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Everything posted by Ban4life

  1. I dont know, I think the prices would be outrages for copyright stuff. Yes, Tiberium had right to use the engine, but this is something totally different. They have to ask Unreal again for the rights. It is a countermesure against people saying "hey we are going to make tiberium" and then make a porn game out of it for example. So they still need the rights! But if the Prices would be decent, why not? offtopic: Tiberium wars was good imo. The only thing it lacked (and that sucked big time) was the feel of tiberium dawn. Tiberium was more like a resource and a small hazard for your walking units in wars. In dawn it was a worldthreatening and worldchanging thing that corrupted everything. You can see it in the red zones that they tried, but it just isnt the same feel as the dark murky tiberium waters in dawn... Ban4life
  2. QUOTE (AsgarothXc @ Apr 26 2009, 11:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> They are programming bots to have a good AI if you design a whole level, its easy to put a few extra spawners for the bots. To put everything I said here in perspective: If they put extra respawners there, yes you can have a bunch of bots in the training skirmish matches, nearly like the regular ut3 game. Can't wait... to kick some non-bot *ss in renegade-x =) Ban4life
  3. QUOTE (Demigan @ Apr 27 2009, 09:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And how will they make it bad? from what Ive seen it is already a treat. It will be hard to make it a disappointment. But if you are going to make a lynching party, I've stocked on torches and pitchforks! There's bound to be some other people we can lynch! like critics! Wait, we start with you! Ban4life
  4. QUOTE (R315r4z0r @ Apr 18 2009, 02:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Achievements arent the goal of the game, but they do help motivating for some stuff. It helps you show of some things you have worked hard for. It can raise your status as a renegade player, wich is something very valueble. Some people would do anything to raise their status. Being a mod helps for example, but cheating does too. If you do it in a fasion that it isnt really seen, everyone thinks you are a good player and you will be looked up to. (I dont name some of the people who did it, some even were mods) I mean, what is playing renegade good for if everyone thinks your nothing? You only have the fun of trying to destroy the base and stuff. Its fun, I grant you, but you can get more... Status can even help in fights. If you are up against someone you know is good, you will react differently. I have seen people who in normal firefights are quite good, but against good players they suddenly jump around, bullits flying everywhere exept in the right direction. If you inspire fear into your enemies, you can get a lot further. So yes, achievements would change gameplay and some people would do ANYTHING to get those achievements. Just to show off how "good" they are. Some people think achievements are everything. Also, if you look at the equivilent of achivements on the servers this moment. These are called recommandations. Some people show them off, are really proud of every single one they got. Even if they get 5 every day from friends for no reason. Achievements change gameplay. They can get the whole purpose of the game instead of winning. Ban4life
  5. QUOTE (dirtycopgangsta @ Apr 18 2009, 03:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Should have specified that It is possible then, but I think it is only possible if the transporter spawns with the tank underneath. If any vehicle could be winched, only the buggy and the humvee imo About the 5 second run away time, I think its too long. You can run away for 5 whole seconds? There is no more thrill of maybe dying or disarming the beacon... You either disarm it or you can run away. I think Demigans solution might be worth thinking about. Only a 1 second run away time. Another question. Will people who have died still stop bullits? Meaning if they fly around (in pieces or as a whole body) be able to stop rockets and bullits? It wouldnt be a great change, but it would alter the gameplay. Will names of enemies only be displayed if you target them or hit them? It would enchance sneaking around. Ban4life
  6. QUOTE (NEFobbyGEN @ Apr 18 2009, 09:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> My bad Fobby
  7. Aww, you beat me. Whoeps, my brother seems to have logged in while I was away. Read 'Demigan' here.
  8. QUOTE (epicelite @ Apr 18 2009, 02:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> As Nobby says, there will be vids and maps to get new players up to speed. Second: if you make an appropiate and good map for basics and training, I dont think the team can really mind. Create it and send it to them for review. If you are planning to just design it, meaning draw a layout and send it to them. Please dont. Let their own creativity come up with something. Ban4life
  9. QUOTE (Demigan @ Apr 17 2009, 12:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes to the bots part. Server based achievements is something different. There is just a list that is connected to the server. After every game, list will get updated. It is relatively not a lot of information. Just a name and his/her achievements will be linked through and added to the list. If you compare that to flying debree, location of the characters, bots, all the flying bullits, etc. its not a lot to keep in the memory. Achievements should look like this: Vehicle achievements (2/25) Tank buster (done): Kill 20 tanks in one match Tank allrounder GDI: Has had every tank of GDI in one match 23 still undiscovered Death achievements (3/9) I did it on purpose: Killed yourself and an enemy over 20 times in one match with your own C4 Body smasher: Deadly stare: Didnt fire a single shot in a firefight 6 still undiscovered Secret achievements (3) Black box Uri Geller Albinoblacksheep etc. Some achivements are shown how you get them, others arent. They are only shown in the list if you have done them. Secret achievements could also be caterogised under for example death achievements in a sub-catagory. Secret achievements is best not to be shown at all how they are done, exept if they are very, very hard.
