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Posts posted by omega79

  1. well those tunnels are supposed to provide the possibility to attack from behind, the waterfall tunnel is still a tunnel that is more a frontal attack way.

    and they even get a chance to destroy a building of a team that controls the map, i mean a more easy chance than the beacon through the regular tunnel ...

    right now a team can almost entirely move out without taking too much risk of losing a building.

    just say GDI has 7 Tanks on he nodbase, like 4 engis repairing the tanks, few snipers on field and the rest is in the tunnels ... the base has only those people who just respawned, no real defense ... the traffic in the tunnels is enough defense already

    there is not much NOD can do ...

    with those tunnels there is an extra path to sneak in ... so if GDI leaves the base they might lose a building

    if GDI defendes better that means that at lest a few people stay in base what causes less infantery traffic on the rest of the map ... that might open gaps in the sige

    ^^ those are the thoughts about the tunnels

  2. A lot people, including myself, feel that Field is in 90% a sige camping map.

    A team can easy be locked up to their base and the sige is very hard to break.

    Even if you break the sige it is sometimes very hard to keep the field with the damaged

    vehicles and infantery that is left on the field after the break through. while the other team

    will rush out with fresh vehicles/infantery very quick and have easy to destroy targets.

    I thought about a solution to this and came up with some tunnels.

    The red tunnel do have 3 exits:

    the Base exit which is slightly covered by each basedefense. makes it easy to sneak in but

    is also not to hard to defende.

    the ramp exit, close to the bunker it provides some sort of cover in close distance to a sige.

    the field exit, sure the chance to sneak into the enemies tunnel or to attack the sige from behind

    the green tunnels are sideways and offer an alternative path inside the tunnels.

    they also feature a balcony and are probably used by snipers a lot

    both tunnels have a good value to different infantery units and probably be frequently used.

    so it sure is not a free ticket to enter the enemies base.

    it also gives value to the less used parts of each base.


    Those are just Ideas and suggestions ... feedback and discussion are welcome ... but please stay friendly, even if you not agree ...

    thank you :)

  3. I noticed that the Harvester gets stuck some times.

    I have seen it be stuck on the Airstrip after dilivery, or just outside of the WF.

    on Walls GDI harvester gets stuck inside the dockingbay like 100% of time-

    I also noticed that it eventually, but rarely, does a suicide if it got stuck.

    would it be possible to make it so that the harvester gets removed (no explosion just silent remove) once

    it did not change location for like 2 minutes or 90 seconds and be replaced by a fresh spawned harvester

    at the refinary bay?

    (A harvester that got killed still needs to be build in WF or delivered via airstrip!!)

    If that would work it would be no disadvantage for the team with the bugged harvester in case the WF or Strip is dead.

  4. it is very normal that patches do not fix all problems ...

    some problems are harder to fix or lower priority than others ...

    and even if that is bad, patches can add othe bugs aswell ...

    that is why gamedevelopment takes so much time, and that is why some AAA games are buggy (they do not take enough time)

  5. dealing with the minelimit is part of the game, if your team doesnt get it straight ... probably a bad team

    i think a minelimit of 30 to 40 is perfect, more is just crap because you can totaly mine anything ...

    handeling your limited resources is always the key (same for vechlimit)

    mining the tunnels on field in an offensive way can be handy aswell ...

    if your team is dominating the tankbattle you can mine the tunnels to keep

    the infantery in the nodbase ... if they lost hand the remaining higher characters

    are very carefull and stuck to the base ... even if soldiers suicide to clear the mines

    they never can be sure that the tunnel will stay clear

    i think it is a raw guidline in the startingpost, for those who are very new to the game.

    later on you have to learn to adapt to the match process and develop advanced strategies.

  6. map with markers and friendly player possitions tied to a comcenter or a techbuilding

    and a static plain map (maybe with your location) if the comcenter/techbuilding is lost or not available

    sounds good i think

  7. actually a pretty nice idea to tie it to a comcenter ...

    not sure if it should be a techbuilding or building inside each of bases ...

    marking targets on the map is very powerfull, not sure if it should be possible

    marking a found beacon makes it much more easy to defuse ...

    solution could be if it is only possible to mark certain buildings

  8. I agree .. it would be nice to be able to open the map ...

    but you only should see your own team vehicles and units probably with friendly beacons, maybe with enemy units that are in the fov of a friendly unit (and maybe spottet enemies for 3-5 seconds)

    but a map with only friendly units would be sweet aswell

  9. I would say those are good ground rules to follow BUT always keep the circumstances in mind.

    like on goldrush, you better not mine the bar you better mine the bridge (including the rails) and that rock where SBH jump into the river ...

    but you always have to stay around there, that wil give GDI a very high chance to win.

    same in field, better mine the tunnel exit (not inside) between bar and ref ... and the agt

    on nod sidde mine the tunnel exit at ref, the ob and the hon

    on Walls I tend to leave the pp completely without mines, and mine weak spots around/inside ref + wf stairs with around 20 mines and leave the rest to someone else (or on nod the same with HON and REF)

    But there is one thing that is very importand i believe ...

    IF you start to mine then please stay a defender, it does not make sense to mine

    and then 3 minutes later buy a tank and leave the base.

    It is okay to change to offensive if you played a while defender and you learned about the current enemies and their playstyle or if the game is drasticly to your teams favour ...

    but at the start, place mines, keep checking your mines, repair buildings, patrol the base with changing ways

  10. something like this is possible ...

    look at games like savage(2) or natural selection2

    okay in natural selection you do not actually build a base with buildings but a small base with support structures like laboratories, teleporter, tunnels, resourcenodes, armories ...

    it would sure be possible with command and conquer ... i actually wonder noone ever tryed

  11. Yes, the problem are sidearms not the class ...

    i think sidearms need more balancing ...

    maybe no sidearms without a techbuilding and slightly more expensive ...

    ofcourse the bug that let you keep sidearms after you die will be removed (already confirmed)

    engineers should not be allowed to carry grenades imo

  12. wait for the patch man ...

    if you lose your sidearms every time you die a engineer can not defende himself anymore

    sidearms make em too powerfull ... i am not a friend of sidearms that are available without a techbuilding

    and a good team can very easy handle 8 engineers rushing in ...

    but in fact, angi rush was always a tactic ... you shall learn to handle such instead of suggestiing a massive gameplay change ...

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