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Posts posted by omega79

  1. I like teambased games ...

    After Renegade I always was on the search for something similar ...

    A game where I can use my tactical skills as a "ninja" or just to support the troops ...


    I played the classic Wolf:ET a while (now it is a pain with all the modifications)


    After ET:QW came out I played that one very long, still one of the most underrated games

    Possible to play as a medic, place supplies on tactical places or provide spawnpoints at the front

    call airstrikes, provide shilds, cover with smoke, plant mines or kill enemie turrets


    BF 2142 in the titan mode was pretty unique and very much fun aswell ... yet an other underrated gamemode!

    that should be ressurected in some kind of game ... it really was a ton fun


    I got hooked on Minecraft, as so many others and founded a german community (at times the biggest in germany) http://www.crafters-united.net ...

    but after those RPG elements gained more and more weight i kinda got bored and handed the community to fellow friends (Who still run it at a decent evel)


    Played DayZ ... now wait for progress in the SA ... still not sure if I like the direction of the SA


    Natural Selection 2 yet an other underrated game ...

    very fun ... combines RTS and FPS in a good way ... I can imagine a NS2-AOW game ... open field with bases and vehicles/tankunits and a commander ...

    sadly this game is about to die :(



    I recently discovered Don't Starve ... very nice rougelike survival game!

    ofcourse FTL is a very very great game!

    Orcs must die 1 and 2 is a good value game aswell

    Antichamber very tricky, still not through yet (I refuse a walkthrough!)

    and believe it or not ... I liked DUKE NUKEM FOREVER a lot, for me just what I expected it to be ... vintage!

  2. I think you had to decide EU, America or ASIA serverlistings the first view years

    DaDeth/Moonlightshakers and the FCU had a load of EU members ... most from NL and UK but norway, sweden and germany aswell ... one came from the US i can remember

  3. well the FAQ says

    NO spectateing

    ONLY replays

    (FAQ probably worked out with the whole dev team)

    now one dev says there is a spectator mode what does not work how it is supposed, but is confident it will be fixed and stays as a serverside option.

    those two official statements are totaly contrary ... yet confuseing

    I still hope there wont be spectateing

  4. would be nice to have it in a way that does not block playerslots ...

    i hate games where people can spectate and block a slot for someone who actualy brings in any value for the game ...

    i like it when games have a spectator client ... probably with a 2 minute delay

  5. ofcourse you are right!

    also probably just a translation problem here, i do understand (My english is far from perfect as well) ...

    it just sounds wired

    and i thought contacting the team with a thread in the public forum is an odd way, in that case ...

    but there is also a lack of any contact informations on the main site

    that should be corrected i believe ... would help other interested parties to contact the team

    without any registration on the forum

    after all i am just curious to know which site he refers to

  6. I am sure there a lot people who have a 2nd monitor for gaming here in europe, but i would not say "the most" ...

    ofcourse also depending on your social environment!

    and depending on the priorities people have ...

    I do rather keep my money to travel i.e.

    does not mean i think spending money on pc-hardware is bad thing, just up for everybody to decide for them self

  7. I don't like mods either, but there are so many server side options that nobody knows what the "pure" game mode is.

    1. Starting credits

    2. Endgame beacon

    3. Donations

    4. Crates (some servers only allow money crates)

    5. Weapon spawns, random

    6. Weapon or health drops upon death

    7. Tank shells when destroyed

    and others

    I guess if these are the only things the servers modifies, it should still be considered a dedicated (ranked) server.

    My personal preference is:

    1. 0

    2. Yes

    3. After 5 minutes

    4. Money only

    5. No

    6. No

    7. No

    Plus, you're worried about this because you're assuming the playerbase will be small. I'd say we wait and see.

    I like it that way also ...

    and if i remember correct, crates were always just money, devs wanted it different but they just pushed out with a not 100% finished game so they keept crates as money only ... mods changed that later ...

  8. People still use Teamspeak? I thought Ventrillo had dominated.

    Thought the same about ventrilo ... thought its already dead

    Most gamers have a second monitor they can put their TS/Vent window in so they can see. If you dont...how do you live?

    thats new to me ...

    i do not know anybody with a second monitor, nor do i have

    (except for work reasons in the office)

  9. everywhere I saw NOD had a little advantage in statistics ... but it was very well balanced ...

    and one of the best (if not the best) balanced games with two total different fractions ...

    every idiot can balance a game with two equal teams, like counterstrike or BF ...

    the differences between the teams in those games are so minor that it barely can felt during playing ...

    balancing a game like renegdae, with two so different teams, is a tough job ...

    and seeing that NOD over all has a slight advantage, makes it a very good job!

    even with this statistic advantage, GDI has still a very very very huge chance to win!

    thats also part of the reason why so many people love this game.

    it was pretty good balanced!

  10. seeing that they want to allow mutators ... i see a lot coming after its finished ... everybody who knows UT knows how drastic mutators can change the game

    for me this is a possible killer for RenegadeX in the future, it will splitt the probably small community

  11. okayokay ... i admit ... after 8 hours a map can get old

    I remember what must have been the first 2.5 days long match ever :D

    short after Marathon came up ... everybody had a blast (i believe zunnie and fobby must have been there aswell)

    I think I remember Zunnie in a MRLS on field :D

    That game got ended by a servercrash :S

    But it really must have been the first game what took that long ... these days it must have happened more often

    so after all, a SD is way better than a concede ;)

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