  10. God Of War: Get MVP, Highest KD, Highest bodycount in 10 matches or more (at least 15 people on the server) BOOOOOORIIIIING: stay in a flying coffin for more then 10 minutes in a game (maybe 2ndairy name: transport tycoon?) GDI allrounder: got every character and tank on GDI side in one game (timed matches only) Nod allrounder: got every character and tank on Nod side in one game (timed matches only) GDI stealth: Got every kind of vehicle from Nod (entire Ren-X carreer) Nod stealth: Got every kind of vehicle from GDI (entire Ren-X carreer) GDI patience: Got 3 or more vehicles from Nod in one game Nod patience: Got 3 or more vehicles from GDI in one game (GDI and Nod separated cos of SBH) Wake of flatulence: Kill 200 or more ppl with a Chem thrower (entire Ren-X carreer) Jumpstart: Kill a building within the first 5 minutes of a game Crashcourse: Kill a tank by pushing it from an edge Charlies gallore: Kill 10 or more people with a Railgun/PIC in the torso 65K: Have a ping above 300 M.O.R.S.E: have a ping above 500 Pulled the plug: left a game for 3 or more times (due to "connection problems") α and Ω: (ah crap its supposed to be alpha and omega) get MVP, Highest KD, Highest bodycount and killed all buildings in a game with 20 or more people. Pacifist: did not do a single damamage in the whole game (lasting 10 minutes or more, being active like repairing) running out of time, but i can keep spamming this Ban4life
  11. I like the first and the one of razz I think i would go for the first one though. nice job =)
  12. QUOTE (dirtycopgangsta @ Mar 20 2009, 03:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Its no problem man! Just ask your questions =D My point was, some weird questions have been asked, and idea's have been spammed. Though it is allright at a certain level, most of the time they can just make threads for these idea's. Idea's arent supposed to be in de FAQs, though happening a lot. Nor the weird questions that are asked sometimes. Often idea's are disguised as a question. Not really fair. Ban4life @parachutes: only from the coffin! that would be more interesting. @accuracy: Renegade is for pro's, so the tactic "firehose" doesnt work very well because of the small and incredibly precise aim. Let us keep it that way. @bailing out of your vehicle: in time games it could be handy. The bonus for destroying a vehicle of the enemy with someone in it is a significant one. If you get out just before they kill off your vehicle, they dont get as much points, and you arent standing in the middle of the destoryed vehicle being such a target, you are standing just next to it giving you that very little more egde to run away... (or loose havoc ofcourse)
  13. I'm not using hyves really... I use facebook. must be all my international friends. They dont really have hyves easyer to keep contact with a program they do have. Ban4life
  14. you dont get a disk, you just get to download it... i want something more... substantial, real. If my computer crashes (witch shouldnt be for too long) I want to be able to install it on another computer...
  15. I remember the room filled with big cabinets. You had to punch holes into cards and feed it to the computer. It often overheated and things burned through. You had to wait a day, and then... VOILÃ
  16. please people. This is for normal questions and answers only. So please stop spamming (though often quite funny) questions. Make a discussion threat about it somewhere about the faqs maybe, but not here. Bomb-vee's would be cool though, but more a nod thing. bring in the terrorist! Edit: though I have to admit, this way some important questions are asked that otherwise wouldnt be asked. will it be able to use explosions to walljump?
  17. QUOTE (epicelite @ Mar 17 2009, 11:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I do not know exactly what you mean with this phrase, but it did gave me an idea. Might be that you were thinking the same. Make some kind of number on the side of a vehicle. If its the second one bought it will have a big 2 on the tank somewhere. Might be more trouble then for what its worth. But I dont know much about coding and you guys did some really amazing things already (like the dirt acumulating) Ban4life
  18. QUOTE (NEFobbyGEN @ Mar 16 2009, 04:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ah now i see. I thought those were different panels because of the black line. Try it, it doesnt make sence at all then Still, that doesnt happen often, only with lag Ban4life Edit: oh and i want to add. The ghostmine where you will trow it sounds like a really fun idea, but on the other side, it might be much more fun if its still more or less a guess where you will trow it. Also, how will the mine's attatch to walls and stuff? will they be horizontal always like in renegade or will they attatch to the surface with upside out?
