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Posts posted by omega79

  1. ofcourse, but it turned out that a lot annoying people never bring in any good strategy ...

    at least in other games ... but that might be the case in any game

    I would love to at least have a test run on voip ...

    but if that is not possible (for what ever reason) it wont hurt the fun

  2. there will be no custom maps untill gold release they told us ...

    so there might be 1 more map but i guess not maps

    and i agree ... map voting needs to be modified ...

    so that if you played one map you can not vote this map to be the next map ...

    or better, you can not vote the map for the next 2 votes ...

    and maybe make it that a vote only counts if at least 35% voted for a certain map

  3. i tend to use my computers for at least two years, most for like 4 years ... and i always can play all games

    at the end of the 4 years i sure have to lower settings on latest games but they still are playable and enjoyable

    so your computer must be either really old (probably around 2006)

    or your computer is only an older one that needs serious maintenance (clean the system, clean the fans, maybe clean OS installation, new drivers etc.)

    And yes, you are right ... fun does not come from eye candy, sure! ... but it also not entirely depends on how smooth a game runs ...

    For me it is like that:

    50% Gameplay

    20% Engine/Netcode optimizing

    15% Graphics

    15% Support

    those are just my subjective values!

    but you also have to accept that time moves on, so does the progress in computer engineering

    why not use that progress? ... if you like computer games you have to invest in your hardware

    every once in a while ... if i know i have to buy new hardware i save a couple of month for that ...

    it is not that you need thousands of Euros/Dollars every year ... PC gaming is a very affordable

    hobby if you not need state of the art hardware every 3 or 6 month, and for enjoyable gaming you dont need

    state of the art hardware

  4. after all .. UT3 is pretty old already ...

    sure it got updated and developed over the years but a older computer should be able to run it aswell ...

    and you have a load of grafik options you can change ...

    if your computer is not older than 8 or 10 years and meant for gaming you should have no problem ... and if it is, you might try to save for a new one ... sorry

  5. The Projectile of the arty is traveling in an arc ...

    because that makes it slightly harder to aim they did increase the speed of the projectile

    (not sure how that will change anything on "difficulty")

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