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Everything posted by omega79

  1. not sure if there is a way ... doubt it ... if there is one for UT3 you are lucky ... if not then you cant i am not sad about it ... I like my games vanilla
  2. Custom skins and sounds will be not supported ... the game checks all your files, if you change one of the files you can not connect to a server ... at lest thats the last information i remember
  3. I did not go through all but ... this is Command and Conquer, Engineers are essential for Command and Conquer, it is just not possible to remove Engineers And the way they work ist just perfect and fits very well into the universe. As for mines, with a Hotwire/Technichan you can defuse very quick, same with 2 Engies .. and if there less than 4 you do not even have to disarm ... I understand you probably not come from Command and Conquer, but this game is very close tied to this universe and gamemechanics ... even if they did change the game slightly compared to the original the general look and feel of Command and Conquer Renegade and other Command and Conquer games is intended
  4. Thats first hand out of the Dev camp dude: Source: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=71586#p118054 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=71586#p118084 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=71586#p118107
  5. I am fine with the release of the modfiles after the gold release of the game. They planing an adding a lot new/classic maps ... i have read they want to do ALL (except glacier) classics and some of their own work ... there still 5 classics to come and if they "only" make 2 new maps we are looking forward to 7 maps to come ... that means there will be around 13 maps in the official release 13 is a ver high number of official maps for a game! compare it with those commercial games Natural Selection 2: 8 Maps COD Black ops 2: 15 Maps COD Gohsts: 14 Maps BF4: 10 Maps
  6. I like the new maps! little tweak and polish and they are fine I hate field, always did ... just a boring map and I not like white out, i liked hourglass but white out just blows (sorry guys) over all the mappers did a good job! there are always certain maps that you not like and certain aspects of maps that you not like even if you like the map in general
  7. lol ... I wrote rubbish there ... I meant, EA failed to carry that C&C feeling ... and part of the feeling is the more or less subtile comic style humor Red Alert brought that humor to a new level
  8. He should stay independent ... high potential of troubble in the team and in communication with the community once he is in the team
  9. C&C was never too serious .... even if EA failed big time to carry that oldschool C&C feeling that involves comic humor in adequate doses the BOINK is just a part of that humor and belongs there
  10. Thats the game! Scoring more points, even if you have lost more buildings than the enemy, means you are the better team! losing even if you destroyed more buildings means your team has not enough teamwork to finish the job! Winig due to destroying more building would overpower SBH nukes by so far that it is rediculus to even think about it! you can not change the SBH that much to balance it again, and renegade without SBH ... comon
  11. I always felt the map is okayish ... but I agree with permagrin, tunnels would be neat ... with tunnels it could be a good map, depending on the tunnel layout
  12. i also miss the blue flare when the mine disappears cuz of overmineing
  13. I played Natural Selection 2 as Renegade-X [26th Feb]
  14. yes I like this gas idea aswell ... wrote it somewehere aswell
  15. Should be like this: Refill = 40% 1-150 Credits = 15% 151-500 Credits = 5% New Character (Free) = 15% New Character (under 1000 credits) = 5% New Character (1000 credits) = 1% Light vehicle = 3% Heavy vehicle = 0.5% Death (C4)= 10% Death (Superweapon)= 0.5% Spy = 5% (the Spy in its current state as non SBH) this means a: 25.5% chance to have a dissadavntage if you count the free character as such 55% chance for a light advantage 15% medium advantage 4.5% higher advantage 25.5% is a significant risk for higher characters but a risk that could be taken in certain situations
  16. indeed! I miss this feature aswell
  17. @RypeL Sorry man, I was never intended to make anyone look dumb! Apologies if that one got the wrong way! I always thought (and said), since Totem Arts works out of their own pocket and in their spare time, the community should help preventing cheats aswell. We all know that there some skilled people out there who could help. Look how quick an alternative launcher was there (I not compare Launcher and AC), that shows passion and potential. Agent seems to have at least theoretical knowledge about possible solutions. I am very sure that the DEVS and the COMMUNITY can work something out! It is still beta and very fresh on the market
  18. global ban system has a high potential for abuse ... i like the MC bans system for minecraft (even if the MC-Bans staff is somewhat ... i not like them) every server has a reputation represented by points (ie 10) every client has a reputation represented by points (ie 10) if a client got banned from 1 server he gets points subtracted from his reputation the subtraction does depend on the reputation of the server every banned client can open a dispute and demand proof if the client wins he gets his points back and the server loses reputation if the server wins it can earn extra reputation (to a certain limit), makes its ban more powerfull the rules are very strict and there are strict definitions of what is proof and what not there still ways to ban only on the server, not global ... for players not following special server rules every server can set a minimum reputation a player has to have to join the server this system clearly needs a lot of work and administration, but it is a decent way to handle a shared global ban list ... I still think IP bans are not a good tool to ban cheaters ...
  19. i do not like the way how he says it but he got a point there ... dynamic IP is ver common, specialy in europe ... I just have to reconnect my router to the internet with a shortcut on my desktop, takes usualy 3-8 seconds this means if people who are on the same provider than me get banned it could be me suffering from that (if I get the banned IP) and even VPN is very common among cheaters ... but even if IP ban is one of the weakest tools against cheaters, it is a start! A hardware hash is a better way, even if thats not perfect either. but i have no idea how easy that is to code ... suggesting VAC at this point is plain rediculus, game is not even approved by valve yet sorry, but that is rubbish .. dynamic ips change a lot, some providers force to disconnect every 24 hours ... every new connect means a new IP whitelist could be easy done with steam IDs in renegade-X ... much more effective
  20. omega79


    hope there will be a solution soon ... as a server owner you can already force steam login?
  21. omega79


    Turky IP ... hmmm ... doubt there too much testers from there ... but somehow i not think there too much renegade fans down there aswell (vpn?)
  22. admin and moderators can kick any time, doubt they need to start a vote but as far as i know you can not make cheaters stay out, there is no way to ban ... so if someone gets kicked he can rejoin within a few seconds ... at the moment there is no serial or any kind of nick registration The comming patch includes some sort of global bans, server probably can enable Steam required and then ban by the Steam ID ... the only problem is that I can see how this can be abused But I also think the patch maybe removes some points where the popular hacks do hook on the game And I am sure, sooner or later there will be a solution ... maybe comming from the community after the gold release
  23. and again, those numbers just show the interest and the PR success ... nothing more and nothing less i think after the next patch a lot will come back to try ... and a significant amount will leave again but keep an eye on the project ... i think renegade-x has a good future with a maybe small/medium, but decent, playerbase
  24. The logic is: If you lose buildinhgs you still can winn by pints If you far behind in points you cans till win with destroying the base Points and basedestruction is a balance ... jsut need a pedestal for an endgame beacon imho, then it is absolutely perfect!
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