  19. QUOTE (epicelite @ Mar 16 2009, 01:15 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Mines in renegade were really accurate. Only hardship is the (small) lag, making them less accurate. With UTIII it isnt really expected to do that. Btw i dont understand the comic. Its about trowing mines wrong, but is that one stuck to you? and what are the gray screens...? Ban4life
  20. QUOTE (epicelite @ Mar 5 2009, 06:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> O my... just... no offence but... please stop talking! Machine gun no longer damages tanks? A med can face any group of chaingunners in the field, if skilled enough. Snipers normal damage to the flying units? no way in hell... The whole discussion is, like some people already stated, pointless. let me state that again. pointless And somehow I think the message still wont be understood or read, but my argumentation follows: Yes there is an imbalance between the units the way you look at it. It is like you are thinking this is all a flat map with nothing in it. But everyone is tweaking that map just a little so it suits themselves best. A laser chaingunner has no chance in hell agains my med. If he is standing a few feet away Take walls, only one chaingunner is needed to keep one or two meds in a distance if he's on the wall. No one likes to take damage without being able to do lots back. A patch is really good against all infantry. Yes, even snipers. Challange me and die. But ofcourse he's going to die if he's on one side of field and the sniper is on the other. Even the most skilled here cant do anything about that. Rocket soldiers... well, sorry, they are just very ineffective. Only the gunner has some fear factor for base rushes and agains infantry for its splash. I'm not the best with the rocket soldiers. Still, they can serve their purpose against tanks and stuff. SBH's are really good, if you quickly take position and start shooting. A skill only 1 in a million has. mobius and stuff are even better. Indeed, their only lack of being the ultimate weapon is their range. Its a pretty big beam that comes out, handy if you arent the pin point presicion but still are aiming somewhere near your opponent, doing massive DOT too. (that is Damage Over Time) Able to melt down vehicles quicker than any other infantry weapon and the advantage of higher mobility than vehicles. (EG, getting on top of something to shoot your ass off) Then there are the snipers. Over valued in nearly all cases. Their asset is mostly the fear. One shot and you are nearly (or completely) dead. Some think it is a unfair unit. Take field and its hallways. Its packed with the snipers and its really hard to take it back. But whatever. If you fill it with chemsprayers, patches, mobius/mendoza's and the like, I would think a whole lot longer about it. One is a chance you kill a few snipers because of their lack of skill or luck to hit you, the other is taking continues pumeling, while you only get to damage a few other persons who will refill anyways. Against vehicles. Yes it is effective against the light vehicles. Yes it is effective against the mammy (hehe). No it isnt effective against: light tanks, flamers, medium tanks, mammoth tanks, stanks (though just as much point to gain there as with the mammy), both APC's. The options of a sniper are really limited. The other units benefit much more of the cover and mobility infantry has to offer. In conclusion. Most infantry are really good. Balanced. There is one simple fact here. or you are complete nitwits1 and dont know how to use your characters. or you are just forgetting all about the tactics. I win 95% of the cases that i would be in a "disadvantage" if I'm allowed to choose my ground. And mostly, I do. Ban4life 1You know of yourself when you arent the nitwit. So dont feel attacked if you are not. If you are uncertain about it or just dont know, then yes, I am talking to you. Edit: i hit enter and it started posting <.
  21. QUOTE (Ackapus @ Mar 6 2009, 03:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm glad I see someone who thinks like this. It opens new ways. I have played with large numbers, and it was quite good. I liked the map exept for his mapbug. The teleporting mines were really a way against the sneaking. The mines could be seen and disarmed at one place, but if an enemy walked over the place you mined it, they would explode. It really were invisible mines. If the enemy team didnt mine the buildings but just outside the buildings, you never knew when you were going to explode. It hardly happens though. The mapbug was the lag. Your system requirements didnt matter (in contrary to what NEFirestorm says ) and one or two random persons on the server got a heavy lag. The cause of the lag is unknown, but mostly the fps dropped when a tank fired. Ban4life
  22. I fully agree with mighty, just let the locked vehicle put the teammates into the gunner/passenger seat. To all other stuff, the tanks can be stolen by enemy's any time. If you are stupid enough to let your vehicle be stolen, dont get a vehicle... my own vehicles that have been stolen is about 3, not even 1 each year. Its all in how you play. Ban4life
  23. I liked glacier, exept for sometimes the lag. more then enough ways to infiltrate the enemy base and good distances. The map isnt really that big if you know where you are going. I'm using only a bit more time to get to the enemy base in glacier then for example in under. So lets see it in x-style! Ban4life
  24. Q: The feign death of UT III is going to stay. I read that somewhere. But will the names still be visible above someone's head? Because if it is, there is nearly no point to it. A second thing is that the deaths of persons are displayed is also irritating for feign death, though there are more then enough tactical ways to use it. Ban4life
  25. well, congrats on the being third.... but you should have gotten first i'll check on the first, maybe they rightly won . So congrats with second place. Ban4life
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