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Posts posted by omega79

  1. well ... saying that the devs do not put any thought in it is just not right!

    and they already tested it at least, we did not ...

    we will see what happens ... i still think you are wrong :P

  2. uhm ... gather a group, buy an APC and rush a building is teamwork an requires a good team.

    and as shocking as it sounds ... balance means both teams have equal chances ... balance says nothing about the quality of certain tactics

  3. happened to me when a SBH C4ed me and i ran back to the PT in the hope if I change class it will remove the C4 ...

    the C4 die blew up while I was in the PT menu and I was in Spectator with no other way out than opening the console and type reconnect

    I could move around free but the mouse did not work ... and moving was very hard to get used to ...

    only could go up, down, left, right and combinations of each (except combination of up and down ofcourse)

    turning was impossible ...

    made this screenshot:


  4. Pay 1000 credits to break the game, or airstrikes 2: electric boogaloo.

    I'd rather see an offensive tech building - capture it and it acts as forward spawn with purchase terminal.

    I would say that a forward spawn would breake the game!

    How could you ever break through a sige?

  5. I do not see it as a big balance problem ...

    you can not reload them and we do not know how much ammo they have ...

    all i see as a problem is that they are way too cheap ... they should cost 3 times more or 1000 credits

    and not to forget, you have to hold the actual techbuilding if you want to use them ...

    and no idea if you actually build them or if they maybe get droped by a chinok ...

    droped by a chinok would be sweet ... then you can not build them inside buildings and the enemy could see where they are planted while they are delivered ...

  6. [...]If you have to choose between City_Flying and Volcano, which would you choose?

    Probably the worst question for me ...

    I really really really would love to see Volcano!!

    I mean, imagine the Lava, the Cave and the Canyon ... the Tunnels and Balconies

    Only basic Basedefenses ...

    This map has sooo much potential for Tactics and Eyecandy ... it can be an absolute stunner!

    But yet ... City_Flying can be hot aswell!

    The urban setting, the long straight view for snipers, two ways for vehicles ... sure a gem!

    This question can not be answered :P

    For about the turrets ...

    If they have limited ammo, can not be reloaded and are not to hard to destroy by 1 or 2 tanks it will be fine

    same for refill/repair/heal crates, if everybody can refill/repair/heal (even enemies) and they be destroyed easy (like 1 timed c4) it will be fine

  7. I think it would be nice to be able to construct turrets with certain characters. Like on some popular Renegade servers in the past or like in TF2. TF2 is such a good and fun game. Maybe give it as a side-ability to Technicians and Hotwires?

    Or maybe some other side-arm for McFartland? He seems kinda lacking in the current metagame.

    seeing some "older" streams, there was an options to buy sentries and refill stations

  8. been said they want to do all classic maps (except glacier) and some new maps

    some of the classic maps might be updated a little, like mesa or hourglass

    been also said that ther will come more techbuildings ...

  9. I also remember an other good reason to put C4 on your own vehicle ...

    If you patrol the base as Hotwire with an APC it is better you plant remotes on your APC.

    Then you can get out to defuse a beacon and if your APC (Parked in distance) gets captured by the SBH you blow it.

    I know that has nothing to do with the "rush and blow" tactic but shows that it actually can be used in other ways

  10. And an ip-ban isnt't an option in these cases?

    IP ban does nothing ...

    In many countries you have a dynamic IP ...

    My IP changes every time I reconnect to the internet ...

    and VPN is very cheap and easy to use for everyone ...

    IP ban is a joke, and not a good one :P

    I thought there was a solution posted against the speed hack.

    only if server owners change the values ... seems there still a lot who did not

    and there is no solution to enemies using your PT yet :(

  11. Follow the what


    In fiction, canon is the material accepted as "official" in a fictional universe. It is often contrasted with, or used as the basis for, works of fan fiction. The term "canon" can be used either as a noun, referring to "the original work from which the fan fiction author borrows,"[1] or as an adjective to describe whether or not certain elements are accepted as authoritative parts of the fictional universe.

    Source: WIKIPEDIA


    Canon is a very common word as you see ;)

  12. What a shame. Hacking in a game where hacking gives you nothing in return. It's not like in CoD where you can get ranks up or anything. There's literally no reward.

    they just want to kill the fun and troll ... thats their reward

    How is that a reward? Man people are messed up.

    Oh comon ... some people are messed up!

    I am sure they have serious issues, probably realy dissapointing life, no attention of their beloved, just no friends or bullied ...

    They are happy to stand in the focus, get actual attention by a lot of people ... everybody talking about them, for this very moment they are the star of the server ...

    OR they want to piss other people off like life pisses them off, make others feel the same anger they do

    they want others on their level of feelings, since they can not get to the level of "normal" people they drag em down to their low level

    thats a reward for them ...

    people with a straight mind do not do this ...

    and i think the most of them still are very young (under 25) or/and have an unfinished mind

    (While there is no way to ban them) Best way to deal with them:

    Ignore them, not even talk about them, maybe stop playing seriously

    they will lose interest very quick

    sadly thats not going to happen on a server, you wont get 31 players ignoring a cheater

    Second best way:

    Switch server

    hope there will be a way to ban them soon ... some kind of hardware hash or something

  13. What's up with the Tiberian Wars hate? It's a good game.

    the game was okayish ... playable ... maybe even a little fun ;)

    but it felt not like C&C ... they did not follow the canon and the story was dissapointing

    TBH, TD raised the bar very high ... and even TS did not get that high for many of the fans (I liked it a lot!) ...

    but TS did follow the canon ...

  14. I do not think they actually need the permission of EA to put it on steam since EA already did allow them to distribute the game as long as they do have any income out of it ... except they did clealry exclude certain ways of distribution

    on the other hand it would show gratitude to ask EA

    but we also have no insight on the arrangements ... so anything is just speculation

    all we know is, they want to put it on steam ... just hope it will happen ...

    that would maybe give a larger community

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