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Posts posted by omega79

  1. well, i have to admit i do not like the current menue too

    I agree that it is to dark and that the over all design just does not look good ...

    I like the ALPHA menu showed in the startingpost more ...

    I also agree that "you get used to it" is a pretty poor statement BUT I think while playing I would get used to it :P

    even if every time i spend more than 2 seconds in the menu i would remember the classic layout ...

    I would love to see it redone, but it would not stop me from playing if not ...

  2. Okay that sounds good Fobby :)

    just one more question ...

    if someone walks/drives through the laser while planting, does it reset the process of planting cuz the laser lost its target?

    in quake wars this was a good way to disturb or delay a bombardment in some cases

  3. I just can compare it to quake wars

    there you were able to launch multiple bombardments (like airstrikes) but you were limited to one at a time in a certain area

    you could login your laser just after the bombardment was finished ... giving a small break between the bombardments and granting that there is no multi bombardment in a small area

    in quake wars it did mean: you planted a bomb and someone called the bombardment to cover, BUT the bombardment was to short to cover the whole countdown and a new bombardment started probably to late to cover the bomb again ...

    could be the same with a beacon in RenegadeX ...

    one airstrike gives few seconds of cover for the beacon but not enough to cover the whole countdown and a new one could only be called after the last one is done ... giving a break and chance to defuse

  4. thats sounds good so far ... for about FF for airstrikes only, well guess i have to wait until 26th to see how it feels to say more

    is the limit for a certain area or the whole map?

    could it be possible to have an airstrike on the battlefield and one on the own base while a teammate planted a beacon on an enemy building?

  5. yes you are probably right ... no friendly fire for nukes and ions ...

    but an airstrike, hmmm ... i have mixed feelings, since i did not play RenegadeX yet ...

    a mighty weapon like that should not be a to easy decision to call any time and anywhere

  6. I know Airstrikes from games like Enemy Teritory and Quake Wars ...

    In Quake Wars, when you called an airstrike you had to throw a smoke granade,

    so everybody knew there is an airstrike incomming (never knew from where exactly but a raw idea) ...

    then you had an artillary bombardment what actually works like i saw in RenegadeX videos:

    you had a binocular and marked a spot with a laser for a while ...

    so this laser was clearly visible for the enemy for like 3 or 4 seconds

    and your team got a mark of the affected area on the minimap to avoid friendly fire

    so far so good ...

    but do you get any warning if the enemy placed an airstrike?

    i mean, do you see the laser of the enemy?

    do you get an audiowarning by eva?

    do you get a mark on the map?

    will ther be any indication on the battlefield about where it will hit? (like a small plume or tiny blinking light)

    and do the superweapons do friendly fire?

    i believe they should ... ions, nukes and airstrikes should be fatal to friendlies imo

  7. 1. Will we be able to join a game on the same team as a friend?

    2. If you disconnect/leave a game and rejoin, do you keep your points and credits?

    about 1.

    in old renegade you always autojoined 1 side and could not change.

    once you got used to it, it does not matter ...

    specially if you become a regular on 1 or 2 servers, cuz you know the most other players ...

    then you always play with and against some friends :)

    later on it was modded, so you could offer a "switch team" to the public, but you needed someone else to accept it and switch with you ...

    that would be a good idea, but only if it is limited to the first 2-5 minutes

    hope it is like this in RenegadeX

    about 2.

    in original it was like this ...

    i believe it will be like that in RenegadeX


    I know I am not DEV or tester ... but just in case i thought i give you the idea of how it was in original

  8. BF 2142 in the titan mode was pretty unique and very much fun aswell ... yet an other underrated gamemode!

    that should be ressurected in some kind of game ... it really was a ton fun

    Battlefield games have a replay value of ∞ simply because of how lulzy they are. Stat padding someone until they ALT+TABBED was priceless. I specifically remember a day in high school, walking past an emergency defibrillator on the wall in between classes and bursting into laughter while everyone just stared at me.

    well I personaly tried some BF games ... all were just pure boring ...

    2142 was special ... liked the future tanks, reminded me of C&C with the APC and the mechs

    and titan mode was a unique mode never seen before ...

    titan mode in short:

    2 factions

    each faction has a huge mothership (the titan) floating over the battlefield ...

    first target is to capture missile silos

    those silos shoot in steady intervalls missiles to the enemies titan and lower its shields

    after the shields are down you use the apc, and its catapult pods to shoot your self on the titan

    each titan has an engine room, in which you have to kill its engine core to win

    Natural Selection 2 looks pretty cool, never heard of it before. It reminds me of another game kinda like it with a commander RTS and foot soldier FPS, but cant remember the name.

    maybe savage? http://www.s2games.com/savage/index.php

    i like the mechanics ... but i hate this medi evil fantasy setting

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