur.com/a/zKrjR
  24. Not having the launcher auto-update people from beta1 to beta2 is what really wrecked the playerbase. Even with the crashes there still would have been a good carry over between the version, but now greenlight is pretty much the only thing that will bring it back. I haven't seen a NA server with players in like 2 weeks
  25. Killing multiple 1000cred chars with an autorifle and getting like 50creds does really suck, but making it more than what the original gave would change the balance a lot. There is a huge spread between repairing and killing atm though and having everyone always repairing can be pretty terrible. Shit still needs to die I don't think the spread really helps that much with defense either. Sometimes people just don't want to repair and no amount of extra points can convince someone to sit with their mouse clicked on a terminal for long periods of time if they really don't want to. It's a little painful to watch a hotwire remote the CC while 6 people are repairing and still see the building die because no one was shooting the hotwire.
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